
Who was Jesus?

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When he overturned the tables and threw the moneychangers out of the Temple? You didn't read that? He physically attacked people in the Temple.
let me correct myself by saying they were selling cattle sheep etc that were used in required sacrafices as the temple...same inference a profit for the church leaders
let me correct myself by saying they were selling cattle sheep etc that were used in required sacrafices as the temple...same inference a profit for the church leaders
How do you think he "chased" them out without physical attack, care? Honestly. Did you just think he was able to chase them out with magic? It doesn't say it was a miracle.

Scholars believe that not only did he do it, but it was planned and he took allies with him.
just as Im sure he would have major problems with the activities that go on in that little city within the big city of Rome.

Or with most televangelists ?
Thats right.. when you try and make the point that Jesus would approve of legalized abortion .. correct? :rolleyes:
i don't believe that Jesus would have been involved in a government law on abortion...

i believe, if he felt that abortion was an issue they were dealing with at the time, he would have spoken about it....perhaps,but he didn't so, i am uncertain on the ''law'' aspect of what Jesus would have done...

But I do know, from what we have been taught to know about Jesus, is that he would have FORGIVEN those that had the abortions and that is something that is lacking in the behavior or insides of those that are ardent prolifers...compassion, mercy, forgiveness...

And I think I know that he would have probably taught of the harm abortions can cause to the women themselves...but abortions are really not getting to the root of the problem so he probably would not have addressed this issue in the manner we would think but more on the approach of the teachings of the Church that Sex should be saved for marriage and commitment....if it was then there would be very few abortions compared to now where it is primarily single women that are having them...

and what he did teach is that NO ONE IS LESS OF A SINNER than the next guy,(this is why He focuses on forgiveness) because he specifically spoke in this sense, paraphrased, "just because you are not a murderer like that guy over there, but are an adulterer...doesn't make you any less of a sinner than the murderer"

Knowing this attitude of his through his teachings, I would venture to say that He would be appalled at the RR and their pure lack of compassion on the subject and their use of POLITICAL RHETORIC OF MURDER would appall him also, and he would probably telling them, "He, who is free from sin, should cast the first stone"

God's laws were about fairness and how and what you did to others...

if you were an alcoholic or a drug addict, there are no punishments in the Law for these kind of things because you are not harming another person or another person's property by being drunk.... but if you stole from another to get that "drink or drug" then you are causing harm type thing....or if you refused to go to work the next morning and failed at your responsibilty of providing for your family, then you are causing harm, but the vice itself...there are not laws that punish you for it.

There is not one instance that I could find where the word abortion is used.

There is a passage that goes in to what to do with someone else that caused harm to a pregnant woman and her baby...but that was someone else causing harm to this woman and her husband, therefore the punishments set upon him...

so really, it is very up in the air how Jesus would have handled this, in this day and age...but I believe he would be compassionate, loving and formost forgiving...before ever being controlling via using the government at hand, or vindictive.

How do you think he "chased" them out without physical attack, care? Honestly. Did you just think he was able to chase them out with magic? It doesn't say it was a miracle.

Scholars believe that not only did he do it, but it was planned and he took allies with him.

IT ALSO DOESN'T SAY that he WHIPPED THEM OR LAID ONE FINGER ON THEM DAMO, so you are changing the Word of God on this one....quite frankly, we weren't told such, amd there is no reason why they would not have told us that he WHIPPED THEM to remove them....

that's all, no further discussion needed! ;)
IT ALSO DOESN'T SAY that he WHIPPED THEM OR LAID ONE FINGER ON THEM DAMO, so you are changing the Word of God on this one....quite frankly, we weren't told such, amd there is no reason why they would not have told us that he WHIPPED THEM to remove them....

that's all, no further discussion needed! ;)
No, I am using logic to get a point accross. You are going beyond attempting to suggest one thing when it specifically talks about the physical of the attack (turning over tables and chasing..)
IT ALSO DOESN'T SAY that he WHIPPED THEM OR LAID ONE FINGER ON THEM DAMO, so you are changing the Word of God on this one....quite frankly, we weren't told such, amd there is no reason why they would not have told us that he WHIPPED THEM to remove them....

that's all, no further discussion needed! ;)

Oh, and BTW, it does say that he whipped them...

"When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the Temple courts he found men selling cattle, sheep and doves and others sitting at tables exchanging money. So he made a whip out of cords and drove all from the Temple, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. To those who sold doves he said: 'Get out of here.' (John 2:13-16)
I don't recall the exact wording of the scripture, but remember seeing paintings, etc portraying Jesus using a whip to run the money changers out of the temple. They are of course someones interpretation and have been endorsed by at least some of the christian religions.
Read again. It says he made a whip out of cords and drove them out, and both their sheep and cattle...

Read the book, Care.
I don't recall the exact wording of the scripture, but remember seeing paintings, etc portraying Jesus using a whip to run the money changers out of the temple. They are of course someones interpretation and have been endorsed by at least some of the christian religions.
It says, "and he made a whip out of cords and drove them from the temple"
So a Carpenter on a Donkey, carried Whips with him? you are rewriting the Word imho...
Actually the word in the origional biblical texts translates more to handyman than carpenter. This from friends in a thological seminary, and a pastor at the church I used to attend.
The God within him chased the money changers away for making a fiasco and circus out of requirements of the Law....

not because they were capitalists, but because they were making profits and doing this at the Temple in the name of God's requirements of Sacrafice of these animals that they were my understanding of it.

And I take it as it is writen, that he flipped the money changer's tables and chased them away....afterall, He was the Son of God :D and could accomplish anything, he had many miracle attributed to HIM BEFORE THIS, and he obviously according to the word, accomplished chasing the money changers away without having to whip them or hurt them or strike them in any are making Christ a hypocrite in my opinion by saying he struck them when he specifically teaches to not strike but turn the other cheek... imo
The God within him chased the money changers away for making a fiasco and circus out of requirements of the Law....

not because they were capitalists, but because they were making profits and doing this at the Temple in the name of God's requirements of Sacrafice of these animals that they were my understanding of it.

And I take it as it is writen, that he flipped the money changer's tables and chased them away....afterall, He was the Son of God :D and could accomplish anything, he had many miracle attributed to HIM BEFORE THIS, and he obviously according to the word, accomplished chasing the money changers away without having to whip them or hurt them or strike them in any are making Christ a hypocrite in my opinion by saying he struck them when he specifically teaches to not strike but turn the other cheek... imo
You keep not actually reading the text there Care. He made a whip of cords and drove them from the temple.
So a Carpenter on a Donkey, carried Whips with him? you are rewriting the Word imho...

Luke 22:36: "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one."

Don't forget that He is both the Lion and the Lamb ;-)