Jade's vacation pics 6/25 - 7/20.

Any chance you could post some pictures of some hot babes, you know, rather that a breakfast table?
Unless you like Anime, I have no pics in that genre.

OK. I was just making a suggestion. You know, add a little variety to the photo album.
Like, you could ask some babe to take your picture in front of a rock or something. Then say something like, "hey, lemme take one of you".
Made it to Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.


Went to a nice restaurant, where I had one of my faves, a Cuban sandwich. http://www.bushwakker.com/

Made it to Waterton National park, in Alberta. Too bad the wildfire must have damaged more than I remember reading. We can't take the scenic drives, because they are closed. We did get to see the mountains though. It's pretty nippy compared to home, here in the mountains.


A bird landed right next to me, so I quickly got a picture. It is a little rough because of the speed I snapped the pic.

Made it to Waterton National park, in Alberta. Too bad the wildfire must have damaged more than I remember reading. We can't take the scenic drives, because they are closed. We did get to see the mountains though. It's pretty nippy compared to home, here in the mountains.


A bird landed right next to me, so I quickly got a picture. It is a little rough because of the speed I snapped the pic.


Magpie! Very intelligent, can even learn human words.