Jewish Theocracy

And in response, I'm telling you that they believe they must conqer the world on moshiach's behalf, PRIOR to the arrival of moshiach. Do you still doubt it? You just refuse to be informed.
Extremely few of an already small minority think this way, they have no power. Shoot, look at the government the Jews created for themself, it has nothing to do with Theocracy.

Desperately informing me of this jewish "insurgency" into my belief system shows an incredible fear of their "power" that just doesn't exist in any form of reality in which we live. There are far better things to fear than Jewish troops coming after you to put you in re-education camps or whatever form you think that this 'forced' belief will take.
So all Christians have been as you put it "brainwashed by the joos " ?
then you noahide stuff has no relevance if they are all that way.

It's a gradual process of conversion from christianity to noahidism. The two covenant theory of dispensationalism has deceptively introduced the "specialness" of jews into the christian church. Now all they have to do is get rid of that jesus guy. Soon, my precious. Soon.
I bet AHZ has his own leatherbound copy of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Whether you have identified yourself as such, you have to be a follower of the Christian Identity Movement. I have NEVER noticed a time when Jews have resorted to torture to convert people to Judaism. Christianity on the other hand has. Also, for many, Judaism is a philosophy of how to live right and not a faith. There are Athiest Jews in this world that still follow the traditions. I actually think that Jew Baiting may be a form of personality disfunction.
I bet AHZ has his own leatherbound copy of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Whether you have identified yourself as such, you have to be a follower of the Christian Identity Movement. I have NEVER noticed a time when Jews have resorted to torture to convert people to Judaism. Christianity on the other hand has. Also, for many, Judaism is a philosophy of how to live right and not a faith. There are Athiest Jews in this world that still follow the traditions. I actually think that Jew Baiting may be a form of personality disfunction.

WHatever you say, ignorant cretin. Do the research yourself, fool.
Ignorant? So you aren't a Jew Baiter? You sound like Streicher only without the German. You give us all this links to other Anti-Semetic sites and then say "see, these other Jew Hating guys say it is true so it must be." All circular logic, no substance. Like I said, I don't recall the Jews mounting a campaign with a Holy Jewish Inquisitor to torture people into converting to Judaism. You are the one that uses terminology like ZOG which is a white supremacist anti semitic buzzword used by the likes of The Order, and the Aryan Nation Liberty Net which may be an Order site as well but I can't remember. YOU are the one that USES these racist terms and then tries to put the shoe on the other foot by calling Jews racist. The thing is most of us on here are WAY to intelligent to get caught up in any White Supremacist fervor. You typicallly have to go to rallies with out of work lower middle class barely highschool educated white kids to kick up a fury about ZOG. But it's a free country and your anti-semetic rhetoric does make for some entertaining fiction.
Ignorant? So you aren't a Jew Baiter? You sound like Streicher only without the German. You give us all this links to other Anti-Semetic sites and then say "see, these other Jew Hating guys say it is true so it must be." All circular logic, no substance. Like I said, I don't recall the Jews mounting a campaign with a Holy Jewish Inquisitor to torture people into converting to Judaism. You are the one that uses terminology like ZOG which is a white supremacist anti semitic buzzword used by the likes of The Order, and the Aryan Nation Liberty Net which may be an Order site as well but I can't remember. YOU are the one that USES these racist terms and then tries to put the shoe on the other foot by calling Jews racist. The thing is most of us on here are WAY to intelligent to get caught up in any White Supremacist fervor. You typicallly have to go to rallies with out of work lower middle class barely highschool educated white kids to kick up a fury about ZOG. But it's a free country and your anti-semetic rhetoric does make for some entertaining fiction.

My, what a vivid imagination you have.

What does "god's chosen people" mean to you? It's racism plain and simple.

Two of the sites I linked to are jewish and noahide sites. The other one is from some indie news outlet. You obviously didn't go read. Get your head our of your ass, ok, stymie?

Yes, You are f-ing ignorant. An ignorant sot, one might say.

I'm not anti-semitic, I'm judeo-truthful.

Can you explain the christian identity movement? I'm not familiar with that one.
Yes Christian Identity is racially based theology with a very Anglocentric view of Christianity. It is the belief that white Europeans are the TRUE descendants of the Israelites mentioned in the Bible. That white europeans are the chosen people of god and the modern day "jew" is a descendant of Esau.
My, what a vivid imagination you have.

What does "god's chosen people" mean to you? It's racism plain and simple.

Two of the sites I linked to are jewish and noahide sites. The other one is from some indie news outlet. You obviously didn't go read. Get your head our of your ass, ok, stymie?

Yes, You are f-ing ignorant. An ignorant sot, one might say.

I'm not anti-semitic, I'm judeo-truthful.

Can you explain the christian identity movement? I'm not familiar with that one.
Bullshit you read like 19th century "british israelite" propaganda. Play dumb all you want but anyone that is familiar with groups like The Order KNOW who you are. You are Julius Steicher with an American accent.
Yes Christian Identity is racially based theology with a very Anglocentric view of Christianity. It is the belief that white Europeans are the TRUE descendants of the Israelites mentioned in the Bible. That white europeans are the chosen people of god and the modern day "jew" is a descendant of Esau.

I don't believe that. I believe anyone who values the example of jesus christ and seeks to truly follow his philosophy is a christian, regardless of race. In case you don't understand, that makes you wrong.
Bullshit you read like 19th century "british israelite" propaganda. Play dumb all you want but anyone that is familiar with groups like The Order KNOW who you are. You are Julius Steicher with an American accent.

blah blah blah. Try actually researching the topic instead of utilizing namecalling and hysteria.
No where in the Site on Moshiach do they say that people will be forced to submit under any type violent coersion. You are the one reading into it that the Jews, are coming to force us to submit. The whole thing is based on the belief that you will know intuitively that Moshiac is a kind and benevolent king. Whatever, more mythology just like Revelations.
Research the topic? I would HAVE to resort to the use of The Protocols to even come close to reaching your conspiratorial frame of mind.
Research the topic? I would HAVE to resort to the use of The Protocols to even come close to reaching your conspiratorial frame of mind.

WHy don't you check my ACTUAL LINKS you ignorant buffoon. They're not to the "the Protocols". OR conduct a google search yourself.

search terms
noahide laws
noahide theocracy
olam ha ba
ger toshav
preparing the world for the arrival of moshiach.