January 6th. We Need To Talk About It.

It's been growing since the 90s under Clinton and was a notable problem under Obama.

2010: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/mar/04/us-surge-rightwing-extremist-groups

US facing surge in rightwing extremists and militias
Civil rights report shows 250% rise in 'patriot' groups
Economy and media conspiracy theories fuel growth

Except the article, as expected, cites the Stupid, Pathetic, Liar's Cabal. (SPLC) This is a group that has been thoroughly discredited in its efforts to smear the Right.

The Southern Poverty Law Centre, the US's most prominent civil rights group focused on hate organisations, said in a report that extremist "patriot" groups "came roaring back to life" last year as their number jumped nearly 250% to more than 500 with deepening ties to conservative mainstream politics.
(from the source in the OP)

Southern Poverty Law Center Must Pay $3.3 Million After Falsely Naming Anti-Muslim Extremists

Even the WaPo says the SPLC has no credibility

“No fewer than 60 organizations branded ‘hate groups’ or otherwise attacked by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) are considering legal action against the left-wing smear factory, a Christian legal nonprofit leader confirmed to PJ Media on Tuesday,” O’Neil reported.

Except the article, as expected, cites the Stupid, Pathetic, Liar's Cabal. (SPLC) This is a group that has been thoroughly discredited in its efforts to smear the Right.

(from the source in the OP)


Even the WaPo says the SPLC has no credibility


Nice rant. Were you this racist in your military career or were you radicalized after?

BTW, I looked it up; if you go to prison, you still keep your pension! Normally such as murder or DUI. I can see how any charges of sedition, treason, etc would cause Uncle Sam to take a special look.
If a party is going to steal an election, why would they leave themselves powerless to pass signature legislation?

And if they are dumb enough to do that, how could they be smart enough to evade every single legal challenge to the election?

The answer is they can't.

The answer is that people got fed up with Trump and voted him out of office.

That's the truth.
Hello Dutch,

It's been growing since the 90s under Clinton and was a notable problem under Obama.

2010: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/mar/04/us-surge-rightwing-extremist-groups

US facing surge in rightwing extremists and militias
Civil rights report shows 250% rise in 'patriot' groups
Economy and media conspiracy theories fuel growth

Rush Limbaugh got rich spreading lies to the right. Is it any wonder they are now full of lies? They won't accept reality, won't even accept the main stream news. Their position is ridiculous. They 'just know it' that 'the news is fake,' so they don't believe it. They have no proof. It sounds so good, and others agree, they want to believe it. The right wing echo chamber is driven by rumor.

They believe rumors and conspiracy theories spread by people who get fabulously rich by telling lies. They go to court and argue that they are not reporting news, that they are simply entertainers.

But their viewers see it very differently. They believe every word of it. They cannot be reasoned with. They believe it and their friends believe it. Peer support to believe nonsense.

They think the main stream news is part of a big conspiracy theory to help Democrats, basically. The pundits are saying that, but the actual Fox news shows are not.
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Nice rant. Were you this racist in your military career or were you radicalized after?

Complex question fallacy.

BTW, I looked it up; if you go to prison, you still keep your pension! Normally such as murder or DUI. I can see how any charges of sedition, treason, etc would cause Uncle Sam to take a special look.

If a party is going to steal an election, why would they leave themselves powerless to pass signature legislation?

And if they are dumb enough to do that, how could they be smart enough to evade every single legal challenge to the election?

The answer is they can't.

The answer is that people got fed up with Trump and voted him out of office.

That's the truth.


there was massive ballot harvesting and stuffing achieved through rule changes not approved by state legislators.
Hello Dutch,

Rush Limbaugh got rich spreading lies to the right. Is it any wonder they are now full of lies? They won't accept reality, won't even accept the main stream news. Their position is ridiculous. They 'just know it' that 'the news is fake,' so they don't believe it. They have no proof. It sounds so good, and others agree, they want to believe it. The right wing echo chamber is driven by rumor.

They believe rumors and conspiracy theories spread by people who get fabulously rich by telling lies. They go to court and argue that they are not reporting news, that they are simply entertainers.

But their viewers see it very differently. They believe every word of it. They cannot be reasoned with. They believe it and their friends believe it. Peer support to believe nonsense.

They think the main stream news is part of a big conspiracy theory to help Democrats, basically. The pundits are saying that, but the actual Fox news shows are not.

basically, dems have sold out to banskters and multinational corporations who are hostile to national governments, because national governments are the only thing that checks their power.

america first isn't extremism.. internationalist fascism is extremism.

and you're a corrupt, retarded idiot.
Flashback May 2020 Assault On The White House: 60 Secret Service Agents Wounded, President Trump Taken to Secure Bunker

"The Democrats’ January 6 clown show was worse than even I expected. Their hysterical, pearl-clutching, lie-filled response to the events on January 6th, what Democrats are clearly hoping will be their transformative Reichstag moment, is unseemly, phony to its core, and purely and solely political.

We know this because there was no outrage over the leftist rioters who attempted to stop the peaceful transition of power during President Trump’s inauguration. Not only did anti-Trump leftists riot, attack and injure police, set cars and buildings on fire, but they were later rewarded for this attempt to “subvert Democracy” to the tune of $1.6 million in taxpayer money."
Flashback May 2020 Assault On The White House: 60 Secret Service Agents Wounded, President Trump Taken to Secure Bunker

"The Democrats’ January 6 clown show was worse than even I expected. Their hysterical, pearl-clutching, lie-filled response to the events on January 6th, what Democrats are clearly hoping will be their transformative Reichstag moment, is unseemly, phony to its core, and purely and solely political.

We know this because there was no outrage over the leftist rioters who attempted to stop the peaceful transition of power during President Trump’s inauguration. Not only did anti-Trump leftists riot, attack and injure police, set cars and buildings on fire, but they were later rewarded for this attempt to “subvert Democracy” to the tune of $1.6 million in taxpayer money."

Arrest the criminals. Did Trump fuck that up too? https://mpdc.dc.gov/sites/default/f... and Vehicles of Interest_1062020_Reduced.pdf
That’s the difference between Trumpers and us. I want the rioters who injured officers and did property damage to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. They think the insurrectionist are patriots.

I am fine with that and also to include the rioters and looters that did billions of dollars in damage following the death of career criminal george floyd the patron saint of fentanyl.
That’s the difference between Trumpers and us. I want the rioters who injured officers and I do property damage to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. They think the insurrectionist are patriots.

Agreed. Remember the 1960s Law & Order days? It's been flip-flopped but Trump's Terrorists. They are the law-breakers. They are the terrorists. They are the ones seeking to tear down the Constitution and they are the ones who want to install a dictator as the leader of the United States.

They've been playing this stupid game for years, but only under Trump did it come to fruition. The Right Wing has been projecting this for years. Remember how they predicted Obama would use martial law to impose power if he lost the election or if Hillary lost? What happened when Trump lost? The Party of Trump wanted to impose martial law to impose power.

Thank God the US military turned it down. Unless we have stronger ties with our own military, that may not happen the next time this happens....and it will until this ideology is deader than Abraham Lincoln.

What a peaceful transfer of power looks like versus what happened a year ago.

Agreed. Remember the 1960s Law & Order days? It's been flip-flopped but Trump's Terrorists. They are the law-breakers. They are the terrorists. They are the ones seeking to tear down the Constitution and they are the ones who want to install a dictator as the leader of the United States.

They've been playing this stupid game for years, but only under Trump did it come to fruition. The Right Wing has been projecting this for years. Remember how they predicted Obama would use martial law to impose power if he lost the election or if Hillary lost? What happened when Trump lost? The Party of Trump wanted to impose martial law to impose power.

Thank God the US military turned it down. Unless we have stronger ties with our own military, that may not happen the next time this happens....and it will until this ideology is deader than Abraham Lincoln.

What a peaceful transfer of power looks like versus what happened a year ago.

I don't know which I enjoy most, that Donald Trump in just four short years totally destroyed your mind or the fact he will continue to live in your hate filled head for the rest of your life.
Mr. Tiny Penis, you are truly a special work of art.
America hater Obama must have forgotten America is a Republic.

Mike Obama has probably blown his chance.
Your fascination with penises is interesting. Are you bi? Pan? Gay?
Hello Phantasmal,

That’s the difference between Trumpers and us. I want the rioters who injured officers and did property damage to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. They think the insurrectionist are patriots.

The Democrats do such a poor job of PR and messaging. Despite hundreds of arrests and case after case of violent insurrectionists testifying in court that they were duped, that they thought they were 'saving America,' Republicans still have a fantasy view that J6 was a picnic. If you ask any of them about it, they immediately go into whataboutism and try to turn it into a discussion about BLM.

They are in such denial, they can't even TALK about J6. They are trying so hard to erase it.