Jade's Trivia.

Excellent, I have never heard of this water spirit but I am all about the folklore! Gracias!

We should do an off-topic favorite folklore thread sometime. I love learning about other times and other cultures' folk tales, myths, and legends too.
I thought I'd start a trivia game. I will give out several topics of trivia, that will be asked from. You can also pic a from the topics, and get a question from that one. For those that have enough gusto, avoid looking things up.

I will also give a list of my topics I excel at, that you could try to stump me with a question.

Player Topics:
Food & beverage
Geographical locations
Classic Rock, and Metal

My Topics:
Classic Star Wars
One Piece anime

space me up bitch
I can do Pokémon, but, only through Gen Two. I couldn't get into anything post Gold/Silver/Crystal. As for the anime, basically only up until the Orange Islands. Then I stopped watching.

Classic Star Wars is always good.