Joan Rivers Murdered by Obama? Michelle Obama a transsexual?

Demonstrating yet again your lack of reading comprehension. The author clearly states that his cousin was one of the ambassador's personal guards, not the ambassador.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Where did I ever say it was written by the Ambassador? That is of course not possible.

So whats the deal? Authorship is very clear...

Written by a cousin of Ambassador Stevens, a US Navy Chaplain, Senior Pastor Ret’d

Collect your thoughts. you are a little wild on your counter punches.

All you liberals need to mull this over a few times. I am going to start a separate thread that we can dedicate to Benghazi. I will try to do one Obama scandal a week, perhaps two. And guys let me be clear: I'd prefer to not have to sling insults back and forth like 2nd graders. Lets leave our feelings at the door for Benghazi and have a clean debate.

These are the last few lines....something to take to heart

America, I saw firsthand how cold this man is. What kind of liar
he is. Most of you haven’t a clue about this tyrant and yet you support
him. And act like every word he says is Gospel. These murders and the fast
and furious cover ups make Watergate look like a kid who told his bff’s
secret to the class.

Dr. Charles R. Roots Senior Pastor
Former Staff Sergeant, USMC Captain,
U. S. Navy Chaplain Corps (Ret.)

This is exactly the type of tyranny Trump is fighting against. In fact this is a fight between Obama and Trump at the highest level. If Trump wins in 2020 we can say bye bye Barack!

Trump may very well be the greatest president in history

Lets not drop this simply because a liberal leaning fact checker says its false. It's well known that Snopes is part of the sold out liberal media, and while they do quality research its still tainted to the left. Plus I have more evidence to show you. And while the Snopes debunking attempt is good, it still doesn't hold water. Lets look at the claims and observations made by snopes:

1) We can confirm that Obama's SSN is indeed 042-58-4425

2) Snopes admits its a bit odd that his SSN was issued to a CT address: "Why Barack Obama’s Social Security card application might have included a Connecticut mailing address is something of a curiosity, as he had no known connection to that state at the time". It's also far more likely this is identity theft than just a simple clerical mistake, as snopes wants you to believe.

And no matter how you cut this cake this cake, seeing two people come up for using one SSN is a clear indicator of potential identity fraud (especially when the SSN is from a completely different geographical region). By the overwhelming majority, this condition is related directly to identity fraud not clerical errors.

3) Snopes admits the name Harrison J Bounel is linked directly to Obama's SSN. They claim this was a simple database mismatch and close the case. Now, this is not something like a simple clerical error. This isnt a mismatch. This didnt happen by chance. This was an intentional act of fraud and I can tell you why:

Harrison J Bounel's listing on Obamas SSN was NOT a clerical error because he is listed as having the same address listed as Barack Obama. in other words whoever submitted the identity information for Harrison J Bounel also happened to enter Obama's current address. There is no alternative, this is a clear cut case of identity fraud and therefore treason. If this was just an honest clerical error the man would have a different address. Furthermore, Harrison J Bounel has a DOB of 1890, the same year listed when you run a search on 042-68-4425. High time you face up to the facts that Obama is a fraud. He's the political equivalent of Lance Armstrong.

Another reason this is clear-cut fraud (and we dig deeper into the rabbit hole): Michelle is actually listed as Harrison J Bounel's spouse in the same database! These databases are comprehensive and accurate and used by debt collectors and major businesses for criminal background checks, etc. So if someone can tell me why Michelle is married to Harrison J Bounel and why Barack and Harrison link back to the same SSN and why Harrison and Barack are listed as having the same address? And, the cherry on top, Mr. Bounel has a DOB of 1890 matching exactly with 042-68-4425. Only explanation here? Our president is using a SSN linked to a now deceased individual that at one point lived in CT and had a DOB of 1890.

Thats two "clerical" errors on his SSN alone! You gotta remember, this is the president of the united states we are talking about here. Anyone else would have been arrested for identity fraud. Combine this with the so called birther issues and you have to know at this point Obama is dirty. There are things in his past that would compromise his American image and he knows it.


SSN Verifier can be found here:

Bear in mind, this information is legit and people have tried to litigate these matters in court but were unsuccessful. Obama had everyone paid of. Remember he has to protect his "identity" at all costs. And that goes both ways.
"It's well known that Snopes is part of the sold out liberal media". It's well known to the liars on the right because Snopes shoots down their lies and propaganda on a regular basis.
Snopes gives a quite valid explanation for the Connecticut SSN. SSNs are/were allocated by Zipcode. There's a one digit difference between a Connecticut Zip and a Honolulu zip. And that difference is between a 0 and a 9. Right next to each other on the keyboard and a very easy mistake to make.
"It's also far more likely this is identity theft than just a simple clerical mistake, as snopes wants you to believe." It's only "far more likely" because that's what you want to believe. You probably also believe all of the birther nonsense.
As far as "Bounel's listing" is concerned, you clearly know nothing about databases. If Bounel's name was accidentally linked to Obama's information, it would have been linked to most or all of it, depending on how the database was designed. And, depending on how he got linked to Obama's data, his own information would have been lost or disassociated, not being linked to any name, or perhaps linked to some other name entirely. That sort of thing is not uncommon. Databases get corrupted every day. There's a lot of effort put into trying to detect and correct that corruption.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
And what make you think Joan Rivers knew this? And why kill her after she makes it public? It is too late then.


It's common knowledge in the inner circles of the rich and famous and Hollywood that Michelle is a tranny and Obama is gay. These are just facts, please dont shoot the messenger! Im just getting the truth out on the table. What you do with it is up to you.

So it's one of two things. Michelle is either really really really into advocating for transgender rights or she is one herself. Heck its pretty clear from the cover of the book the phrase in huge block lettering that stands out from the rest of the text.

Where did I ever say it was written by the Ambassador? That is of course not possible.

So whats the deal? Authorship is very clear...

Written by a cousin of Ambassador Stevens, a US Navy Chaplain, Senior Pastor Ret’d

Collect your thoughts. you are a little wild on your counter punches.

All you liberals need to mull this over a few times. I am going to start a separate thread that we can dedicate to Benghazi. I will try to do one Obama scandal a week, perhaps two. And guys let me be clear: I'd prefer to not have to sling insults back and forth like 2nd graders. Lets leave our feelings at the door for Benghazi and have a clean debate.

These are the last few lines....something to take to heart

America, I saw firsthand how cold this man is. What kind of liar
he is. Most of you haven’t a clue about this tyrant and yet you support
him. And act like every word he says is Gospel. These murders and the fast
and furious cover ups make Watergate look like a kid who told his bff’s
secret to the class.

Dr. Charles R. Roots Senior Pastor
Former Staff Sergeant, USMC Captain,
U. S. Navy Chaplain Corps (Ret.)

This is exactly the type of tyranny Trump is fighting against. In fact this is a fight between Obama and Trump at the highest level. If Trump wins in 2020 we can say bye bye Barack!

Trump may very well be the greatest president in history


Where did I say what you're claiming? Your lack of reading comprehension is quite evident again. You quote your source as being written by a cousin of the ambassador, yet he states, quite clearly, that his cousin was part of the ambassador's security detail. Trump is, also quite clearly, possibly the worst president in our history. He has no coherent policies, has no concern for anyone but himself and lies constantly. Fast and Furious was a Bush fiasco, started in 2006. Trump would like nothing better than to abandon the Constitution and declare himself God-Emperor.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I want you to read something. This is the true account of Benghazi.

Written by a cousin of Ambassador Stevens, a US Navy Chaplain, Senior Pastor Ret’d

Here is my story. A week out the Embassy in Tripoli began
receiving multiple tips about an Al Queda cell in the area planning an
attack on 9/11 in response to the killing of Bin Laden. For the next
several days, the state dept and WH were asked for a security force and
were denied at least six times. Ambassador Stevens and his team were given
the all clear that the Consulate in Benghazi was safe and there was no
need for a security force other than his 3 personal guards (one being my
cousin) and a few Libyans who were not armed. Then the attack and murders

Immediately the WH claimed it was a protest gone bad over a you
tube video. Obama made a quick speech in the Rose Garden on Sept.12 before
catching a plane to Vegas to campaign. He made a generic statement at the
end of his speech after placing the blame on an overheated protest over
the video. He said “No act of terror will shake the resolve of America.
Later that day and over the next 2 days, the liberal media began saying
Ambassador Stevens and the other 3 men died of smoke inhalation. This was
not the case.

Out of respect for my cousin, I’m not going to be specific about
his murder. However Ambassador Stevens was brutally murdered. His genitals
were cut off, he was sodomized and beaten and cut and stabbed and burned.
He was drug thru the streets and left for dead. This is eyewitness
testimony of a local Dr. who found the Ambassador in a ditch and tried to
save his life. He had no idea who he was. The other 3 men, including my
cousin, met similar fates. And deaths due to smoke inhalation is a 100%
fabricated LIE. The next week I drove my aunt and Uncle and 2 others to DC
to receive his body. We met with Hillary, Panetta, and Susan Rice. ALL of
whom apologized and said it was a protest gone bad over a video and exited
the area. Next, Obama entered with the same story and didn’t apologize and
wasn’t sympathetic. My aunt cried to this man and all he did was hand her
flowers and walk away. I tried to get his attention, but didn’t. I got
upset and yelled liar to him, he kept walking. Then a secret service agent
grabbed my arm and led me to a room where I was held till the proceedings
were over.

America, I saw firsthand how cold this man is. What kind of liar
he is. Most of you haven’t a clue about this tyrant and yet you support
him. And act like every word he says is Gospel. These murders and the fast
and furious cover ups make Watergate look like a kid who told his bff’s
secret to the class.

Dr. Charles R. Roots Senior Pastor
Former Staff Sergeant, USMC Captain,
U. S. Navy Chaplain Corps (Ret.)

"It's well known that Snopes is part of the sold out liberal media". It's well known to the liars on the right because Snopes shoots down their lies and propaganda on a regular basis.
Snopes gives a quite valid explanation for the Connecticut SSN. SSNs are/were allocated by Zipcode. There's a one digit difference between a Connecticut Zip and a Honolulu zip. And that difference is between a 0 and a 9. Right next to each other on the keyboard and a very easy mistake to make.
"It's also far more likely this is identity theft than just a simple clerical mistake, as snopes wants you to believe." It's only "far more likely" because that's what you want to believe. You probably also believe all of the birther nonsense.
As far as "Bounel's listing" is concerned, you clearly know nothing about databases. If Bounel's name was accidentally linked to Obama's information, it would have been linked to most or all of it, depending on how the database was designed. And, depending on how he got linked to Obama's data, his own information would have been lost or disassociated, not being linked to any name, or perhaps linked to some other name entirely. That sort of thing is not uncommon. Databases get corrupted every day. There's a lot of effort put into trying to detect and correct that corruption.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Okay so we have a corrupt database and a clerical mistake on the zip code.
Thats two errors so far for the SSN alone, if we are keeping track here.

Lets address the zip code issue first. The SSN is designated based on your return address in the enclosed form in the envelop (NOT the return address on the actual letter)

042. is designated for Connecticut. All we really know for certain is that the card was mailed to someone in Connecticut and Obama obtained it between 1977 and 1979. If there was a clerical error as you describe it's probable that error would have carried through from start to finish and the card would may have been shipped to the wrong address (Hawaii address with CT zip code) In that case it would have bounced back to the SSA (return to sender). I would say that identity fraud should be of concern here, especially since the card was issued to a state where Barack Obama has no vested interests. Im not buying the clerical errors here. And neither should you.

Nobody seems to be able to explain the 1890 DOB listed by SSN Verifier Plus database and how it relates perfectly to Harrison Bounels DOB. What are the odds of that happening by random corruption or a mismatch? A billion to one? These are high level databases used for criminal background checks and debt collectors, etc. These databases are NOT prone to corruption thousans upon thousands of debt collectors and private investigators rely on this database on a daily basis. It's simply not satisfactory to have corrupted data. I used to work in the IT industry repairing servers and setting up networks. I can tell you that our clients depended on their data. If they couldn't get to the data it was a mission critical task to get them back up ASAP. For one of these national databases, it would simply be unacceptable to have corruption issues - even in 2009. That's a myth, its a red herring.
Just like Hillary Clinton used bleachbit to wipe her server and then she has the audacity to say: What do you mean, Did I wipe my server with a cloth or something? Same idea - another lame excuse used as a cover for corruption.


To address your corrupt database claim:
No amount of corruption is going to link a totally different, unique person to Obama's SSN. Again, these are high level databases that are NOT prone to corruption. The fact remains, Harrison J Bounel is NO accident. Because someone had to enter his name and Obama's SSN at the same time. This would only be done to commit fraud. There is no other explanation for J Bounel having Obama's current address. And then of course we have Michelle Obama, linked directly to Harrison J Bounel as his spouse!

No amount of corruption or clerical errors are going to give you this result. The reality of the situation: Obama is was committing identity fraud as a sitting President. The rabbit hole is vast and far reaching.

Thats not funny. Good Americans died that day for no reason and then Hillary and Obama had the audacity to lie to the american public about the root cause of the attack. And thats just the tip of the iceberg. Lets discuss this further in the Benghazi thread I will create tomorrow. This thread is already quite the cluster F.

Just remember, Hillary blatantly lied to the American people about the cause of this attack. They knew damn will it wasn't related to an internet video. But thats the story that got fed to the Americans. Thats the story that the liberal media took hold of. Thats the lie and so is the "public" account of what happened to our men at Benghazi. The truth is, the Obama administration had knowledge that an attack was highly probable for 9/11. Obviously the calls for help went unanswered.

A year later this was part of a speech by obama:

In an outrageous partisan speech delivered at the University of Illinois Friday, Obama sent shockwaves through the social media stratosphere by dismissing the outrage over the 2012 massacre in Benghazi as the result of a “wild conspiracy theory” perpetuated by conservatives and Republican members of Congress.

Here is some more background information on authorship (I have more of the account I will copy over tomorrow):

What Roots wrote for his blog begins with the line: “But the stunning part of the story is that Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty killed 60 of the attacking force.” That’s a reference to the two former Navy SEALS who, along with Ambassador Stevens and State Department Information Management Officer Sean Smith, were killed in the attack on the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012.

In a follow-up blog post on May 22, 2013, Roots said that the account of the two men who killed “60 of the attacking force” came from an unnamed personal friend of his who also happens to be related to either Woods or Doherty.

And again, lets focus on Obama's SSN and Michelles gender here. Just wanted to clarify a couple points.
Where did I say what you're claiming? Your lack of reading comprehension is quite evident again. You quote your source as being written by a cousin of the ambassador, yet he states, quite clearly, that his cousin was part of the ambassador's security detail. Trump is, also quite clearly, possibly the worst president in our history. He has no coherent policies, has no concern for anyone but himself and lies constantly. Fast and Furious was a Bush fiasco, started in 2006. Trump would like nothing better than to abandon the Constitution and declare himself God-Emperor.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Okay, okay I really dont know what you are rambling on about at this point. It's late and Im going to bed. As far as I know there are two authors who documented the alternate account of what happened that night and I will include all the information and the second part of the account in the thread about it tomorrow. Please ask your questions over there.

And just so you know, you can go to fact checker websites and they will feed you some BS about the cause and our response because they are sold out and have a clearly liberal slant. They protect democrats and they hide the truth. Their greatest achievement was protecting Obama for 8 years. I remember near the end of this presidency, the liberal media came out with a story like this:

Obama leaves a scandal free legacy (Or something to that effect) And believe it or not, liberals were picking up this stuff and running with it. They actually believed Obama didnt have a single scandal in all 8 years of office. I just shake my head.

Trump is, also quite clearly, possibly the worst president in our history. He has no coherent policies, has no concern for anyone but himself and lies constantly. Fast and Furious was a Bush fiasco, started in 2006. Trump would like nothing better than to abandon the Constitution and declare himself God-Emperor.

I do know that defending the 2nd amendment like Trump does is all about protecting the constitution. Im not sure how you can view it as anything BUT that. Democrats have been throwing mud at the wall for 3 years now (do nothing democrats) and nothing has stuck. Do you honestly think the impeachment attempt is going to go any better? Seriously?

Operation Fast and Furious ended with yet another Obama scandal. I will add that one to my list as well.

As far as I know, it started under bush, but Eric Holder took over when Obama won,and dispensed well over 2000 assault rifles and guns directly into the hands of known drug cartels. The plan was the US would track these weapons and it would lead them to Cartel leadership. Well, it worked out a little bit like socialism. Looks good on paper but it didnt work in real life, and almost always ends in bloodshed. One of our border patrol agents was killed by one of these weapons and there have been many, many more deaths in Mexico as a result of fast and furious. AFAIK only 700 guns were recovered... the rest are still out there. And we didnt catch a single high ranking leader as a result.. It's almost like they just wanted to take guns away from us and give them to our enemy, dont you think?

It's almost ironic. Eric Holder would prefer to see guns in the hands of violent drug cartels that operate near our southern border. He would rather see guns in the hands of the enemy than he would in the hands of US citizens.

And I think that really sums up the Obama administration very well. Put weapons in the hands of our enemies and take them away from honest hard working Americans.

Obama is a very shady character at best. There is also this urban legend floating around talking about how Obama had a connection to ISIS. And Im not talking US to enemy relationship here, Im talking about a direct link to some people close to ISIS.

Well, thats all for tonight. We can do an ISIS / ISIL Obama Conspiracy theory as well, maybe next week.
This thread is getting funnier by the post, maybe "ironwhatever" can bring back the Birther thing, I haven't seen the film on that one in a long time, and what about Elvis, who had him killed?

The Obama was born in Kenya. Everyone knows that. "What difference, at this point, does it matter?"
Where does 12b say anything about animals? And don't forget the Photoshopped picture of Melania that Steven keeps beating off to.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk


WE WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF IT. Do not try to approach the line to test us to see what one can get away with, if you approach the line, chances are you will not receive the benefit of the doubt.
I want you to read something. This is the true account of Benghazi.

Written by a cousin of Ambassador Stevens, a US Navy Chaplain, Senior Pastor Ret’d

Here is my story. A week out the Embassy in Tripoli began
receiving multiple tips about an Al Queda cell in the area planning an
attack on 9/11 in response to the killing of Bin Laden. For the next
several days, the state dept and WH were asked for a security force and
were denied at least six times. Ambassador Stevens and his team were given
the all clear that the Consulate in Benghazi was safe and there was no
need for a security force other than his 3 personal guards (one being my
cousin) and a few Libyans who were not armed. Then the attack and murders

Immediately the WH claimed it was a protest gone bad over a you
tube video. Obama made a quick speech in the Rose Garden on Sept.12 before
catching a plane to Vegas to campaign. He made a generic statement at the
end of his speech after placing the blame on an overheated protest over
the video. He said “No act of terror will shake the resolve of America.
Later that day and over the next 2 days, the liberal media began saying
Ambassador Stevens and the other 3 men died of smoke inhalation. This was
not the case.

Out of respect for my cousin, I’m not going to be specific about
his murder. However Ambassador Stevens was brutally murdered. His genitals
were cut off, he was sodomized and beaten and cut and stabbed and burned.
He was drug thru the streets and left for dead. This is eyewitness
testimony of a local Dr. who found the Ambassador in a ditch and tried to
save his life. He had no idea who he was. The other 3 men, including my
cousin, met similar fates. And deaths due to smoke inhalation is a 100%
fabricated LIE. The next week I drove my aunt and Uncle and 2 others to DC
to receive his body. We met with Hillary, Panetta, and Susan Rice. ALL of
whom apologized and said it was a protest gone bad over a video and exited
the area. Next, Obama entered with the same story and didn’t apologize and
wasn’t sympathetic. My aunt cried to this man and all he did was hand her
flowers and walk away. I tried to get his attention, but didn’t. I got
upset and yelled liar to him, he kept walking. Then a secret service agent
grabbed my arm and led me to a room where I was held till the proceedings
were over.

America, I saw firsthand how cold this man is. What kind of liar
he is. Most of you haven’t a clue about this tyrant and yet you support
him. And act like every word he says is Gospel. These murders and the fast
and furious cover ups make Watergate look like a kid who told his bff’s
secret to the class.

Dr. Charles R. Roots Senior Pastor
Former Staff Sergeant, USMC Captain,
U. S. Navy Chaplain Corps (Ret.)

:palm: Who you gonna believe, another conspiracy theorist or Pastor Roots himself?

"Charles Roots is not related to the late Christopher Stevens, and he denied writing anything that graphically described how Stevens was “sodomized and beaten and cut and stabbed and burned” on the night of the terrorist attack in Benghazi.

Roots sent the following note to his colleagues at the Ripon Free Methodist Church on May 31:

Many of you have been receiving my weekly column, Roots in Ripon for a number of years, so you’re familiar with the way I write. I truly appreciate your patronage.
In the past several days I have heard from several people asking for me to verify an article attributed to me which is currently on Snopes. I checked it out, and the answer is a resounding

NO! I did not write this drivel, and am disgusted by its message and tone.

Please know that this is not something from me. The two articles I wrote on Benghazi are “Courageous” and “Benghazi Redux.” I have attached both for your review.

Again, thanks for your support. And please help me dispel this rumor associating me with the Snopes story.
Chuck Roots

Gayle Mottweiler, the church’s office secretary, forwarded Roots’ note to She also told us in a telephone interview that Roots, a former U.S. Marine and a retired Navy chaplain, has only one cousin who lives in Idaho, a fact she confirmed with one of his daughters...

It's common knowledge in the inner circles of the rich and famous and Hollywood that Michelle is a tranny and Obama is gay. These are just facts, please dont shoot the messenger! Im just getting the truth out on the table. What you do with it is up to you.

So it's one of two things. Michelle is either really really really into advocating for transgender rights or she is one herself. Heck its pretty clear from the cover of the book the phrase in huge block lettering that stands out from the rest of the text.


You make up outrageous claims just for the heck of it. It certainly is not "common knowledge." And the rich and famous and Hollywood just keep that information to themselves?
:palm: Who you gonna believe, another conspiracy theorist or Pastor Roots himself?

"Charles Roots is not related to the late Christopher Stevens, and he denied writing anything that graphically described how Stevens was “sodomized and beaten and cut and stabbed and burned” on the night of the terrorist attack in Benghazi.

Roots sent the following note to his colleagues at the Ripon Free Methodist Church on May 31:

Many of you have been receiving my weekly column, Roots in Ripon for a number of years, so you’re familiar with the way I write. I truly appreciate your patronage.
In the past several days I have heard from several people asking for me to verify an article attributed to me which is currently on Snopes. I checked it out, and the answer is a resounding

NO! I did not write this drivel, and am disgusted by its message and tone.

Please know that this is not something from me. The two articles I wrote on Benghazi are “Courageous” and “Benghazi Redux.” I have attached both for your review.

Again, thanks for your support. And please help me dispel this rumor associating me with the Snopes story.
Chuck Roots

Gayle Mottweiler, the church’s office secretary, forwarded Roots’ note to She also told us in a telephone interview that Roots, a former U.S. Marine and a retired Navy chaplain, has only one cousin who lives in Idaho, a fact she confirmed with one of his daughters...
Liberal fact checking sites are part of the delusional arm of the democratic party. They collude with the liberal media to form the "narrative" that they want and run with it. Liberal fact checking sites are a bit like drug testing yourself, sure you can be honest but if you turn up dirty chances are you wont just turn yourself into the authorities. Bias, these sites are biased.

Hillary and Obama caught wind of the attack, they knew ahead of time what was going to happen. This is not simple negligence on the part of the US government. This is far worse than that. Then Hillary has the gall to lie about the root cause to the American People. One of many lies in a pattern meant to hide the truth from the people of this nation. (see talking point revisions below)

Hillary and Obama then constructed an elaborate cover up to hide the truth and keep the facts from being known. Witnesses were silenced or told not to testify. When are you guys going to realize that Hillary and Obama are the enemy here.

As for the authorship of the article, it is contested, yes and some say half of it was written by another person with direct knowledge of the attack. However, it's more accurate than anything we got from the WH or the liberal media. Christopher Stevens was assaulted, brutalized, tortured, beaten and murdered by an angry mob while Hillary and Obama looked on from the comfort and security of the White House.


Hillary's classic "What difference does it make at this point" line - this is why people voted for Trump!

Benghazi talking points:

Susan Rice used them. As the spokesperson for
the United States government, she used them to tell the
American people that there had been a protest spawned by
an anti-Islamic video. She made no mention of al-Qai’da.
She focused on the protest. she told the Deputies
Committee on September 15 – the day before she appeared
in public – that the Chief of Station reported that there was
no protest.

The talking points removed critical references about the assault that night. Absolutely sick, hiding relevant facts from the American public. But this is how the Obama administration handles their scandals. Deception and lies. Nothing more.

Original Talking Points:

The final version of the talking points (hammered home by the Obama admin)
You make up outrageous claims just for the heck of it. It certainly is not "common knowledge." And the rich and famous and Hollywood just keep that information to themselves?

The hollywood elite keep this little secret under wraps. If the image of the Obama family was corrupted it would totally invalidate Obama's presidency - and make for the biggest scandal in american history (and quite possibly world history)

Joan Rivers was murdered for telling the truth. You know the devil is close at hand with behavior like that.
The hollywood elite keep this little secret under wraps. If the image of the Obama family was corrupted it would totally invalidate Obama's presidency - and make for the biggest scandal in american history (and quite possibly world history)

Joan Rivers was murdered for telling the truth. You know the devil is close at hand with behavior like that.

You have 0 evidence for any of this. Give a link to the video in which Rivers made these claims.

The frogman became the woman's boot. How did anybody ever think that was a frogman?
You have 0 evidence for any of this. Give a link to the video in which Rivers made these claims.

The frogman became the woman's boot. How did anybody ever think that was a frogman?

The frogman fiasco was started by a still frame from the video:


Link to Joan Rivers comments on Michelle's sexuality and Obamas sexual preference.

By the way, you search this direct phrase:

Barack is gay, Michelle is a tranny: Did these comments get Joan Rivers killed?

And this video doesnt pop up for a number of pages.

Its almost like youtube is intentionally hiding this clip from the general public.
Hmmmmm. Yet another indicator that google is colluding with the Obama people.
Last edited:
The frogman fiasco was started by a still frame from the video:


Link to Joan Rivers comments on Michelle's sexuality and Obamas sexual preference.

By the way, you search this direct phrase:

Barack is gay, Michelle is a tranny: Did these comments get Joan Rivers killed?

And this video doesnt pop up for a number of pages.

Its almost like youtube is intentionally hiding this clip from the general public.
Hmmmmm. Yet another indicator that google is colluding with the Obama people.

And you believe internet news and conspiracy claims?

"Never believe what you read on the internet." --Abraham Lincoln
Believe it or not, there is convincing evidence that 1st "lady" Michelle Obama is really a man. Called "Michael" in public by her husband President Barack Obama, Michelle has the undeniable physical features of a man, including broad shoulders, huge biceps and a square jaw. What makes it a giveaway is that her ring fingers are longer than her pointers (2nd finger), a known masculine anatomical trait. Some pictures even show her with discernible male genitalia! There's nothing wrong with being transgender - but why lie about it? It's yet more fraud from the US Government.

Joan Rivers slip of the tongue and death:

On July 3, 2014, after officiating at a wedding of two homosexuals in New York, comedienne Joan Rivers was asked by an off-camera reporter: “Do you think the country … United States will see the first gay president or first woman president?”
This is what Joan Rivers said, sounding weary and definitely not in a joking mood:

“We already have [the first gay president] with Obama, so let’s just calm down. You know Michelle is a tranny… a transgender. We all know.“

Two months to the day of Joan Rivers’ outing of the Obamas, she was declared dead after she had stopped breathing during a routine endoscopy in a clinic.

After nearly two months of investigations, federal officials said on November 10 that the clinic made a number of mistakes both before and during the procedure. Among those were the clinic's failure to respond to Rivers' deteriorating vital signs, including a severe drop in her blood pressure, possibly administering an incorrect anesthetic dosage, performing a surgical procedure without her consent, and other medical-clinic irregularities. Yup, sounds like Obama was behind yet another murder. Joan had to go because she spilled the beans.

Barack calls his wife Michael:
In a speech on September 30, 2011, at the transition or change-of-office ceremony of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at Fort Myer, Virginia, Obama referred to his wife not as Michelle but as Michael.

Obama clearly said: “Distinguished guests, men and women of the finest military in the world, most of all, Admiral Mullen, Deborah, Michael and I also want to acknowledge your son Jack who was deployed today, all of you have performed extraordinary service to our country….”

Michelle Obama's physical structure (wide shoulders):




Michelle Obama has something down there:





Additional Findings:


Michelle goes 2 days without shaving:


Someone's on drugs.