Jade's vacation pics 6/25 - 7/20.

Wow, that's sad. About the tourist trap I mean, not the overseas tourists. I wonder what the attraction of Yellowstone is for them? They also love Alaska, particularly in the winter. Something to do with the Northern Lights, but they seldom appear around Yellowstone. Sorry that was so disappointing, Jade. We went there as kids (I was 15); absolutely loved it. Glad you didn't fall into one of those simmering mud pots/hot springs like that one guy a couple years ago.


It is one of the top chinese travel destination because of its relatively untouched wildness. People living in high density, high pollution cities in China still find what we take for granted awe-inspiring--blue skies and the great outdoors where you can actually see wildlife.
It is one of the top chinese travel destination because of its relatively untouched wildness. People living in high density, high pollution cities in China still find what we take for granted awe-inspiring--blue skies and the great outdoors where you can actually see wildlife.

Isn't that sad? My best friend in nursing school is from Ukraine. She married an older American guy and moved here; they live in a suburb of St. Louis. We were so tickled over her delight at seeing a bunny rabbit in their backyard eating her flowers. And robins hopping across the grass looking for bugs. She said in Kiev there isn't any wildlife other than pigeons.

We are very lucky to live here. I'm glad that earlier presidents and congress had the foresight to set aside these wilderness tracts for all to enjoy.
Wow, that's sad. About the tourist trap I mean, not the overseas tourists. I wonder what the attraction of Yellowstone is for them? They also love Alaska, particularly in the winter. Something to do with the Northern Lights, but they seldom appear around Yellowstone. Sorry that was so disappointing, Jade. We went there as kids (I was 15); absolutely loved it. Glad you didn't fall into one of those simmering mud pots/hot springs like that one guy a couple years ago.


I found everyone's hidden message, in a book. :)

I'm pretty much done sight seeing now. Instead it's off to Denver to stay with family. I will post one pick of the places I've been, that aren't posted.
Thanks, Jade. Good looking pictures. Looks like you had a pretty good Adventure. I know Mom was thrilled. Where's the next stop?
Thanks, Jade. Good looking pictures. Looks like you had a pretty good Adventure. I know Mom was thrilled. Where's the next stop?

Staying in Denver for a few days, then heading home. I have more pics, but I'm officially wiped out from what was more a road trip then a vacation. They will be up later.
Staying in Denver for a few days, then heading home. I have more pics, but I'm officially wiped out from what was more a road trip then a vacation. They will be up later.

Sounds like an epic road trip, if I am understanding the geography it entailed.

My prediction; years from now you will barely remember the long hours in the car, the motel hassles, the rude tourists. Mostly all you will remember is the amazing landscapes, the wildlife, the living earth you bore witness too.
Staying in Denver for a few days, then heading home. I have more pics, but I'm officially wiped out from what was more a road trip then a vacation. They will be up later.

"more a road trip then a vacation."
Half way across Canada, then dropping down to the lower 48 and circling back, that sounds like a pretty good road trip. Even though you feel exhausted now, I bet in a day or two, you'll feel like doing it again. :)

I go on these little adventure trips and feel like I'm 18 all over again, I think it's the newness of each place and I have to go exploring around to find a Laundromat, or restaurant, or cheap motel.

Hey, I've never been to Denver, but my son has and he says you can get short of breath real easy. Do me a favor, find a flight of stairs, then run up and down them like a dozen times, ... then tell me what it's like.

Oh, some Bad News, ... Yaya got banned. No one has seen him since. People are asking if he committed Forum Suicide? You may have to start a thread "What happened to Yaya?" to bring him out of Bantirement. You might be the only one that can coach him back off the ledge.

Stay Safe. Have Fun. See ya' when you get back!
Sounds like an epic road trip, if I am understanding the geography it entailed.

My prediction; years from now you will barely remember the long hours in the car, the motel hassles, the rude tourists. Mostly all you will remember is the amazing landscapes, the wildlife, the living earth you bore witness too.

That's true, but I'm sure I'll remember some of the shitty things as well. I've been down this road before, back in 2009.
"more a road trip then a vacation."
Half way across Canada, then dropping down to the lower 48 and circling back, that sounds like a pretty good road trip. Even though you feel exhausted now, I bet in a day or two, you'll feel like doing it again. :)

I go on these little adventure trips and feel like I'm 18 all over again, I think it's the newness of each place and I have to go exploring around to find a Laundromat, or restaurant, or cheap motel.

Hey, I've never been to Denver, but my son has and he says you can get short of breath real easy. Do me a favor, find a flight of stairs, then run up and down them like a dozen times, ... then tell me what it's like.

Oh, some Bad News, ... Yaya got banned. No one has seen him since. People are asking if he committed Forum Suicide? You may have to start a thread "What happened to Yaya?" to bring him out of Bantirement. You might be the only one that can coach him back off the ledge.

Stay Safe. Have Fun. See ya' when you get back!

Denver isn't as bad as some of the mountain areas. In Yellowstone's Dunraven Pass you get about 8,500 feet, while Denver is only around in the five thousands in feet. As we total it up, we've gone just over 7,000 miles in travel, and we still need to get home from Denver. An amazing trip, but we are feeling tapped out. Funds wise, and energy. Especially Mom, since she was the one driving. We were both more gung-ho about it, before the tourist trap of Yellowstone, drained our energy, and spirit.
"the tourist trap of Yellowstone, drained our energy, and spirit."

THAT is pretty depressing. I've always seen 'Ol' Faithful' and said "I'd like to go see that one day". NOW ... I have the impression that I'm in a Park, but surrounded with a million other people. :(

Well, if you're burnt out, out of funds, the Trip is over and you just have to make it home. Now, this is what I had to do one time, it was a long time ago, but got me home. I was going back from Baltimore to San Diego, had a Volkswagen, ran out of gas money in Arizona. So, went to the Blood Bank and gave blood for $7. Sooooo, ... you could always take Mom to the Denver Blood Bank and pick up a quick $7 (maybe more now). (you can thank me later for this tidbit of advice)

Course, ... thinking about that. If Mom is driving and begins to feel 'faint' after giving blood, and you guys careen off a mountain road at 5,000 feet, and roll into some gorge a 1,000 below ... maybe YOU should do the driving? (it's best to think these things ALL the way through, that's MY Motto)