anyone have a good jumbalya recipe?
anyone have a good jumbalya recipe?
Armenian Walnut Preserves, Steeped in Syrup
They look like black olives, but they are whole walnuts, picked green in the Ararat Valley of Armenia, and steeped in sugar syrup until they turn lush, sweet, tender and irresistible, a little like marrons glacés, only moister. They are made by Harvest Song, a company that specializes in excellent Armenian preserves. The walnuts are a perfect foil for pungent cheeses, pâté or roast duck or game. You can also nibble them after dinner or slice them to decorate pumpkin pie. And that manhattan? Drop a preserved walnut in the glass instead of a maraschino cherry.
These I was highly dubious of > because "unripe, green walnuts".
However, they are incredibly delicious and even almost decadent.
Wow, never heard of that, I would assume they would be bitter....
Walnuts, the outside casing, around the shell is green in ripe English & we have black walnuts here as well that the casing turns black much earlier & has a stronger flavor......
??Is it just the meat or more??
It looks like whole walnut to me , but these come from Armenia , perhaps they have different variety of walnuts or the preserving does something ?
It looks like whole walnut to me , but these come from Armenia , perhaps they have different variety of walnuts or the preserving does something ?
I eat only Spanish OlivesWell you also have to consider that before the processes even an olive is kind of yuck.
Whole, as in the outside casing & shell?? WOW!!!
That sugar etc must act as one hellOFa emulsifier if it includes the shell....
These aren't the California black walnut you are probably thinking of ,which are hard and dry when ripe .
These are Armenian walnuts which are preserved when green and unripe , presmably therefore softer. Something about the preserving removes the tannin so they aren't bitter . These thingys are really like csndy!
They sound more appetizing than this dessert. lol
Well, we're the dodos that made all these slang terms that forever ruined language. Many things that are a lot older than these slang terms now seem weird. Cock soup anyone?
These aren't the California black walnuts you are probably thinking of, which are hard and dry when ripe .
These are Armenian walnuts which are preserved when green and unripe, presumably therefore softer. Something about the preserving removes the tannin so they aren't bitter . These thingys are really like candy!
They sound more appetizing than this dessert. lol
English ppl love those spotted dicks..........
They had that in my local store, must not of sold well as they took out that section & put in Indian foods.......
That looks wonderful! Except for the raisins. Yuck.