Joan Rivers Murdered by Obama? Michelle Obama a transsexual?

This thread is getting funnier by the post, maybe "ironwhatever" can bring back the Birther thing, I haven't seen the film on that one in a long time, and what about Elvis, who had him killed?

There is a reason I put this in the conspiracy theory forum....

Then again we could do another conspiracy theory on the democrats and russian collusion. After all, thats the biggest conspiracy theory out there (almost everyone on the left embraces it as truth) and nobody talks about it. What they dont know is that the whole thing was started by Obama in an effort to undermine the Trump administration. Believing a conspiracy theory created by your own political party... brilliant!

And yes, typically the Obama's prefer to kill before the information is leaked. It's as simple as eliminating witnesses that could possibly compromise their image to the American public. And if their image is tarnished, say by Joan Rivers, they will make an example out of that person so the next whistle blower thinks twice before spilling the beans. Fatal consequences inspire loyalty for some reason...
Liberals should be educated on fake news.

Yes, we have very very sick people here. These people are not just BAD they are evil. And about as close to evil as you can get.

Makes you wonder what else Obama is hiding.
All "liberals" really need to know is that if it comes from the right, it's fake news. That was proven during the Obama administration. 8 years of constant lies.

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Just more of the lies that the right continuously told about the Obamas starting when he first became a candidate and continuing today.

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You want to talk about lies lets talk about Benghazi.

Obama was known as the liar in chief. Hillary wasn't far behind. They both conspired against Christopher Stevens. But then again you probably believe it was triggered by an internet video, on 9/11 of all days.
A little fake news for your fake news....tit for tat

And now you know what it's like when you guys come at us with fake news about the so called "russian collusion." - Its total BS created by none other than Barack Obama in an effort to undermine the Trump administration!!

And by the way, we have a sworn affidavit signed by Viktor Shokin months before this Impeachment Inquiry got started. Lets take a look part of the sworn affidavit right now to prove you wrong:

Of course, Mueller documented multiple instances of collusion and obstruction. What he couldn't prove was criminal conspiracy. There's nothing illegal about collusion, though colluding with a foreign government to influence an American election should be illegal.

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All "liberals" really need to know is that if it comes from the right, it's fake news. That was proven during the Obama administration. 8 years of constant lies.

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Obama had his fair share of scandals, you will admit to that much, right?
Okay so first of all, I want to say I have no problem (under the law) with sexual orientation

So you admit that Obama is gay and Michelle is a tranny.

Fair enough. Now we must talk about how Obama swindled Americans into believing he is a father with a beautiful wife and children, a loving family. He was being dishonest and disingenuous by framing this point of view. This brings into question Obama's credibility. If he is lying about something as critical as such as sexual orientation, what else could he be hiding from the American people? The truth is, Obama is a man of lawlessness. He has no respect for our nation and he proved that on a near daily basis for his entire 8 years in office. The lies will come out one by one.

The right produced a flood of lies about the Obamas, starting with his candidacy and continuing today. So this appears to just be more of the same.

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Of course, Mueller documented multiple instances of collusion and obstruction. What he couldn't prove was criminal conspiracy. There's nothing illegal about collusion, though colluding with a foreign government to influence an American election should be illegal.

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Collusion is defined as: secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.

So it most definitely is a legal term. Mueller did not find collusion between Trump and the Russians. <----true statement

There is a reason I put this in the conspiracy theory forum....

Then again we could do another conspiracy theory on the democrats and russian collusion. After all, thats the biggest conspiracy theory out there (almost everyone on the left embraces it as truth) and nobody talks about it. What they dont know is that the whole thing was started by Obama in an effort to undermine the Trump administration. Believing a conspiracy theory created by your own political party... brilliant!

And yes, typically the Obama's prefer to kill before the information is leaked. It's as simple as eliminating witnesses that could possibly compromise their image to the American public. And if their image is tarnished, say by Joan Rivers, they will make an example out of that person so the next whistle blower thinks twice before spilling the beans. Fatal consequences inspire loyalty for some reason...

And of course the reason you never heard anything bad about Barry during his presidency is because anyone with any dirt on him knew they would probably die a mysterious death or would be "suicided" if they did make their dirt public. Barry was and is part of and protected by the Deep State. Especially by George Soros, his groomer and mentor.
And of course the reason you never heard anything bad about Barry during his presidency is because anyone with any dirt on him knew they would probably die a mysterious death or would be "suicided" if they did make their dirt public. Barry was and is part of and protected by the Deep State. Especially by George Soros, his groomer and mentor.

Dont forget devil worshiper Saul Alinsky. And the good socialist reverend jeremiah wright.

We can throw a little noam Chomsky into the mix as well...
No where but this forum would ban me for my humor, in a thread about Michelle Obama being a man with a bunch of Photoshopped pictures of her with a dick!

But now, if the MOD GODS are Politically biased and trying to play favorites, they can always prove it by banning me.

It's OK, because the rest of the community is watching.
Where does 12b say anything about animals? And don't forget the Photoshopped picture of Melania that Steven keeps beating off to.

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Where does 12b say anything about animals? And don't forget the Photoshopped picture of Melania that Steven keeps beating off to.

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This fool is actually sticking up for little Adolf Twattler! Fools DO stick together...............
Do you have any evidence that Joan Rivers talked to Elvis about this?

Because we have Joan on video in a serious tone spilling the beans on the Obama's little secret.

Here is more evidence that Michelle is transgender:

Yet another right-wing idiot.

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Yes, I agree. The problem I have is that Obama mislead the nation to promote the image of a traditional american family.
If the Obama's mislead us about their gender and sexual orientation, what else are they hiding. You hide something that big and you know there is a lot more under the surface. I mean for heavens sake, the guy is using a social security # that was issued to an address in Connecticut. This SSN references 1890 as a DOB! Obama is dirty, thats all there is too it...

You are so gullible. You probably believe that he kept a prayer rug on Air Force One. And that he was born in Kenya.

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Where does 12b say anything about animals? And don't forget the Photoshopped picture of Melania that Steven keeps beating off to.

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Those two hateful idiots know I was just joking- punking them for being such jerks trying to bring all of Jones's Conspiracy theories here to this forum.

So I was just having fun.

The mods may not like me, but they know I am not out to personally harm anyone with my humor.