JPP AWARDS (voting is now done)

Most likely to be an "Internet Tough Guy" - Southern Man
Most "Meet-in-real-life-able" - thorn, LadyT, Froggie
Most likely to induce a facepalm - all the AOLers
Most "Get-Along-Able" Poster - Thorn
Most Respectable Poster - Thorn, Froggie, DonQ
Poster with Biggest Ego - Southern Man, Topspin
Funniest Poster Darla Thru clones, but Darla with Charver a close second
Best Thread Creator - LadyT She does not make many but they are all good
Most Politically Informed = Adam Weinberg
Best Debater - Adam weinberg
Best New Poster - Fish
Best Youngin Award - Watermark or current handle
Most Valuable Poster - Me of course :)

Sorry if I left someone out. One reason I hesisitated to vote.

And Grind if multiples are not allowed take the first choice of mine.
Most likely to be an "Internet Tough Guy" - Tutu
Most "Meet-in-real-life-able" - Everyone, even the "girls" to see if they are all blow and no go, I am a suck up, huh!
Most likely to induce a facepalm - no facepalms, I would be too busy laughing most likely!
Most "Get-Along-Able" Poster - meme and Tutu
Most Respectable Poster Don Quiote for personal reasons and Thorn and christiefan and the list goes on.
Poster with Biggest Ego froggie
Funniest Poster Charver, Ted, and Darla, Fish, USC, SM,
Best Thread Creator Cypress
Most Politically Informed - meme
Best Debater - Tutu
Best New Poster Fish and PostModern and Demwit
Best Youngin Award Grind and ThreeDee and Winterborn
Most Valuable Poster Damo

I had different answers last night, but I will go with this under pressure!