Jade's vacation pics 6/25 - 7/20.

That's too bad. I don't know what the casinos here do. They're all owned by the local indigenous tribes. Got a couple friends who work there; will have to ask. I'm not much for gambling. At least in Vegas though there are shows and plenty of other stuff to do if you're not into playing. How long were you there? What did you guys do?

Besides adding to your hangover collection, that is. lol

Thursday through last night, and we were mostly recovering from our time in Sahn Diahgo and Utah. Lots of driving and spending time with relatives. Lots of pool time, as a result.
I call it La Joel-uh.

I met a guy from the South that was in the Navy. He was at Horton Plaza waiting for a Bus that someone told him was labeled 'La Hoya'. He waited and waited, passing up these buses that were labeled 'La Jolla'. Finally, someone told him "That's the bus you want". (hahaha)
I've missed posting pics here a bit, but I have so many pics to sort through I didn't have time. I'm heading for Kelowna (wine country), and will have days of rest for the next several days. I will have plenty of time to sort through the pics, and get this caught up. I figured out videos on my Amazon fire, but I don't know how, or if I could post them here.
Do the best you can. We're all envious of you traveling up North while the rest of us are sweltering down here in the lower 48.
I've missed posting pics here a bit, but I have so many pics to sort through I didn't have time. I'm heading for Kelowna (wine country), and will have days of rest for the next several days. I will have plenty of time to sort through the pics, and get this caught up. I figured out videos on my Amazon fire, but I don't know how, or if I could post them here.

Love that one you posted on my timeline! Hopefully you can upload it here too. Maybe you can open a Youtube account and put them there, then just post the URLs here?
My mother at Lake Louise.

In Abbotsford, and was wanting to go into Vancouver. Me, and Mom are too tired today, will do it tomorrow.
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In Abbotsford, and was wanting to go into Vancouver. Me, and Mom are to tired today, will do it tomorrow.

I got something from Yaya. He says he misses you and can't wait for you to get back. He also says Mason is REALLY falling down on the babysitting. Yaya says Mason just leaves him in the Playpen all day and never changes his diapers. Oh, he told me not to tell anybody, so let's just keep this a secret between me and you.
My trip to the Granville Island Market, in Vancouver was very fruitful.

Macaroons, pastries, a truffle sheep's cheese, Sweetsop fruit (sugar apples), donuts, strawberry chocolate fudge, roasted raspberry almonds, a cheddar, and chive scone, Israeli couscous. Not shown, is a French nougat bar, with caramel, and almonds, a salted caramel apple focaccia, a curry chicken pocket, both cheddar, and cinnamon pastry twists, and two sandwiches. Mom had a pastrami on dark rye, and I had a breaded schnitzel sandwich with sauerkraut, and caramelized onions.
That's too bad. I don't know what the casinos here do. They're all owned by the local indigenous tribes. Got a couple friends who work there; will have to ask. I'm not much for gambling. At least in Vegas though there are shows and plenty of other stuff to do if you're not into playing. How long were you there? What did you guys do?

Besides adding to your hangover collection, that is. lol

I have a friend up there who is a labor organizer
My trip to the Granville Island Market, in Vancouver was very fruitful.

Macaroons, pastries, a truffle sheep's cheese, Sweetsop fruit (sugar apples), donuts, strawberry chocolate fudge, roasted raspberry almonds, a cheddar, and chive scone, Israeli couscous. Not shown, is a French nougat bar, with caramel, and almonds, a salted caramel apple focaccia, a curry chicken pocket, both cheddar, and cinnamon pastry twists, and two sandwiches. Mom had a pastrami on dark rye, and I had a breaded schnitzel sandwich with sauerkraut, and caramelized onions.

I went into a bookstore there ten years ago and bought a copy of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.
Took a ferry north of Seattle, out to the Olympic peninsula. Went to Hurricane ridge, but pics are limited. It was friggen windy up there. I'll have to see if any are worth it. Walking the hall of mosses trail tomorrow, in the Hoh Rain Forest.