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311) Obama created an Obamacare website where reporters from various news agencies were unable to register

On October 1, 2013, a CNN reporter was unable to register at the Obamacare website.

On October 1, 2013, an MSNBC reporter was unable to register at the Obamacare website.

On October 1, 2013, a reporter from the Tennessean was unable to register at the Obamacare website.

It was discovered that company who built and tested the Obamacare website was awarded a no-bid contract. Michelle Obama's college roommate was senior vice president at CGI Federal.
312) The Obama administration created an Obamacare phone line that was answered by “navigators” who had no training

Obama signed the Obamacare law in March 2010.

The Obama administration had three and a half years to hire and train the “navigators” who answered the Obamacare phone line.

However, on October 1, 2013, one of the “navigators” who answered the Obamacare phone line told a reporter that “We have not been trained yet.”
313) The Obama administration gave a no-bid contract to a company where Michelle Obama's college roommate worked as a senior vice president.

It was discovered that the Obamacare website couldn't handle as much traffic as a website which was run by one guy in his pajamas from his apartment. was run by Matt Drudge, who ran the website in his pajamas from his apartment. His website has gotten as many as 45 million hits per day.

On the first day of the Obamacare website's operation, it reportedly had 7 million visitors. It could not handle that amount of traffic and crashed.
314) The Obama administration created Obamacare phone line where its “navigators” told people to go to a building that turned out to be empty

Obamacare “navigators” who answered the Obamacare phone line told people to go to a building that turned out to be empty, according to news reports.
315) Callers who dialed 1-800-381-2596 were connected to a number that when spelled out says ”F--KYO"

I consider this to be truth in advertising. For once, the Obama administration was telling the truth about Obamacare.
316) Obama tried to censor a book about the “Fast and Furious” scandal

In October 2013, the ACLU announced that it would be defending John Dodson’s first amendment right to free speech, against the Obama administration, which was trying to prevent Dodson from publishing a book about Obama’s “Fast and Furious” scandal.
317) Michelle Obama said she could not tweet as often after the federal shutdown caused layoffs of her 16 “assistants,” who had salaries as high as $172,200

During the government shutdown in October 2013, her 16 “assistants” were laid off, and her twitter account said: “Due to Congress’s failure to pass legislation to fund the government, updates to this account will be limited.”
318) Obama's Department of Justice hypocritically blocked Texas’s voter ID law for being “racist”

In March 2012, Obama’s Justice Department blocked Texas’s voter ID law, claiming that it was “racist.”

However, the very same Obama Justice Department that did this required photo ID for everyone who enters their building.
319) Obama falsely said that his negotiating over the debt ceiling would be unprecedented

In October 2013, Obama falsely said that his negotiating over the debt ceiling would be unprecedented.

Negotiations over the debt limit had occurred in Washington for years.
320) The Obama administration blocked access to outdoor memorials and monuments during a government shutdown, even though it would have been cheaper to leave them open

During the government shutdown in October 2013, Obama shut down the Vietnam Memorial, despite the fact that it would have been cheaper to leave it open.

Obama also shut down the World War II Memorial. Metal fences and yellow police tape blocked the entrances.

Orange cones prevented drivers from stopping and taking pictures of Mount Rushmore.

Yellow police tape in front of the Lincoln Memorial prevented people from entering.

During previous government shutdowns, these memorials and monuments had remained open.

Since it’s more expensive to close these outdoor memorials and monuments than it is to leave them open, you have to wonder what Obama’s reason was for shutting them down.
321) The Obama administration kicked people out of their privately-owned vacation homes on federal land during a government shutdown

During the government shutdown in October 2013, the Obama administration forced people to leave their privately-owned vacation homes along Lake Mead.

There was no legitimate justification for the Obama administration to do this.
322) The Obama administration forced private businesses on federal land to close during government shutdown

During the October 2013 government shutdown, the Obama administration forced privately owned marinas, restaurants, inns, and concessions stands which were situated on federal land to close.

Although the Obama administration claimed that this was done because the government did not have enough money to allow them to stay open, the government actually spent extra money to pay federal guards prevent people from entering these private businesses.
323) Obama kept one of his favorite golf courses open during a government shutdown

During the October 2013 government shutdown, while sis administration was busy closing federal parks, monuments, and memorials, Obama made one exception – he allowed one of his favorite golf courses to stay open.
324) The Obama administration spent $98,670 to build an outhouse

In September 2013, the Obama administration spent $98,670 to build an outhouse at the Swede Park Trail Head in Alaska.
325) Obama engaged in a self-proclaimed "sign of leadership failure”

In March 2006, Senator Obama said: “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure.”

However, in September 2013, President Obama argued in favor of raising the debt ceiling.
326) The Obama administration used armed guards to imprison tourists

During the October 2013 government shutdown, the Obama administration paid armed guards to imprison law abiding tourists inside a locked building at Yellowstone National Park.
327) Obama illegally denied death benefits to the families of dead U.S. soldiers

During the October 2013 government shutdown, Obama illegally denied death benefits to the families of dead U.S. soldiers.

Prior to the government shutdown, the funding for these death benefits had already been authorized by law.
328) Obama spent $47,174 on a mechanical bull during a government shutdown

During the October 2013 government shutdown, while Obama was busy closing parks, memorials, and monuments, and denying death benefits to the families of dead U.S. military personnel, he did manage to spend $47,174 on a mechanical bull.
329) The Obama administration seized $35,000 from a law abiding owner of a grocery store without any warning , explanation, or charges

For 30 years, Terry Dehko had been legally operating a grocery store near Detroit, Michigan.

In January 2013, the Obama administration seized $35,000 from Dehko’s bank account, without giving any warning or explanation, and without charging Dehko with any crime.