Jade's vacation pics 6/25 - 7/20.

I really did enjoy some of Yellowstone. The Grand Prismatic Spring was my favorite, pictures kind of suck though, because the steam cover. Mammoth Hot springs was OK, but you had to walk trails of boardwalk to get closer. The wild life was the best, but it's another place where photos sucked. Old Faithful was great minus the wait, but he Yellowstone falls were a madhouse, and hard to enjoy. If I can find good pics among them all I'll post some.
Hoh Rain Forest, Olympic National Park.


Beautiful! This is something I'd love to see.
Yellowstone pics.

Yellowstone Falls:

Grand Prismatic Spring:

Old Faithful:

Mammoth Hot Springs:

Fountain Paint Pot:
Jade, thanks so much! Your Yellowstone pics reminded me that I have a steel box of my dad's slides from 1969 when we traveled out West... with dozens devoted to Yellowstone. I need to get them converted into digital format before time degrades them past redemption. Hard to imagine that that was almost 50 years ago. I hope you and your mom made some great memories.
Jade, thanks so much! Your Yellowstone pics reminded me that I have a steel box of my dad's slides from 1969 when we traveled out West... with dozens devoted to Yellowstone. I need to get them converted into digital format before time degrades them past redemption. Hard to imagine that that was almost 50 years ago. I hope you and your mom made some great memories.

Good, and bad. An asshole was pissed Mom was only going the speed limit. He honked the horn, and eventually passed us in a hurry. I'm almost positive I saw him give the finger to my Mom, as he passed in front. I gave him a stink eye, like I was mentally cursing his first born, or something.
Going through my haul of souvenirs, and goodies. I got any chokecherry stuff I could find, from honey, to liqueur. Also got several other berries things, from huckleberry, haskap berry, marion berry. I was fool enough to announce on Facebook, that I was going to the Okanagan River Valley (Canada's premier wine region), and anyone that wanted some wine needs to say so. I have a case of wine that I hauled in, and out of hotel rooms, to keep them from sitting in a sweltering car. I got a true absinthe, that I brought back. So If I'm ever posting about where the leprechaun, with a club foot, got to with my money, you'll know I had too much. I brought back some brews from some choice breweries at places we visited, as well. They had a heavy metal brewery in Denver that had a special edition, house saison, only for sale in magnum bottles, to go.
Going through my haul of souvenirs, and goodies. I got any chokecherry stuff I could find, from honey, to liqueur. Also got several other berries things, from huckleberry, haskap berry, marion berry. I was fool enough to announce on Facebook, that I was going to the Okanagan River Valley (Canada's premier wine region), and anyone that wanted some wine needs to say so. I have a case of wine that I hauled in, and out of hotel rooms, to keep them from sitting in a sweltering car. I got a true absinthe, that I brought back. So If I'm ever posting about where the leprechaun, with a club foot, got to with my money, you'll know I had too much. I brought back some brews from some choice breweries at places we visited, as well. They had a heavy metal brewery in Denver that had a special edition, house saison, only for sale in magnum bottles, to go.

Nice haul! You probably haven't had time to go through all your photos yet either, eh?
I bet your mom is exhausted! One good thing though about driving is you escape jet lag.

I don't think I could ever fly, I'd need first class just to have enough space. I'd go crazy stuck in cramped quarters, with crying bratty children around. It's a little bit of hell on Earth there.
I don't think I could ever fly, I'd need first class just to have enough space. I'd go crazy stuck in cramped quarters, with crying bratty children around. It's a little bit of hell on Earth there.

LOL. Reminded me of a story a friend told me about a trip from Chicago to somewhere in Florida when her dad unexpectedly died. They got stuck on the tarmac for weather, and a baby cried almost the entire time. Said she really thought she was going to have to have herself removed from the plane to keep from murdering the kid before they even took off.