Jesse Jackson come after the Silcon Valley

Is it a chicken and the egg thing with AP computer science courses within poor urban schools? They aren't offered because kids don't want them or kids don't study it because the classes aren't offered?

Edit: I would like to see programs in urban (all) schools that emphasize the use of technology more.

In my experience, schools don't treat students like customers in that only courses that students want are offered. I think it's basically a funding thing -- both on equipment and on hiring qualified instructors for low pay. Which is not to say that lots of kids would take the classes were they offered, but christ if you don't give students a shot what the hell do you expect.
one line

"throwing money at the problem"

that is what the republicans call ANY school funding.

They want these people poor

Its the PLAN
The right says every time funding education comes up that its a waste of money to educate our kids.

that is their position
that is the argument you guys are making.

blacks invented rap=

rap is black culture=

blacks have bad culture=

rap represents EVRYTHING encompassed in black culture.

that is what you guys are saying.

You hate black people because rap
Asian people have education as a part of culture, the others discourage as a part of culture

I was watching a TV programme the other night about the street kids that live in and around Mumbai railway station in India. It was amazing to see them all wanting to learn and to get on in the world. It is just that attitude that needs to be inculcated in black kids rather than seeking to emulate gangsters and drug dealers. It would also help if their so called leaders like Sharpton and Jackson actually helped them rather than using them for their own self aggrandisement.
Howe many black males grow up in a household with a mother and father that stay together? How many gravitate to gangs because they want camaraderie and easy money?

Way too many
Something like 25 percent of blacks in their twenties are in jail!
Cultural shift is needed indeed