Jade's vacation pics 6/25 - 7/20.

Took a ferry north of Seattle, out to the Olympic peninsula. Went to Hurricane ridge, but pics are limited. It was friggen windy up there. I'll have to see if any are worth it. Walking the hall of mosses trail tomorrow, in the Hoh Rain Forest.

Hence the name Hurricane Ridge. Welcome to Washington State.
Hey, I was just thinking of you. Maybe give Jade 'the Pot Shop Tour'. Then, after a few 'edibles', take him to Mt. Rainier (the Train Ride?). I heard the Space Needle is under some kind of construction, is it 'Closed'?
Hey, I was just thinking of you. Maybe give Jade 'the Pot Shop Tour'. Then, after a few 'edibles', take him to Mt. Rainier (the Train Ride?). I heard the Space Needle is under some kind of construction, is it 'Closed'?

"Pot shops" are everywhere. No need to take a tour. Mt. Rainier causes bad memories. I've been there and I can usually see it from my home or nearby. It's an awful drive. The idea of getting Jade high is frightening, especially since he is responsible for his mom. Maybe he will pick up some edibles and save them for when he gets home.
Hmmmm ... I always remember Mt. Rainier as an ever present snow capped backdrop in the Seattle area. How could you have 'bad memories'? Don't they have some cool Train Ride up there? Space Needle! (I heard it was 'under construction' and Closed?) ... maybe forget Jade and get the Mom high?
Hmmmm ... I always remember Mt. Rainier as an ever present snow capped backdrop in the Seattle area. How could you have 'bad memories'? Don't they have some cool Train Ride up there? Space Needle! (I heard it was 'under construction' and Closed?) ... maybe forget Jade and get the Mom high?

Train ride? I don't know. Do they? Bad memories of a trip to Mt. Rainier. As I said, I can see it from my home or most anywhere. But to drive there is a different matter. Try it sometime.
Great pix, Jade.

I've got a friend from Vancouver. Lives on an island...and cannot stand the taste of fish.

Keep on enjoyin' yerself!
"Pot shops" are everywhere. No need to take a tour. Mt. Rainier causes bad memories. I've been there and I can usually see it from my home or nearby. It's an awful drive. The idea of getting Jade high is frightening, especially since he is responsible for his mom. Maybe he will pick up some edibles and save them for when he gets home.

Just showed up in Packwood, and I'm going to the sunrise viewpoint tomorrow. I'm going to avoid the rampant tourist area near Paradise. I walked the rain forest today, and went to Rialto Beach. I can't believe in 32 years, that was my first time seeing any ocean in person. The waves were thundering onto the shore, while I was recording it with the Amazon Fire. I stood, and saw a sweet wave coming ashore. It wasn't till last moment I thought, this one was bigger, back up you dodo. I hopped back several steps and just missed getting my shoes soaked. Too bad I haven't figured out videos from my Amazon Fire on JPP. We might need a vacation from or vacation the way things are going though.
I've got some Bad News for you, ... your Stalker pal, Yaya, got himself banned.
Yeah, it was like, 'Mason got banned, oh yeah, I'll show him, I'll get myself banned TOO!'.
I've officially been to hell and back. We took the less traveled Hells Canyon rd, up to the dam. On the way back out, I was able to gauze down past the two lane road. First thing that came to mind was, FUCK.

Here's a youtube vid of someone else traveling it. It doesn't do it justice. The canyon walls were like a leviathan the video can't capture.
Thanks for the video, Jade. Awesome!

1. I didn't see any 'cut-outs'. On long downhill descents they have short 'side roads' that go 'uphill' in case your brakes fail.
2. I didn't see any "Falling Rock" signs. That place HAD to have rock slides now and again.

Looked like a fun ride ... now I'm REALLY envious!!!
Been in a small town outside of Yellowstone. Great place, outside of the shitty wifi. Finally it's working long enough to post something. Pics will come later, as I'm feeling too damn worn out. Yellowstone is officially is on my shit list. Such a tourist trap, and hard to enjoy. I hate stereotypes, but what the fuck is with all the tourists from Japan. I was wondering why our hotel had stuff written in Japanese characters in some places, then a huge tour bus showed up for the night, and the Japanese tourists poured out. I need to google, inside voice, in Japanese.
Been in a small town outside of Yellowstone. Great place, outside of the shitty wifi. Finally it's working long enough to post something. Pics will come later, as I'm feeling too damn worn out. Yellowstone is officially is on my shit list. Such a tourist trap, and hard to enjoy. I hate stereotypes, but what the fuck is with all the tourists from Japan. I was wondering why our hotel had stuff written in Japanese characters in some places, then a huge tour bus showed up for the night, and the Japanese tourists poured out. I need to google, inside voice, in Japanese.
I was disappointed too.
Yellowstone was on my 'Things To Do' list. Now, I might have to push it further down the priority queue. Bummer! :(
Been in a small town outside of Yellowstone. Great place, outside of the shitty wifi. Finally it's working long enough to post something. Pics will come later, as I'm feeling too damn worn out. Yellowstone is officially is on my shit list. Such a tourist trap, and hard to enjoy. I hate stereotypes, but what the fuck is with all the tourists from Japan. I was wondering why our hotel had stuff written in Japanese characters in some places, then a huge tour bus showed up for the night, and the Japanese tourists poured out. I need to google, inside voice, in Japanese.

Wow, that's sad. About the tourist trap I mean, not the overseas tourists. I wonder what the attraction of Yellowstone is for them? They also love Alaska, particularly in the winter. Something to do with the Northern Lights, but they seldom appear around Yellowstone. Sorry that was so disappointing, Jade. We went there as kids (I was 15); absolutely loved it. Glad you didn't fall into one of those simmering mud pots/hot springs like that one guy a couple years ago.
