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250) Nominated a telecommunications lobbyist and Obama fundraiser to head the FCC

In May 2013, Obama nominated Tom Wheeler to head the FCC. Wheeler had previously been the head of the National Cable and Telecommunications Association, which is a lobbying organization for the cable TV industry.

He had also been the head of CTIA, a lobbying organization for cellphone carriers. In addition, he had also been a fundraiser for Obama.
251) Tried to violate defendants’ right to a fair trial

In August 2013, Reuters reported: "A secretive U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration unit is funneling information from intelligence intercepts, wiretaps, informants and a massive database of telephone records to authorities across the nation to help them launch criminal investigations of Americans.

Although these cases rarely involve national security issues, documents reviewed by Reuters show that law enforcement agents have been directed to conceal how such investigations truly begin – not only from defense lawyers but also sometimes from prosecutors and judges.

The undated documents show that federal agents are trained to “recreate” the investigative trail to effectively cover up where the information originated, a practice that some experts say violates a defendant’s Constitutional right to a fair trial. If defendants don’t know how an investigation began, they cannot know to ask to review potential sources of exculpatory evidence – information that could reveal entrapment, mistakes or biased witnesses.

“I have never heard of anything like this at all,” said Nancy Gertner, a Harvard Law School professor who served as a federal judge from 1994 to 2011. Gertner and other legal experts said the program sounds more troubling than recent disclosures that the National Security Agency has been collecting domestic phone records. The NSA effort is geared toward stopping terrorists; the DEA program targets common criminals, primarily drug dealers.

“It is one thing to create special rules for national security,” Gertner said. “Ordinary crime is entirely different. It sounds like they are phonying up investigations.”
252) Threatened internet service providers with contempt of court if they did not install surveillance software

In August 2013, it was reported that the Obama administration had pressured internet service providers to install surveillance software, so that it could monitor internet traffic without a warrant.

Internet service providers who did not cave in to this pressure were threatened by the Obama administration with contempt of court.

This violates the Constitution’s ban on warrantless searches.

In addition, the executive branch does not have the legal authority to declare contempt of court, as this power is reserved exclusively for the judicial branch.
253) Sued Louisiana to keep low-income Black Americans trapped in bad schools, and lied about why he did it

In August 2013, the Obama administration sued Louisiana to try to bring an end to its school voucher program – a program which had just been passed in 2012.

Under the Louisiana program, both of the following criteria had to be met in order for a student to get a school voucher. First, the student must come from a family whose income is below 250% of the poverty level. And second, the current public school that the student is attending must be rated as “C” or below.

86% of students who received vouchers had used those vouchers to flee from public schools which had been rated as “D” or “F.”

Only the most vulnerable children were eligible for the vouchers – the poorest students attending the worst schools.

Obama’s reason for filing the lawsuit was that “many of those vouchers impeded the desegregation process.”

However, in response to Obama’s claim that the vouchers discriminated against blacks, Louisiana Education Superintendent John White pointed out that almost all of the students using the vouchers were black, and said that “it’s a little ridiculous” for Obama to claim that these vouchers caused discrimination against blacks. The Washington Post reported that 90% of the students who receive the vouchers are black.

It’s also worth noting that only students whose parents request such vouchers are eligible to participate in the voucher program. Obama is therefore claiming that parents want their own children to be discriminated against. Obama is extremely wrong on this. These parents do not want their children to be discriminated against. In reality, what these parents want is for their children to have a chance at a better education.

This also makes Obama a hypocrite, because while he was living in both Chicago and Washington D.C., he always sent his own children to private schools. Does Obama really want us to believe that he subjected his own children to racial discrimination by sending them to private schools?
254) Caused 40,000 union longshoremen to quit the AFL-CIO

In September 2013, it was reported that 40,000 longshoremen had quit the AFL-CIO, and that they had cited Obamacare as one of their reasons for doing so.
255) Paid $67 million to so-called “volunteers”

In August 2013, it was reported that Obama had paid $67 million to so-called “volunteers” to "teach people about Obamacare".
256) Illegally used Obamacare to fund pre-K education without approval from Congress

In August 2013, it was reported that Obama had illegally used Obamacare to fund pre-K education without approval from Congress.
257) Signed so-called “hunger-free” act that left students feeling hungry

In December 2010, Obama signed the “Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act,” which limited school lunches to a maximum of 850 calories.

Students complained that this so-called “hunger-free” program left them feeling hungry.

Meanwhile, the lunch that Obama served to his guests at his 2013 inauguration contained more than 3,000 calories.
258) Signed a health care "reform" Act that was so terrible that less than 3% of federal employees wanted to join it

In August 2013, it was reported that less than 3% of federal employees wanted to participate in Obamacare.
259) Avoided background checks on Obamacare “navigators”

In August 2013, it was reported that the Obama administration would not perform background checks on Obamacare “navigators,” despite the fact that these “navigators” had access to people’s personal, private, and financial information.
260) Illegally paid White House interns less than minimum wage

In June 2013, a federal court ruled that Fox Searchlight Pictures had violated the minimum wage law by using unpaid interns.

Two months later, it was reported that the Obama administration was using unpaid interns.

In addition to this being illegal, it also made Obama a hypocrite, because he had previously spoken out in favor of raising the minimum wage.
261) Said broccoli was his favorite food

In July 2013, Obama said that broccoli was his favorite food.

However, before he made this claim, even though the media showed many pictures of him eating, and even though there were many articles published about the foods that he ate, none of those pictures or articles ever showed or mentioned him eating broccoli.

While this may seem trivial, it seems to show that there was nothing – absolutely nothing at all – that Obama was not willing to lie about.
262) Illegally missed half of Obamacare’s deadlines

In August 2013, it was reported that Obama had illegally missed 41 of Obamacare’s 82 deadlines.

263) Tried to give illegal Obamacare subsidies to unions without Congressional approval

In August 2013 it was reported that Obama was trying to give illegal Obamacare subsidies to unions, without approval from Congress.

264) Made it harder for writers, actors, artists, and musicians to obtain health insurance

In September 2013, the Weekly Standard reported: "Nancy Pelosi waxed rhapsodic in 2010 as she imagined the benefits of Obamacare: “Think of an economy where people could be an artist or a photographer or a writer without worrying about keeping their day job in order to have health insurance.”

But as Obamacare began to kick in, artists, photographers, writers, and other members of the “creative class” who had access to health insurance programs through numerous professional organizations lost that coverage.

Up until then professional organizations worked with insurance providers to craft reduced-rate plans for their members. But thanks to the fine print in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), passed by DEMOCRATS on January 1, 2014, many of these plans became illegal.

The College Art Association website posted a notice: “The New York Life Insurance Company recently informed CAA that it will no longer offer catastrophic healthcare coverage previously available to CAA members.”

The Entertainment Industry Group Insurance Trust (TEIGIT) website posted the following notice: “All individual and/or Sole Proprietor Health Insurance will terminate January 1, 2014. This includes plans acquired as Members of our Affiliated Associations & their groups. Those affiliated associations include the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, the Dramatists Guild, the Graphic Arts Guild, NY Women in Film and Television, and many others."

This affected huge numbers of freelance artists, musicians, disc jockeys, and so forth.

Freelance artists, designers, and musicians forced to enter state-run exchanges saw their rates go up.
265) Banned the sale of flavored cigarettes, but gave an exemption to the most dangerous flavor

In September 2009, the Obama administration banned the sale of flavored cigarettes, but exempted menthol from the ban.

The Obama administration later announced that menthol cigarettes were more dangerous than other flavors such as cherry, cloves, chocolate, coconut, and cinnamon, but still continued to exempt menthol from the ban.

If Obama thought that flavored cigarettes were so dangerous that they should be banned, then why did he knowingly continue to give an exemption to the most dangerous flavor?
266) Obama even tried to censor the Washington Post

In August 2013, the Washington Post reported:"The Obama administration referred all questions for this article to John DeLong, the NSA’s director of compliance, who answered questions freely in a 90-minute interview.

DeLong and members of the NSA communications staff said he could be quoted “by name and title” on some of his answers after an unspecified internal review".

Two days later, The Obama White House and NSA spokesmen said that none of DeLong’s comments could be quoted on the record and sent instead a prepared statement in his name.

The Post said it would not permit the editing of quotes, and declined to accept the substitute language as quotations from DeLong.
267) Dumbed down math education to make wrong answers acceptable

In August 2013, under the Common Core national curriculum that the Obama administration imposed on American public school students, wrong answers to math problems were deemed "correct:"

In a YouTube video, Amanda August, a curriculum coordinator in a suburb of Chicago called Grayslake, explains that getting the right answer in math "just doesn’t matter as long as kids can explain" the faulty reasoning they used to get wrong answers.

“Even if they said, ‘3 x 4 was 11,’ if they were able to explain their reasoning and explain how they came up with their answer really in, umm, words and oral explanation, and they showed it in the picture but they just got the final number wrong, we’re really more focused on the how,” August says in the video.
268) Broke his promise to label genetically modified food

Before the 2008 election, Obama promised to require labeling of genetically modified food.

He broke that promise.
269) Asked the Supreme Court to allow warrantless cell phone searches

In August 2013, the Obama administration asked the U.S Supreme Court to allow warrantless cell phone searches.
270) Used an armed SWAT team to "check for water pollution"

In September 2013, when agents with the Alaska Environmental Crimes Task Force surged out of the wilderness around the remote community of Chicken wearing body armor and jackets emblazoned with POLICE in big, bold letters, local placer miners didn’t quite know what to think.

Did it really take eight armed men and a squad-size display of paramilitary force to check for dirty water?

Some of the residents, who ran small businesses, said they felt intimidated.

They suggested it might have been better all around if officials had just shown up at the door — as they used to do — and said they wanted to check the water.

The EPA refused to publicly explain why it used armed officers as part of what it called a “multi-jurisdictional” investigation of "possible Clean Water Act violations".
271) Purchased 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition for the Department of Homeland Security to use in the U.S.

In March 2013, it was reported that the Obama administration had purchased 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition for the Department of Homeland Security to use inside the U.S.A.