No comprehension skills?
My comprehension skills are fine.
So in your previous post...was that a "yes" or a "no?"
No comprehension skills?
My comprehension skills are fine.
So in your previous post...was that a "yes" or a "no?"
Plus, no articulation skills?
If you mean Romulus and Remus.. yes.That's myth.. Jesus was a person .. no one is doubting that .
I possess both skills in abundance.
Want to tell us if you answered "yes" or "no?"
OK….your point. Jesus was a historical person that accomplished/fulfilled His stated mission as God Incarnate based upon the prima facie evidences of recorded eyewitness account and the fact that Christianity now encompasses over 1/3 of the worlds population......which proves the Kingdom of God exists in the hearts of billions today...with Jesus the Christ as its KING. certainly have demonstrated them.
A legend in your own mind.
Just like the socialist "Acosta" you demand that I answer/prove YOUR NEGATIVE....some skills.
That's kind of a fancy way of saying, "That 'kingdom' MAY EXIST...OR IT MAY NOT. We really do not know."
Again with YOUR NEGATIVES that I AM supposed to address? And you have skills? Its a FACT that the faith of Christianity has over 3 Billion followers. That's pretty good for a myth. Do you know how many followers human secularism has world wide? 1.1 billion. That's a terrible number for all the self proclaimed SMART PEOPLE, out of the 8 billion. If you are so smart...……….use those SKILLS. LMAO
OK….your point. Jesus was a historical person that accomplished/fulfilled His stated mission as God Incarnate based upon the prima facie evidences of recorded eyewitness account and the fact that Christianity now encompasses over 1/3 of the worlds population......which proves the Kingdom of God exists in the hearts of billions today...with Jesus the Christ as its KING.
So this supposed "kingdom of God "POSSIBLY EXISTS"...and it is also "POSSIBLE IT DOES NOT EXIST."
Yeah. That works for me.
Of course, there are going to be people insisting that IT DOES EXIST...and others insisting IT DOES NOT EXIST...
...but the intelligent people will stick with, It is possible it exists...and it is possible it doesn't. No way of knowing for sure. All we can do is guess."
See...that is not that hard.
Again with the skills of comprehension. The kingdom exists as evidenced by the population of 3 million human beings professing to the faith of Christianity.
A fact is a fact.
And yes there is a way of knowing for sure in a temporal manner....its called the science of mathematics.
The numbers are real, the people are real....and the faith must rest in their heart or they would be accounted with ALL THE SMART seculars.
How old are you? 15-16?