jesus isn't real and he's going to kill you

He wasn't the Christ until he fulfilled the Scriptures. Until then He worshiped God like any other man.

????....he was God before he was incarnated, he was God the moment he was incarnated, he was God while he was incarnated, he was God when he was crucified, he was God when he was resurrected, he is God right now.....
Jesus worshiped God.
No, that would be wrong. He talked to His Father who was also Him. The Trinity is one of the most confusing aspects of the religion, but it is very real. Christ was God and so is the Holy Spirit.. They are all the same thing.
No, that would be wrong. He talked to His Father who was also Him. The Trinity is one of the most confusing aspects of the religion, but it is very real. Christ was God and so is the Holy Spirit.. They are all the same thing.

if "that" which is not physical infuses itself into something physical, wouldn't it at once be the same, yet different? is still "that", yet now it is physical when before it was not....