Jewish Theocracy


No it is really not funny. He posts Jew Baiting bullshit which is patently false and should be exposed for the lying piece of shit he is.

azzhat has been around the boards for a long time...most just take him with a grain of salt...He did get a great response from ya though...ya fell under the a good liberal always does...they see things that aren't really there!...;)
azzhat has been around the boards for a long time...most just take him with a grain of salt...He did get a great response from ya though...ya fell under the a good liberal always does...they see things that aren't really there!...;)
Wow you must have been a great fucking gumshoe there flatfoot. I am not a liberal. I am a gun owning, flat taxer, pro smoking, libertarian and NOTHING on this site says I am a liberal. I know that for hardcore right wingers anyone that denounces racism or believes in Civil liberties is a liberal but there's a big wide world out there UFO boy and you should experience some of it.

Wow you must have been a great fucking gumshoe there flatfoot. I am not a liberal. I am a gun owning, flat taxer, pro smoking, libertarian and NOTHING on this site says I am a liberal. I know that for hardcore right wingers anyone that denounces racism or believes in Civil liberties is a liberal but there's a big wide world out there UFO boy and you should experience some of it.

Backpeddleing is so unbecoming! and oh yes... I have experienced life to it's fullest...thats why I take everything with a grain of salt...try it counselor! Salt goes great on French fries...with a little ketsup that is!:pke:
This WHOLE page was published by a WHITE SUPREMAST group. The Talmud is not even numbered this way. Go here and look at the Talmud read it and then come back and give me a corelation from the statements above with actual Talmud.

You tell me which talmud statement is inaccurate. It says at the site that white supremacists LINKED TO the site. Your argument is like saying the ny times is an invalid site if a racist group links to it.

And socrtease, your hellenized screenname fools noone, cryptojew.
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You tell me which talmud statement is inaccurate. It says at the site that white supremacists LINKED TO the site. Your argument is like saying the ny times is an invalid site if a racist group links to it.

And socrtease, your hellenized screenname fools noone, cryptojew.
There are no correlations between the individual "quotes" and actual talmud. NONE
Yeah, well you gotta admit the technology looks great!

Anyway, still waiting for an admin to scoot their thread over to Conspiracies where it belongs...
Yeah, well you gotta admit the technology looks great!

Anyway, still waiting for an admin to scoot their thread over to Conspiracies where it belongs...

That forum is for conpiracy THEORIES. There is nothing theoretical about the noahide movement, or their theocratic beliefs.
Apparently Asshate is conspiring against the English language at this very moment...

Considering that the laws of Noah are superceeded by the 10 Commandments, there cannot be many Jews or Christians who treat them with much feeling. Hence, any ado about them is a conspiracy theory.
spurt is a cocksucker

oh wait, wrong thread

ah, who cares, i'm darla, men suck, suck cock, yeah, screw you, this thread sucks, you're gay you cocksucker
Apparently Asshate is conspiring against the English language at this very moment...

Considering that the laws of Noah are superceeded by the 10 Commandments, there cannot be many Jews or Christians who treat them with much feeling. Hence, any ado about them is a conspiracy theory.

Not true. Your logic sucks.

In all of the political and cultural debates over the Ten Commandments, one question that receives far too little attention is whether anyone should be expected to adhere to the Ten Commandments in the first place. They are, after all, Jewish laws, so why should any non-Jews bother with them?

If people regard the Ten Commandments as simply basic behavioral rules that God expects of everyone, then of course they will expect everyone to follow them. What these people tend to miss, however, is that this is not how the Jews originally understood the Ten Commandments. Instead, the Ten Commandments were regarded as behavioral rules for Jews — the chosen people. They weren’t commandments for everyone else.

Indeed, this was the status of all the 623 commandments in ancient Hebrew law. They were God’s laws for God’s chosen people, not laws that applied to gentiles. So what were gentiles supposed to do? Jewish scholars came up with a set of laws that all of humanity should follow, especially those traveling through or living in areas controlled by Jews.

The lists vary to some degree, but most accepted the truth of seven basic rules known as the Noahide Laws. The name refers to the idea that all humans share a common descent from Noah after the Great Flood. Jews describe any group of gentiles following the Noahide Laws as B’nai Noach, or “Descendants of Noah,” and individuals are considered “Righteous Gentiles.” Adherence to these laws are the means by which non-Jews can best have a meaningful relationship with God. Neither following the Ten Commandments nor the rest of the halakha is necessary.
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