JD Vance's Team Says He Won't Debate Kamala Harris Ahead Of The DNC

Like yourself, there is a huge contingent in this nation that simply cannot vote for trump. It doesn't matter if they don't vote for Harris. She has the Dems en masse now, and a vast majority of educated Independents. She has non whites, and college kids. What could the trump campaign possibly do to ruin her run? Claim she was mean to black criminals while D.A.?

Agree about Kennedy. He is now a solid detriment to trump. Previously he was also a protest vote against Biden. The nation knows what is at stake here. I believe they really feared a Biden tenure solely because they question his mental capacity. Ironic, because I'd rather have a drooler with a great staff, over a narcissist who plans to be king.
Trump is already telegraphing his strategy by attacking her sex adn race.

Which is a good indication of how many former wackos were MAGAts and would vote for Robert "brain worm" Kennedy.
Yes, the rules that were changed in 2020 says the RNC would have to convene and pick the new VP. They would have to do this before the deadline for state ballots. Some states start voting very early.
I'm sure they would do this for trump, out of fear.

Say nothing of the fact that the RNC is identical to his guest list at Thanksgiving ;)

This is awesome. I guess Biden trolled the master troll this time.
Yeah just fuck over actual history. What a dumbass
Let's not butcher history. Let's get it correct.

DNC: The party of slavery
RNC: Created to end slavery. Succeeded.

DNC: The party of HATRED, intolerance, tyranny, election-stealing, vandalism, looting, historical revisionism, transing children, open borders, pandemic hoax, business crushing, science denying, Constitution defying, citizen disarming, criminal releasing and arming, assassination-inciting and humanity despising.

Trump: End all of the above.

DNC: Never accepted losing slavery and seeks to get it reinstated, having successfully enslaved American Jews and most of what the DNC considers sexual FREAKS, i.e. LGBTQIAMPPIPSUTVEUCNS+
Rules? They are what Trump says they are. He "don't need no stinking rules."
Why do you say this? Has Trump ever changed the RNC rules on the fly before? Can Trump even change the rules? What are these special superpowers that Trump has?
Proof? Because I grew up about 20 miles from Vidor Texas and the Democrats were KKK members, local mayor and city council, and held KKK meetings at the local High School gymnasium. The myth that Democrats are no longer KKK is just that a myth.

Vidor, Texas is nearly 100% Republican. It was Democratic, but then became Dixiecrats, and finally became Republican. I am not saying it is 100% KKK, but any members of the KKK there are now Republican.