Jesus Christ as God and the Trinity Was Not Invented Until the Fourth Century?

Humankind really went astray when it began to envision the creator in human form. Not one member of the descendants of the tribes of europe, or anywhere else for that matter, accepted this severe altering of the perceptual reality; moving from a spiritual perceptual reality (responsibility) to a religious perceptual reality (guilt, sin, blame). They had to be slaughtered over generations into submission via the Inquisition. And then the rulers in the new perceptual reality went out to conquer and colonize.
Jesus was one of the great philosophers

how I wish people like the OP would stop missing his message to use their organized religion to create hate
Jesus was one of the great philosophers

how I wish people like the OP would stop missing his message to use their organized religion to create hate

Lolol. You are the one who has no clue what His message is. Correction. You do know. That is why you reject it. That message is that He is the risen Savior. Repent and be saved. If you think that is hateful, that's your problem.
Lolol. You are the one who has no clue what His message is. Correction. You do know. That is why you reject it. That message is that He is the risen Savior. Repent and be saved. If you think that is hateful, that's your problem.

I Love his ideas of peace and love

you love to pretend you will live forever
I Love his ideas of peace and love

you love to pretend you will live forever

I will live forever. You, on the other hand are destined for something else entirely. Eternal separation from God. You can change that. It is the simplest thing you can imagine, yet also the most difficult. That is why the vast majority will never do it. You must surrender your will to God. Repent and ask Him to forgive you. Such a simple thing.
I don't need a REWARD for understanding the greatness of Jesus's ideas

you on the other hand wouldnt care about him if it didn't come with the idea of living forever
I will live forever. You, on the other hand are destined for something else entirely. Eternal separation from God. You can change that. It is the simplest thing you can imagine, yet also the most difficult. That is why the vast majority will never do it. You must surrender your will to God. Repent and ask Him to forgive you. Such a simple thing.

That is the mindfuck brainwashing that "believers" must submit to. Original sin; you as a human are damaged goods, fucked for being born, so you must submit to this male dominator god chain of command and subdue the earth and all that is on the earth including other humans for the glory of your male dominator god.

The descendants of the tribes of europe had to be slaughtered into acceptance of this perceptual reality, and then it went out and slaughtered its way across the world via european colonization.
I will live forever. You, on the other hand are destined for something else entirely. Eternal separation from God. You can change that. It is the simplest thing you can imagine, yet also the most difficult. That is why the vast majority will never do it. You must surrender your will to God. Repent and ask Him to forgive you. Such a simple thing.

That is the mindfuck brainwashing that "believers" must submit to. Original sin; you as a human are damaged goods, fucked for being born, so you must submit to this male dominator god chain of command and subdue the earth and all that is on the earth including other humans for the glory of your male dominator god.

The descendants of the tribes of europe had to be slaughtered into acceptance of this perceptual reality, and then it went out and slaughtered its way across the world via european colonization.
Jesus was one of the great philosophers

how I wish people like the OP would stop missing his message to use their organized religion to create hate

Thomas Aquinas said it best,Jesus didn't leave any room,to be a mere prophet,or Philosopher.
As Thomas Aquinas said ,Jesus was either
Thomas Aquinas said it best,Jesus didn't leave any room,to be a mere prophet,or Philosopher.
As Thomas Aquinas said ,Jesus was either

Let us not forget, teaching love and tolerance got him executed by the state and religious authorities.
"Wash my feet bitch". Yeah, I know, Jesus' take on it was a bit different, but I'm going to Heaven and you're not, grab the soap.

I've always considered Christianity a 'Slave Religion'. I can certainly see why the Conquerors always converted the Conquered into Christianity. If you can get these dumb asses to believe the BIG PAYOFF is in the NEXT Life, you can get them to do just about anything.
I've always considered Christianity a 'Slave Religion'. I can certainly see why the Conquerors always converted the Conquered into Christianity. If you can get these dumb asses to believe the BIG PAYOFF is in the NEXT Life, you can get them to do just about anything.

As I wrote above, that is the mindfuck brainwashing that "believers" must submit to. Original sin; you as a human are damaged goods, fucked for being born, so you must submit to this male dominator god chain of command and subdue the earth and all that is on the earth including other humans for the glory of your male dominator god. What does god want you to do? Obey your master of course, your employer, and on, and on.
Let us not forget, teaching love and tolerance got him executed by the state and religious authorities.

The straw that broke the camel's back was when Jesus said to his accusers!
"Before Abraham I AM"
This simple answer drove his accusers up a wall,because they knew YHWH told Moses,tell them ,I AM who I AM.
Jesus saying "Before Abraham I AM",clearly said Jesus was saying he was YHWH incarnated into the flesh.
I've always considered Christianity a 'Slave Religion'. I can certainly see why the Conquerors always converted the Conquered into Christianity. If you can get these dumb asses to believe the BIG PAYOFF is in the NEXT Life, you can get them to do just about anything.

I'd rather be a slave to Christ than rule the world. You, on the other hand, are a slave to sin. I pity you.