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350) Obama hired illegal immigrants as Obamacare “navigators”

Obama hired illegal immigrants to work as an Obamacare “navigators.”

They had access to US citizens personal data, including addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, Social Security numbers, lists of relatives, and banking records.
351) Obama hired individuals with outstanding arrest warrants as Obamacare “navigators”

They had access to US citizens personal data, including addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, Social Security numbers, lists of relatives, and banking records.
352) Obama's IRS collected taxes but did not give taxpayers any refunds during the 2013 government shutdown

During the October 2013 government shutdown, the IRS collected taxes but did not remit tax refunds.
353) The Obama administration prevented Catholic volunteers from practicing their religion at military bases during government shutdown

Catholic priests under contract or GS (general schedule) to the military were not allowed to offer the Catholic sacraments, including Mass, consecrating marriages, or performing baptisms--on military property during the 2013 government shutdown, and if they did, even on a volunteer basis, they would be arrested, according to the general counsel for the Archdiocese for the Military Service.
354) Obama spent $678 million to build the shitty Obamacare website

Obama paid out $678 million in taxpayers’ money to build the unstable, defective Obamacare website.
355) Obama refused to fire Kathleen Sebelius, even after the failure of the Obamacare website

Even after the Obamacare website failed spectacularly, Obama refused to fire his inept Secretary of Health and Human Services.
356) There was “no reasonable expectation of privacy” at the insecure Obamacare website

The Obamacare website stated: “You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system. At any time, and for any lawful Government purpose, the government may monitor, intercept, and search and seize any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system. Any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system may be disclosed or used for any lawful Government purpose.”

Obama's "navigators", including some with outstanding arrest warrants and illegal immigrants, had access to citizens personal data, including addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, Social Security numbers, lists of relatives, and banking records. So did hackers.
357) The lousy Obamacare website forced users to reveal private info before even viewing the plans

Legitimate websites allow users to browse without having to enter their personal information. However, the Obamacare website required users to enter their name, social security number, and other personal information before they were allowed to look at the insurance plans.
358) Michelle "Wookie" Obama refused to pick vegetables from her own garden without federal money

During the October 2013 government shutdown, Michelle Obama decided to avoid picking her own vegetables from her own garden, and instead, allowed them to rot.

Reuters reported: "In the famous White House kitchen garden, tomatoes are rotting on the vine. Herbs have gone to seed. And the sweet potatoes – a favorite of President Barack Obama – have become worm food. It’s another impact of the government shutdown, one that only the fox and the many squirrels that live on the White House grounds could love".
359) The Obamacare website was “a hacker’s wet dream”

John McAfee, the computer programmer who founded McAfee, Inc., said the Obamacare website was “a hacker’s wet dream.”
360) Obamacare caused a leukemia patient to lose his insurance

Michael Cerpok lived in Fountain Hills, Arizona. He had leukemia.

In 2012, his health care cost more than $350,000. But because he had insurance, he only had to pay $4,500 of that amount.

However, in October 2013, his insurance company sent him a letter which said that because of Obamacare, his insurance policy would be canceled on January 1, 2014.
361) Obama added 11 million words of regulations to Obamacare

The regulations that Obama piled on to Obamacare after he signed it added 30 X to the Obamacare law that Obama signed in March 2010.

Because Obama added 11 million words without approval from Congress, his actions were illegal.
362) The Obama administration threatened to arrest people for telling "inappropriate" jokes

In October 2013, the Obama administration announced the following on loudspeakers at George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston, Texas:

“Inappropriate remarks or jokes may result in your arrest.”

Guess who decided what was "inappropriate"
363) Obama changed Obamacare's registration deadline at the last minute

For three and a half years, the Obama administration repeatedly said that people had to register for Obamacare by March 31, 2014.

However, in October 2013, the Obama administration changed that deadline to February 14, 2014.
364) Obama ignored the successful methods of

The website had been successfully selling health insurance since 1998.

The website was simple and easy to use.

However, when Obama awarded the contract to create the Obamacare website, his minions chose to ignore the successful methods that were used by
365) For two weeks, a CNN reporter was never able to log in to Obamacare website

During the first two weeks of October 2013, a reporter from CNN repeatedly tried to log in to the craptastic Obamacare website, and was never able to.
366) The Obama administration paid $500 per gallon for gasoline

In October 2013 it was reported that the Obama administration had paid $500 per gallon for gasoline.
367) The Obamacare website referred people to uncertified Obamacare “navigators” and “assisters”

In October 2013, the Obamacare website referred people to uncertified “navigators” and “assisters.”

Obama's "navigators", including some with outstanding arrest warrants and illegal immigrants, had access to citizens personal data, including addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, Social Security numbers, lists of relatives, and banking records.
368) While the Obamacare website was not working, 700 counterfeit Obamacare websites were

Criminals created 700 counterfeit Obamacare websites. It is interesting to note that while the Obamacare website was not working, 700 counterfeit websites were working.