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187) Falsely said “We believe in a light touch when it comes to regulations”

In June 2013, Obama said, “We believe in a light touch when it comes to regulations.”

He lied. For example, after Obamacare was passed, Obama added 20,000 extra pages of regulations to it.
188) Said Catholic schools are “divisive” but did not say the same thing about other religious schools

In June 2013, Obama said: “If towns remain divided – if Catholics have their schools and buildings and Protestants have theirs, if we can’t see ourselves in one another and fear or resentment are allowed to harden – that too encourages division and discourages cooperation.”

I can understand why a person might criticize religious schools in general. But for Obama to single out one religion in particular as being divisive, while not saying the same thing about all religious schools in general, is a double standard.

189) Favored a new tax on Christmas trees so the money could be used to subsidize Christmas trees

In November 2011, Obama proposed a new tax on Christmas trees, so that the money could be used to subsidize Christmas trees. If this had been a Rube Goldberg cartoon it would have been funny. But to suggest it as an actual government policy was absurd.
190) Betrayed the people of the city that helped him launch his political career

As part of his effort to get Obamacare passed, Obama repeatedly promised that people could keep their current health insurance if they liked it.

More than any other city, the people of Chicago helped to get Obamacare passed. Chicago is where Obama chose to live when he first got into politics. The people there launched his political career and voted him into office.

And this is how Obama repaid them. In May 2013, the Chicago Tribune reported: "Mayor Rahm Emanuel plans to start reducing health insurance coverage next year for more than 30,000 retired city workers and begin shifting them to President Barack Obama’s new federal system. The move is aimed at saving the city money. Once the phaseout is complete, those retired workers would have to pay for their own health insurance or get subsidies under the Affordable Care Act. The city-subsidized coverage is particularly important to retired workers who aren’t yet eligible for Medicare

Henry Bayer, executive director of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 31, said the uncertainties of the Affordable Care Act and the state insurance exchanges they would create make the city’s plan hard to assess.

“This uncertainty will cause anxiety and fear for tens of thousands of seniors who gave their working lives to public service — men and women whose retirement savings are already under attack in the name of ‘pension reform.'” Bayer said.
191) Proposed military interventionism in Syria

In June 2013, Obama proposed that the U.S. get involved in Syria’s military conflicts.

192) Planned to use military snipers to shoot innocent lions and cheetahs in the wild

In June 2013, Obama was planning to use military snipers to shoot innocent lions and cheetahs in the wild.

However, after the media reported on his plans, Obama got embarrassed, and cancelled his plans.
193) Refused to fire or prosecute more than 1,000 IRS employees who illegally used their IRS credit cards for their own personal use

During Obama’s first term, more than 1,000 IRS employees illegally used their IRS credit cards for personal purchases, but Obama refused to fire or prosecute them.

194) Defended intelligence chief who lied under oath

In March 2013, James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, falsely stated under oath that the NSA was not gathering data on millions of U.S. citizens. In June 2013, after it was reported that Clapper had lied under oath, Obama defended him, instead of firing him.

195) Had the Secret Service visit a law abiding citizen who had criticized his policies on Twitter

In April 2013, Obama sent the Secret Service to visit the home of Tom Francois, a law abiding citizen who had criticized Obama’s policies on Twitter.

The Secret Service admitted that Francois had not made any threats against Obama.
196) Had the IRS grant special, illegal favors for his brother’s so-called “charity”

In May 2013, the IRS took the unprecedented step of approving a non-profit application within just one month. In this particular case, the application was from the Barack H. Obama Foundation, a so-called “charity” which was headed by Malik Obama, Barack Obama’s brother.

In addition, the IRS illegally gave retroactive approval for the organization’s tax exempt status. Prior to getting this approval, the organization had illegally solicited tax deductible donations even though it did not have legal approval to do so.

197) Raised the interest rate on student loans to pay for Obamacare

Obamacare raised the interest rate on students loans from 5.3% to 6.8%. The money is used to fund Obamacare.

198) Refused to fire or prosecute 15 IRS agents who illegally seized the medical records of 10 million people

In March 2011, 15 IRS agents illegally seized the medical records of 10 million people without a warrant. Obama refused to fire or prosecute them.

199) Hired 16,500 new IRS agents to run Obamacare

In June 2013, it was reported that Obama had hired 16,500 new IRS agents to run Obamacare.
200) Tried to reward wasteful IRS spending with an increase in funding

In June 2013, Danny Werfel, Obama’s new nominee to head the IRS, asked Congress for an increase in funding. At the same time, NPR reported on this waste of taxpayer money at an IRS conference: "Some of the 2,600 attendees received benefits, including baseball tickets and stays in presidential suites that normally cost $1,500 to $3,500 per night. In addition, 15 outside speakers were paid a total of $135,000 in fees, with one paid $17,000 to talk about “leadership through art,” the committee said".

Considering how the IRS wasted all that money on luxury hotel rooms and worthless speeches, Werfel really had some nerve asking Congress for more money. By proposing to reward wasteful spending with a budget increase, Werfel proved that he is incompetent to head the IRS. The fact that Obama nominated such an incompetent person should not surprise you one bit.

201) Illegally bypassed Congress to delay Obamacare’s employer mandate

As the Obamacare law was written, the employer mandate was to begin in January 2014. This is what the law said when it was passed by the House and Senate, and signed by President Obama.

However, in July 2013, Obama delayed the employer mandate part of Obamacare until January 2015. Obama did this without approval from Congress.

For Obama to change a law that was passed by Congress, without first getting approval from Congress, was a violation of the Presidential oath that Obama took to uphold and defend the Constitution.

What Obama did was the action of a dictator, not an action of a president whose power is limited by a written constitution.

Since Obama got away with this, it set a horribly dangerous precedent, which means that any future president can arbitrarily make any change to any law that has been passed by Congress, without first getting Congressional approval.
202) Made it too hard for some doctors to continue their practices

In July 2013, ABC News reported that some doctors were shutting down their practices in response to Obamacare.

Dr. Robert WcWilliams, an obstetrician/gynecologist with more than 5,000 patients, said: "“It’s going to be run by bureaucrats – and it’s going to be run by politicians – who have no idea what is in your best interests, then I’m getting out.”

203) Falsely told Africans that contaminated water is a smaller problem than global warming

In July 2013, while speaking in Johannesburg, South Africa, President Obama said that global warming was “the biggest challenge we have environmentally” and that it was worse than “dirty water, dirty air.”

However, according to the World Health Organization, while global warming kills 140,000 people each year, air pollution kills 3 million people per year.

According to UNESCO, each year, contaminated water causes 4 billion cases of diarrhea, 120,000 cases of cholera, 300 million cases of malaria, 12 million cases of typhoid, 6 million cases of trachoma, 200 million cases of schistosomiesis, and more than 1 billion incidents of intestinal parasites.

You know what’s worse than global warming? How about living your entire life without ever having access to a toilet?

The World Health Organization says that dirty water is “the leading cause of disease and death around the world.”

That Obama would downplay these problems shows how scientifically illiterate he is.

That he would do so while giving a speech in Africa, which has the highest rate of water borne illness of any continent, shows how thoughtless and insensitive he is.
204) Spent $630,000 of taxpayers’ money to get more Facebook “likes”

In July 2013, it was reported that Obama had spent $630,000 of taxpayers’ money in order to get more Facebook “likes.”

205) Declared that hacking was an act of war, then hacked the EU

In 2011, the Obama administration issued a statement which said that when one country hacked another country’s computers, the hacking constituted an “act of war.”

In July 2013, it was reported that the Obama administration had hacked computers which were owned by the European Union.
206) Said “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon”

In Florida, after a school security camera showed Trayvon Martin defacing property with graffiti, a search of his backpack showed that it contained 12 pieces of women’s jewelry, including silver wedding rings, and earrings with diamonds. The backpack also had a screwdriver, which is often used as a tool by burglars. Martin said that the jewelry belonged to a friend, but refused to say who that friend was.

Why would a teenage boy bring a backpack full of silver wedding rings and diamond earrings to school? Did Martin’s millions of defenders really think that he was not a burglar?

The fact that Martin was in possession of stolen jewelry at school is perfectly in line with George Zimmerman’s claim on the 911 call that Martin was acting suspiciously. And there had been quite a few burglaries in the area recently.

Also on the 911 call, Zimmerman had said that Martin was acting as if he was on drugs. Martin’s autopsy showed that there was THC in his system. While other components of marijuana can stay in the system for weeks after it’s smoked, THC only stays in the person’s system for a few hours. Therefore, Martin was indeed high when Zimmerman saw him.

So Trayvon Martin was a burglar, used illegal drugs, broke Zimmerman’s nose, and smashed Zimmerman’s head against the concrete.

And how did Obama respond to all of this?

Obama said: “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.”
207) Falsely said that Secretary of State John Kerry had not been on his yacht during the regime change in Egypt

In July 2013, the Obama administration falsely said that Secretary of State John Kerry had not been on his yacht during the regime change in Egypt.

Evan after CBS news presented the Obama administration with photographic evidence that Kerry had been on his yacht during that time, the Obama administration still continued to falsely claim that Kerry had not been on his yacht.

CBS News reported: "On Thursday night, CBS News obtained a photo of Kerry on his boat and sent it to the State Department, asking whether they still stand by their denial that Kerry was on a boat".

The response: “Yes.”
208) Said “the planet will boil over” if African citizens adopt a first world standard of living

In July 2013, Obama said “the planet will boil over” if African citizens adopt a first world standard of living.

“The planet will boil over".

209) “Among those who Strongly Approve of the president, more fear the Tea Party than radical Muslims.”

In June 2013, Rasmussen conducted a poll to find out what people considered to be the “nation’s top terror threat.”

Reporting on the results of the poll, Rasmussen wrote: “Among those who Strongly Approve of the president, more fear the Tea Party than radical Muslims.”
210) Illegally forced 2,200 privately owned auto dealerships to close, which destroyed 120,000 jobs

In 2009, Obama illegally forced 2,200 privately owned auto dealerships to close. These dealerships had employed 120,000 people.

211) Subsidized the production of alcoholic beverages

In June 2013, the USDA Rural Development agency touted a program to subsidize the Wine Barn LLC in “marketing and increasing production of its Kansas produced wine.” That cost $25,000. The USDA Rural Development also said it would hand $300,000 to the Mackinaw Trail Winery in Michigan, $100,000 for the Appleton Creek Winery in New York, $162,500 for the Old Westminster Winery in Maryland, and tens of thousands of dollars to wineries in Nebraska and Iowa.

Alcohol was the name of the game for the Obama USDA, apparently – they also subsidized the production of vodka in North Carolina, Bloody Mary mix in West Virginia, and hard cider in Virginia.
212) Gave 23,994 tax refunds worth a total of $46,378,040 to illegal aliens who all used the same address

In 2011, the IRS gave 23,994 tax refunds worth a total of $46,378,040 to illegal aliens who all used the same address in Atlanta, Ga.
213) Sued private businesses for using “racist” criminal background checks to screen employees

In June 2013, the Obama administration filed lawsuits against Dollar General and BMW for using criminal background checks to screen employees. The Obama administration claimed that such background checks were “racist.”
214) Used tax money to pay federal employees to organize protests against George Zimmerman

In March and April of 2012, Obama used tax money to pay federal employees to organize protests against George Zimmerman.
215) Illegally continued giving foreign aid to Egypt after it had a coup

Federal law requires that U.S. foreign aid to Egypt be ended if and when Egypt has a coup. However, after Egypt had a coup in July 2013, the Obama administration said that it would continue giving foreign aid to Egypt.
216) Broke promise to end Bush’s surveillance of U.S. citizens who were not suspected of committing a crime

In August 2007, Obama promised that he would end Bush’s surveillance of U.S. citizens who were not suspected of committing a crime. However, in June 2013, such surveillance was still being conducted.
217) Spent $3 million to study the health risks of dating Mexican prostitutes

In July 2013, it was reported that the Obama administration had spent $3 million to study the health risks of dating Mexican prostitutes.
218) Lied about the cost of IRS conferences

In June 2013 it was reported that the Obama administration had lied about the cost of IRS conferences. While the actual cost was $50 million, the Obama administration had claimed that the cost was only 1% of that amount.