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272) Released 2,837 convicted sex offenders from prison

In September 2013, the Obama administration released 2,837 convicted sex offenders from prison.

Although the Obama administration claimed it had released the sex offenders in response to a court order to alleviate prison overcrowding, it could have released non-violent drug offenders instead.

Apparently, Obama decided that people with doctors’ prescriptions for medical marijuana were a bigger threat than rapists and child molesters.
273) Refused to fire or prosecute Obamacare employee who released private info of 2,400 people

In September 2013, it was reported that an Obamacare official had released the private information of 2,400 people.

Obama refused to fire or prosecute this Obamacare employee.
274) Tried to monitor 80% of all credit card transactions

In September 2013, it was reported that the Obama administration was trying to monitor 80% of all credit card transactions.
275) Obama tried to censor the AFL-CIO

In September 2013, Associated Press reported: "The AFL-CIO on Wednesday approved a resolution critical of parts of President Barack Obama’s health care law in spite of efforts by White House officials to discourage the labor federation from making its concerns so prominent."

The strongly worded resolution says the Affordable Care Act will drive up the costs of union-sponsored health plans to the point that workers and employers are forced to abandon them. Labor unions still support the law’s overall goals of reducing health costs and bringing coverage to all Americans, the resolution says, but adds that the law is being implemented in a way that is “highly disruptive” to union health care plans.

Some individual unions had complained about the law’s impact for months. The resolution marked the first time the nation’s largest labor federation had gone on record embracing that view. Unions were among the most enthusiastic backers of the law when it passed in 2010.

A labor official told The Associated Press that White House officials had been calling labor leaders for days to urge them not to voice their concerns in the form of a resolution.
276) Falsely said that he had not declared a “red line” on Syria

In August 2012, while talking about Syria, Obama said: "“A red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized.”

However, in September 2013, again while talking about Syria, Obama said: “I didn’t set a red line.”
277) Falsely gave himself credit for John Kerry’s idea about Syria

In September 2013, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry suggested that Syria turn over all of its chemical weapons to an international body.

The Obama’s administration initially responded to Kerry’s statement by saying that Kerry had not been serious, and that his statement had just been a “rhetorical” answer to a hypothetical question.

However, after former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that Kerry’s idea made sense, Obama falsely stated that he had talked about the idea a week earlier.
278) Made it more difficult and bureaucratic for restaurant employees to collect automatic tips from parties of eight or more

In September 2013, the Obama administration announced new paperwork requirements for restaurants that collect automatic tips from parties of eight or more.

These new regulations created additional paperwork for restaurants each and every time a party of eight or more left an automatic tip.

It also meant that restaurant employees would have to wait extra time to receive these automatic tips from parties of eight or more.

In addition, in some cases, restaurant employees did not get any tip at all from some parties of eight or more, because their employers decided that the paperwork was too burdensome, and stopped collecting automatic tips altogether.

There’s also the fact that Obama imposed these new regulations without approval from Congress, which means that Obama’s actions were illegal.
279) Obama secretly and illegally reversed NSA restrictions without approval from Congress

In September 2013, the Washington Post reported: "The Obama administration secretly won permission from a surveillance court in 2011 to reverse restrictions on the National Security Agency’s use of intercepted phone calls and e-mails, permitting the agency to search deliberately for Americans’ communications in its massive databases, according to interviews with government officials and recently declassified material".

In addition, the court extended the length of time that the NSA was allowed to retain intercepted U.S. communications from five years to six years — and more under special circumstances, according to the documents, which included a 2011 opinion by U.S. District Judge John D. Bates, then chief judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

Together, the permission to search and to keep data longer expanded the NSA’s authority in significant ways without public debate or any specific authority from Congress.

The enlarged authority was part of a fundamental shift in Obama’s approach to surveillance: collecting first, and privacy later.

The court decision allowed the NSA “to query the vast majority” of its e-mail and phone call databases using the e-mail addresses and phone numbers of Americans and legal residents without a warrant, according to Bates’s opinion.

The court in 2008 had imposed a wholesale ban on such searches at the government’s request, said Alex Joel, civil liberties protection officer at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI).

"The government included this restriction “to remain consistent with NSA policies and procedures that NSA applied to other authorized collection activities,” he said.
280) Obamacare encouraged employers to use temp agencies

In September 2013, it was reported that in response to Obamacare, Indiana University would be laying off 50 of its employees and switching them to a temp agency.

In June 2013, Time magazine wrote: "Why Temp Agencies Are Learning to Love the Affordable Care Act

Staffing companies like Robert Half International and On Assignment have seen their stock prices soar since President Obama’s reelection in November, as the election made it nearly certain that the implementation of the law would continue as planned.

“In general [Obamacare] is viewed as something that will lead to increases in the penetration rate of temporary workers,” says Tobey Sommer, an analyst with SunTrust Robinson Humphrey. Firms like Robert Half International are especially well positioned to benefit from the law, Sommer says, because they specialize in small and medium-sized companies, the very sort that may be using temporary workers to help them stay below that all-important 50-worker mark.

There’s also an opening for staffing companies to present themselves as experts in the labor rules of the Obamacare law, and as a resource that other businesses can turn to for help with its many rules and regulations. “The increasing burden of these regulations will cause some clients to throw up their hands and say, ‘I can’t deal with all of this,” says Sommer. And when that happens, a full-service staffing company could be the perfect place to seek help navigating the unknown waters of Obamacare".
281) Obamacare caused mass layoffs of health care workers

In September 2013, it was reported that in response to Obamacare, Emory Healthcare, which is in Georgia, would be laying off more than 100 of its employees.

In September 2013, it was reported that in response to Obamacare, the Cleveland Clinic would be laying off some of its employees.
282) Obamacare empowered insurance companies to reduce their customers’ choices of doctors and hospitals

In September 2013, the Los Angeles Times reported: "The doctor can’t see you now. Consumers may hear that a lot more often after getting health insurance under President Obama’s Affordable Care Act. To hold down premiums, major insurers in California have sharply limited the number of doctors and hospitals available to patients in the state’s new health insurance market opening Oct. 1.

New data reveal the extent of those cuts in California, a crucial test bed for the federal healthcare law. These diminished medical networks are fueling growing concerns that many patients will still struggle to get care despite the nation’s biggest healthcare expansion in half a century.

Consumers could see long wait times, a scarcity of specialists and loss of a longtime doctor".

In September 2013, the New York Times reported: "Under President Obama’s health care law, many insurers are significantly limiting the choices of doctors and hospitals available to consumers.

From California to Illinois to New Hampshire, and in many states in between, insurers are… restricting the number of providers who will treat patients in their new health plans. Insurers have created smaller networks of doctors and hospitals than were typically found in commercial insurance".

Consumers should be prepared for “much tighter, narrower networks” of doctors and hospitals, said Adam M. Linker, a health policy analyst at the North Carolina Justice Center, a statewide advocacy group.

The Health Research Institute of PricewaterhouseCoopers, the consulting company, said that “insurers passed over major medical centers” when selecting providers in California, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee, among other states.

Juan Carlos Davila, an executive vice president of Blue Shield of California, said the network for its exchange plans did not include the five medical centers of the University of California.

Daniel R. Hawkins Jr., a senior vice president of the National Association of Community Health Centers, which represents 9,000 clinics around the country, said: “Insurers have shown little interest in including us in their provider networks.”

Dr. Bruce Siegel, the president of America’s Essential Hospitals, formerly known as the National Association of Public Hospitals and Health Systems, said insurers were telling his members: “We don’t want you in our network. We are worried about having your patients, who are sick and have complicated conditions.”

In New Hampshire, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, a unit of WellPoint, one of the nation’s largest insurers, touched off a furor by excluding 10 of the state’s 26 hospitals from the health plans that it would sell through the insurance exchange.
283) Obamacare forced a hospital to close

In September 2013, WCYB reported: "A local hospital is closing its doors. Wellmont Health System is citing unprecedented changes in health care as the reason for closing Lee Regional Medical Center. Officials say three reasons led to the decision reimbursement cuts associated with the Affordable Care Act.

Lee Regional ceased operations on October 1, 2013.
284) Obamacare required doctors to ask patients sexual questions and save their answers in an electronic database

In September 2013, it was reported that Obamacare required doctors to ask patients personal questions about their sex lives, and to put their answers into an electronic database. Doctors who avoided doing this were penalized.

Dr. Adam Budzikowski, a New York cardiologist, said these sex questions were “insensitive, stupid and very intrusive,” and that he could not think of any reason why a cardiologist would need such information.

Dr. Richard Amerling, an associate professor of medicine at Albert Einstein Medical College, said that a patient’s medical record should be “a story created by you and your doctor solely for your treatment and benefit,” and that Obamacare turns doctor appointments “into an interrogation, and the data will not be confidential.”

The New York Civil Liberties Union said that these requirements were a violation of patients’ privacy.

The Obama administration said that patients who wished to keep their information out of the electronic database should pay in cash.
285) The Obama administration lied about prices for Obamacare

On September 20, 2013, just 10 days before Obamacare exchanges were legally required to be ready, it was reported that incorrect prices had been publicized by the Obama administration.
286) Obama cut investigators, and made it easier for criminals to commit health care fraud

In September 2013, CNBC reported: "Deep staff cuts are hitting a federal agency responsible for investigating health care fraud just as Obamacare is due to kick in, leaving less people to investigate an ever-growing crime that costs taxpayers billions of dollars.

In a perverse twist, the funding cuts at the Health and Human Services Department’s Inspector General’s Office might save money in the short term for the U.S. taxpayer.

But over the long run, more money that could have been recouped from the fraud cases now going unpursued, is being left on the table, the agency said.

For every $1 spent on health-care fraud probes, nearly $8 is recouped in fines, restitution or settlements, according to HHS".
287) Obama included a so-called “family glitch” in his health care "reform" act

In September 2013, USA Today reported: "A so-called “family glitch” in the 2010 health care law threatens to cost some families thousands of dollars in health insurance costs and leave up to 500,000 children without coverage, insurance and health care analysts say. Congress defined “affordable” as 9.5% or less of an employee’s household income, mostly to make sure people did not leave their workplace plans for subsidized coverage through the exchanges.

But the “error” was that it only applies to the employee — and not his or her family. So, if an employer offers a woman affordable insurance, but doesn’t provide it for her family, they cannot get subsidized help through the state health exchanges.

That can make a huge difference; the Kaiser Family Foundation said an average plan for an individual is about $5,600, but it goes up to $15,700 for families".
288) Obama made it harder for Canadian politicians to get health care in the USA

Canada has had so-called “universal health care” for a long time.

However, when Robert Bourassa, the premier of Quebec, Canada, needed cancer treatment, he came to the United States and paid for his health care with his own money.

And when Canadian Liberal MP Belinda Stronach needed cancer treatment, she also came to the United States and paid for her health care with her own money.

And when Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams needed heart surgery, he, too, came to the United States and paid for his health care with his own money.

But after Obama gave the U.S.A. so-called “universal health care,” where will Canadian politicians go when they get sick?
289) Obama punished married couples with an annual penalty of up to $11,028 for being married instead of single

In front of the U.S. Supreme Court, the Obama administration argued that Obamacare was a tax.

Therefore, according to the Obamacare calculator, Obamacare placed an annual tax on married couples for being married instead of single.

The amount of this tax depends upon the ages, incomes, and parental status of the married couple.

According to the Obamacare calculator, the extreme case of this tax occurs with a 60-year-old married couple with no children, where the two spouses have identical incomes totaling $62,041 per year.

Under this scenario, according to the Obamacare calculator, Obamacare punishes them with an annual tax of $11, 028 for being married instead of single.
290) Obama gave people an annual tax increase of up to $12,214 for earning one dollar

In front of the U.S. Supreme Court, the Obama administration argued that Obamacare is a tax.

Obamacare punished some people with a tax increase if they increased their income by one dollar.

The amount of this tax increase depends upon the person’s age, income, and marital status.

According to the Obamacare calculator, the extreme case of this occurs with a 64-year-old married couple with a combined income of $62,041.

Under this scenario, according to the Obamacare calculator, Obamacare hit them with an annual tax increase of $12,214 if their income went from $62,040 to $62,041.

This amounts to a marginal tax rate of 1,221,400%. That’s not a typo – the marginal tax rate on that one dollar of additional income is more than one million per cent.
291) Obama refused to fire IRS employees who “lost” $67 million from Obamacare “slush fund”

In September 2013, it was reported that IRS employees had “lost” $67 million from a “slush fund.”

Obama refused to fire those employees.

Obama created the “slush fund” as part of Obamacare.