Joan Rivers Murdered by Obama? Michelle Obama a transsexual?

Liberal fact checking sites are part of the delusional arm of the democratic party. They collude with the liberal media to form the "narrative" that they want and run with it. Liberal fact checking sites are a bit like drug testing yourself, sure you can be honest but if you turn up dirty chances are you wont just turn yourself into the authorities. Bias, these sites are biased.

Hillary and Obama caught wind of the attack, they knew ahead of time what was going to happen. This is not simple negligence on the part of the US government. This is far worse than that. Then Hillary has the gall to lie about the root cause to the American People. One of many lies in a pattern meant to hide the truth from the people of this nation. (see talking point revisions below)

Hillary and Obama then constructed an elaborate cover up to hide the truth and keep the facts from being known. Witnesses were silenced or told not to testify. When are you guys going to realize that Hillary and Obama are the enemy here.

As for the authorship of the article, it is contested, yes and some say half of it was written by another person with direct knowledge of the attack. However, it's more accurate than anything we got from the WH or the liberal media. Christopher Stevens was assaulted, brutalized, tortured, beaten and murdered by an angry mob while Hillary and Obama looked on from the comfort and security of the White House.


Hillary's classic "What difference does it make at this point" line - this is why people voted for Trump!

Benghazi talking points:

Susan Rice used them. As the spokesperson for
the United States government, she used them to tell the
American people that there had been a protest spawned by
an anti-Islamic video. She made no mention of al-Qai’da.
She focused on the protest. she told the Deputies
Committee on September 15 – the day before she appeared
in public – that the Chief of Station reported that there was
no protest.

The talking points removed critical references about the assault that night. Absolutely sick, hiding relevant facts from the American public. But this is how the Obama administration handles their scandals. Deception and lies. Nothing more.

Original Talking Points:


The final version of the talking points (hammered home by the Obama admin)

It's lazy to dismiss all information you don't agree with as liberal bias. Cons love fact checkers, even the so-called liberal ones, when they criticize liberal politicians. Perhaps you can cite what you consider a reliable fact-checker so I can read up on it.

Info on Pastor Root: He is "a retired Navy Chaplain. As a former enlisted Marine I served in Vietnam. As a Navy Chaplain I served with the Marines in Kuwait, Iraq and Djibouti."

As far as Benghazi there were at least five investigations of it in Congress and the result was no administrative wrong-doing by the Obama administration. These were republican-led investigations. How do you explain that?
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WE WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF IT. Do not try to approach the line to test us to see what one can get away with, if you approach the line, chances are you will not receive the benefit of the doubt.
What about 12a?

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Okay so we have a corrupt database and a clerical mistake on the zip code.
Thats two errors so far for the SSN alone, if we are keeping track here.

Lets address the zip code issue first. The SSN is designated based on your return address in the enclosed form in the envelop (NOT the return address on the actual letter)

042. is designated for Connecticut. All we really know for certain is that the card was mailed to someone in Connecticut and Obama obtained it between 1977 and 1979. If there was a clerical error as you describe it's probable that error would have carried through from start to finish and the card would may have been shipped to the wrong address (Hawaii address with CT zip code) In that case it would have bounced back to the SSA (return to sender). I would say that identity fraud should be of concern here, especially since the card was issued to a state where Barack Obama has no vested interests. Im not buying the clerical errors here. And neither should you.

Nobody seems to be able to explain the 1890 DOB listed by SSN Verifier Plus database and how it relates perfectly to Harrison Bounels DOB. What are the odds of that happening by random corruption or a mismatch? A billion to one? These are high level databases used for criminal background checks and debt collectors, etc. These databases are NOT prone to corruption thousans upon thousands of debt collectors and private investigators rely on this database on a daily basis. It's simply not satisfactory to have corrupted data. I used to work in the IT industry repairing servers and setting up networks. I can tell you that our clients depended on their data. If they couldn't get to the data it was a mission critical task to get them back up ASAP. For one of these national databases, it would simply be unacceptable to have corruption issues - even in 2009. That's a myth, its a red herring.
Just like Hillary Clinton used bleachbit to wipe her server and then she has the audacity to say: What do you mean, Did I wipe my server with a cloth or something? Same idea - another lame excuse used as a cover for corruption.


To address your corrupt database claim:
No amount of corruption is going to link a totally different, unique person to Obama's SSN. Again, these are high level databases that are NOT prone to corruption. The fact remains, Harrison J Bounel is NO accident. Because someone had to enter his name and Obama's SSN at the same time. This would only be done to commit fraud. There is no other explanation for J Bounel having Obama's current address. And then of course we have Michelle Obama, linked directly to Harrison J Bounel as his spouse!

No amount of corruption or clerical errors are going to give you this result. The reality of the situation: Obama is was committing identity fraud as a sitting President. The rabbit hole is vast and far reaching.
No, you do not "know for certain is that the card was mailed to someone in Connecticut". There's nothing to support that. All we "know for certain" is that a Connecticut zip was entered instead of a Honolulu zip when the SSN was assigned. That's quite likely simply a typo.
" In that case it would have bounced back to the SSA (return to sender)."
Unless someone down the line, possibly in the Post Office, noticed that the address said "Honolulu", possibly after it ended up as undeliverable because the address didn't exist in the zipcode on the letter.
Again, the DOB issue depends on how the database is designed.
Corruption happens. It can be accidental or deliberate. If Bounel was linked to Obama's data, he would likely also have been linked to addresses and family.

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Okay, okay I really dont know what you are rambling on about at this point. It's late and Im going to bed. As far as I know there are two authors who documented the alternate account of what happened that night and I will include all the information and the second part of the account in the thread about it tomorrow. Please ask your questions over there.

And just so you know, you can go to fact checker websites and they will feed you some BS about the cause and our response because they are sold out and have a clearly liberal slant. They protect democrats and they hide the truth. Their greatest achievement was protecting Obama for 8 years. I remember near the end of this presidency, the liberal media came out with a story like this:

Obama leaves a scandal free legacy (Or something to that effect) And believe it or not, liberals were picking up this stuff and running with it. They actually believed Obama didnt have a single scandal in all 8 years of office. I just shake my head.

I do know that defending the 2nd amendment like Trump does is all about protecting the constitution. Im not sure how you can view it as anything BUT that. Democrats have been throwing mud at the wall for 3 years now (do nothing democrats) and nothing has stuck. Do you honestly think the impeachment attempt is going to go any better? Seriously?

Operation Fast and Furious ended with yet another Obama scandal. I will add that one to my list as well.

As far as I know, it started under bush, but Eric Holder took over when Obama won,and dispensed well over 2000 assault rifles and guns directly into the hands of known drug cartels. The plan was the US would track these weapons and it would lead them to Cartel leadership. Well, it worked out a little bit like socialism. Looks good on paper but it didnt work in real life, and almost always ends in bloodshed. One of our border patrol agents was killed by one of these weapons and there have been many, many more deaths in Mexico as a result of fast and furious. AFAIK only 700 guns were recovered... the rest are still out there. And we didnt catch a single high ranking leader as a result.. It's almost like they just wanted to take guns away from us and give them to our enemy, dont you think?

It's almost ironic. Eric Holder would prefer to see guns in the hands of violent drug cartels that operate near our southern border. He would rather see guns in the hands of the enemy than he would in the hands of US citizens.

And I think that really sums up the Obama administration very well. Put weapons in the hands of our enemies and take them away from honest hard working Americans.

Obama is a very shady character at best. There is also this urban legend floating around talking about how Obama had a connection to ISIS. And Im not talking US to enemy relationship here, Im talking about a direct link to some people close to ISIS.

Well, thats all for tonight. We can do an ISIS / ISIL Obama Conspiracy theory as well, maybe next week.
You clearly don't even know what you're rambling on about. Truth seems to have a liberal slant. The right, as you continue to demonstrate, avoids the truth at all costs. The only thing that Obama was 'protected' from was the constant flood of lies about him that came from the right.
Trump is not defending the 2nd. My inbox is full of "OMG, Trump is going to sell us out" messages. The evidence for impeachment keeps growing, as does the support for it. Your denial won't change that. Fast and Furious started under Bush and was a local operation. It took some time for DC to even become aware of it.
All you've got is the usual assortment of right-wing conspiracy theories. How much time do you spend over at Infowars?

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Liberal fact checking sites are part of the delusional arm of the democratic party. They collude with the liberal media to form the "narrative" that they want and run with it. Liberal fact checking sites are a bit like drug testing yourself, sure you can be honest but if you turn up dirty chances are you wont just turn yourself into the authorities. Bias, these sites are biased.

Hillary and Obama caught wind of the attack, they knew ahead of time what was going to happen. This is not simple negligence on the part of the US government. This is far worse than that. Then Hillary has the gall to lie about the root cause to the American People. One of many lies in a pattern meant to hide the truth from the people of this nation. (see talking point revisions below)

Hillary and Obama then constructed an elaborate cover up to hide the truth and keep the facts from being known. Witnesses were silenced or told not to testify. When are you guys going to realize that Hillary and Obama are the enemy here.

As for the authorship of the article, it is contested, yes and some say half of it was written by another person with direct knowledge of the attack. However, it's more accurate than anything we got from the WH or the liberal media. Christopher Stevens was assaulted, brutalized, tortured, beaten and murdered by an angry mob while Hillary and Obama looked on from the comfort and security of the White House.


Hillary's classic "What difference does it make at this point" line - this is why people voted for Trump!

Benghazi talking points:

Susan Rice used them. As the spokesperson for
the United States government, she used them to tell the
American people that there had been a protest spawned by
an anti-Islamic video. She made no mention of al-Qai’da.
She focused on the protest. she told the Deputies
Committee on September 15 – the day before she appeared
in public – that the Chief of Station reported that there was
no protest.

The talking points removed critical references about the assault that night. Absolutely sick, hiding relevant facts from the American public. But this is how the Obama administration handles their scandals. Deception and lies. Nothing more.

Original Talking Points:

The final version of the talking points (hammered home by the Obama admin)
Apparently, everything that you believe is a lie. Par for Trumpanzees.

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The hollywood elite keep this little secret under wraps. If the image of the Obama family was corrupted it would totally invalidate Obama's presidency - and make for the biggest scandal in american history (and quite possibly world history)

Joan Rivers was murdered for telling the truth. You know the devil is close at hand with behavior like that.
Joan Rivers was a comedienne. She knew that gullible fools like you would take her seriously. That's the whole point of the joke. Unfortunately, she died before she could say "Gotcha!"

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The frogman fiasco was started by a still frame from the video:


Link to Joan Rivers comments on Michelle's sexuality and Obamas sexual preference.

By the way, you search this direct phrase:

Barack is gay, Michelle is a tranny: Did these comments get Joan Rivers killed?

And this video doesnt pop up for a number of pages.

Its almost like youtube is intentionally hiding this clip from the general public.
Hmmmmm. Yet another indicator that google is colluding with the Obama people.
Yet another wacko conspiracy theory. The right couldn't function without their swamp of conspiracy theories.

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You clearly don't even know what you're rambling on about. Truth seems to have a liberal slant. The right, as you continue to demonstrate, avoids the truth at all costs. The only thing that Obama was 'protected' from was the constant flood of lies about him that came from the right.
Trump is not defending the 2nd. My inbox is full of "OMG, Trump is going to sell us out" messages. The evidence for impeachment keeps growing, as does the support for it. Your denial won't change that. Fast and Furious started under Bush and was a local operation. It took some time for DC to even become aware of it.
All you've got is the usual assortment of right-wing conspiracy theories. How much time do you spend over at Infowars?

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Obama built a 5 billion dollar website that didnt even work? How do you explain away that nonsense?

We will have to wait and see what happens with the impeachment situation. I am quite confident Trump will be exonerated and go on to win again in 2020. Remember these words and after the election we can talk about credibility. The whole country is going to light up red. Trump will win in a landslide.
Yet another wacko conspiracy theory. The right couldn't function without their swamp of conspiracy theories.

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Do you still seriously think Michelle is a woman? (and no, I am not trolling) Lets review a couple key points. *****I want to say up front I do not approve of gender reassignment surgery from a moral perspective but I understand people have free will and I have to respect that.*****

1) Obama administration pushes transgender bathrooms across the nation? I mean this guy must love transgenders to go that far with it.

2) Obama has addressed Michelle as Michael on more than one occasion, intentionally

3) Michelle Obama is on the cover of a transgender guide book: Her name is put on the cover in huge block lettering:


4) Joan Rivers spills the beans in a serious not kidding tone. She has been known to speak her mind on more than one occasion. This is NOT an aberration from Rivers. This response is in kind with her normal mouthy behavior.

5) Obama went as far as to sue North Carolina because they had a law on the books that conflicted with "transgender rights"

McCrory initially filed the lawsuit in May after the Obama administration threatened to withhold federal funding to the state because of the law, which requires transgender people to use public restrooms that match the sex listed on their birth certificate, rather than their gender

6) Eleven states sue Obama administration over bathroom guidance for transgender students

In that letter, the two agencies cited Title IX, which prohibits sexual discrimination at educational facilities that receive federal funding, and said that this extended to how schools treat transgender students. The lawsuit filed Wednesday argues that the Obama administration was “officially foisting its new version of federal law” on schools and accuses federal officials of seeking “to rewrite Title IX by executive fiat.”

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) almost immediately said his state would fight the letter because President Obama is “not a king.” Ken Paxton, the Texas attorney general, accused Obama of trying to “bully Texas schools into allowing men to have open access to girls in bathrooms” and vowed a legal fight.

7) Obama mentions transgender in his state of the Union address:

Every word in every State of the Union speech is vetted. And President Barack Obama’s decision to say a certain word among the 6,718 he uttered on Tuesday is reverberating through the LGBT community. That’s because Obama just became the first President to say the word transgender during such a high-profile occasion. And most advocates for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights are thrilled.

8) Joan rivers goes in for a normal checkup on her throat? And comes out in a body bag? You've got to be kidding me!

The investigation found that Dr. Cohen brought in Dr. Korovin, a doctor to many celebrity actors and singers, even though she lacked the proper credentials to work at Yorkville. Dr. Korovin was Ms. Rivers’s personal doctor, but the report said that there was no documentation indicating that Ms. Rivers gave consent for her to conduct a procedure.

Investigators also reported that Dr. Lawrence Cohen, then medical director of the clinic, took cellphone pictures of Ms. Rivers and Gwen Korovin, her ear, nose and throat doctor, while Ms. Rivers was lying on the operating table unconscious from anesthesia. Dr. Cohen told the others in the room that Ms. Rivers might want to see the pictures in the recovery room.

-A mystery doctor is brought in for a routine throat exam?? Rather high profile... Im sure this mystery Doctor is the one who injected River's with a massive dose of the potent sedative known as propofol essentially putting her in a medically induced coma. The dose was so powerful it shut down her lungs to the point where her body and brain became starved of oxygen. Read up on it. "This is the worlds most potent anti breathing drug." Put two and two together. I bet we can also find links from this mystery doctor to Obama.

-Taking pictures of Rivers on the operating table? Yeah, Michael and Obama wanted to see her dead. They wanted proof that the deed was done and they sure as hell got it.

Lets take a look at some of the procedures that were performed. As far as I know, she did not consent to at least one procedure here...

Dr. Korovin went first and tried to perform a laryngoscopy, to look at Ms. Rivers’s voice box. But the procedure “was aborted because the E.N.T. surgeon stated she could not see very well what she was trying to view,” the report said.
Dr. Cohen then took his turn, performing an upper endoscopy, a procedure in which a tiny camera is used to look at the digestive system.
When he finished at 9:28 a.m., according to a clinic technician quoted in the report, Dr. Korovin “went in again with a laryngoscope and was there for a minute or two.”

It' almost sounds like the doctors were torturing her, wouldn't you say? To much anesthesia? Extra procedures without consent? Pictures of her dead body? Another mystery doctor joins the scene? Seriously these doctors were having fun with her... treating her especially harshly due to her big mouth. I wouldn't be surprised if they poured acid down her throat. That will shut her up - for good!!

More information on the celebrity doctor who wasn't supposed to be there. Can you say conspiracy to commit murder? And they got away with it!

Responding to a January lawsuit filed against her and four other doctors, ear, nose and throat specialist Dr. Gwen Korovin says she was invited to perform a transnasal laryngoscopy on Rivers by Dr. Lawrence Cohen at his Yorkville Endoscopy clinic, Manhattan Supreme Court documents say. The lawsuit had charged that she wasn’t supposed to be doing work there.

Korovin also denies that anesthesiologist Renuka Bankulla objected “to a flexible laryngoscopy being performed” on Rivers, which is what the lawsuit alleges. In her own separate papers, Bankulla said Korovin fled the operating room as Rivers’ vital signs plummeted — which was alleged in daughter Melissa Rivers‘ lawsuit against the doctors and Yorkville Endoscopy.

Full article here:
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Obama built a 5 billion dollar website that didnt even work? How do you explain away that nonsense?

We will have to wait and see what happens with the impeachment situation. I am quite confident Trump will be exonerated and go on to win again in 2020. Remember these words and after the election we can talk about credibility. The whole country is going to light up red. Trump will win in a landslide.

The website is easily explained by incompetent government contractors. And Trump is easily the least honest and most corrupt person to ever inhabit the White House. Trump is fast losing the support of all sane citizens. It's only those who ignore all reality that still support him.

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The website is easily explained by incompetent government contractors. And Trump is easily the least honest and most corrupt person to ever inhabit the White House. Trump is fast losing the support of all sane citizens. It's only those who ignore all reality that still support him.

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Just so you know the Obamacare website cost almost as much as Trumps border wall. You could build a comparable website for about $250,000.00. No way incompetence would require a 5 billion dollar remedy. Its called fraud. See what Clint Eastwood has to say about Obama.

So you consider going after corruption a bad thing? Something a sitting president just shouldn't do?
Just so you know the Obamacare website cost almost as much as Trumps border wall. You could build a comparable website for about $250,000.00. No way incompetence would require a 5 billion dollar remedy. Its called fraud. See what Clint Eastwood has to say about Obama.

So you consider going after corruption a bad thing? Something a sitting president just shouldn't do?

More fake news. The Obamacare website cost about 1.7 billion, according to the Office of the Inspector General.

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More fake news. The Obamacare website cost about 1.7 billion, according to the Office of the Inspector General.

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Why do you keep responding to the troll? This one isn't even good for the entertainment value.
Why do you keep responding to the troll? This one isn't even good for the entertainment value.

But what if Im actually right? As in Joan Rivers was murdered by Obama for spilling the beans? There is now substantial evidence that Obama is gay (apart from Joan Rivers admission) and hid this from the American Public. This also brings Michelle back into the picture as a possible transgender person. That cannot be ruled out at this point. Plus Obama's ex gay lover, and believe it or not they met at Reverent Jeremiah Wrights Church. You know, the same socialist pastor who railed against the US and talked about radical ideas to move away from the constitution.

In terms of my behavior and etiquette well, perhaps you should treat Trump a little better instead of trashing him worse than I trashed Obama on a daily basis. and I might tone it down ALOT. In the beginning of this thread,---- there were like 4-5 posts in a row that were basically insults and challenges on my patriotism. This is before any conspiracy threads. I was just trying to get going and I have deal with this liberal BS.

I just want to be clear, you know you are destroyers of liberty, right? That the democratic party is attempting a coup and using this hoax impeachment as a vehicle for change. Liberals and democrats have done NOTHING for THE PAST THREE YEARS and you guys expect to be handled with kid gloves?

The way you people treat Trump is sickening, to say the least. No respect whatsoever.

Here's how we can boil this down:

You guys have been throwing mud at trump for THREE YEARS and nothing sticks

I have been throwing mud against Obama for under a month and some of it is definitely sticking!

We will close with a quote from Clint Eastwood. He must be off his rocker

But what if Im actually right? As in Joan Rivers was murdered by Obama for spilling the beans? There is now substantial evidence that Obama is gay (apart from Joan Rivers admission) and hid this from the American Public. This also brings Michelle back into the picture as a possible transgender person. That cannot be ruled out at this point. Plus Obama's ex gay lover, and believe it or not they met at Reverent Jeremiah Wrights Church. You know, the same socialist pastor who railed against the US and talked about radical ideas to move away from the constitution.

In terms of my behavior and etiquette well, perhaps you should treat Trump a little better instead of trashing him worse than I trashed Obama on a daily basis. and I might tone it down ALOT. In the beginning of this thread,---- there were like 4-5 posts in a row that were basically insults and challenges on my patriotism. This is before any conspiracy threads. I was just trying to get going and I have deal with this liberal BS.

I just want to be clear, you know you are destroyers of liberty, right? That the democratic party is attempting a coup and using this hoax impeachment as a vehicle for change. Liberals and democrats have done NOTHING for THE PAST THREE YEARS and you guys expect to be handled with kid gloves?

The way you people treat Trump is sickening, to say the least. No respect whatsoever.

Here's how we can boil this down:

You guys have been throwing mud at trump for THREE YEARS and nothing sticks

I have been throwing mud against Obama for under a month and some of it is definitely sticking!

We will close with a quote from Clint Eastwood. He must be off his rocker


You finally got the libtards on here to STFU. Let's see how long this lasts..............
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You finally got the libtards on here to STFU. Let's see how long this lasts..............
If only we could get the Trumpanzees to STFU. You Bozos never have anything rational to say. BTW, the Trump Presidency is the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people.

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