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330) A New York Times reporter said that Obama ran “the most closed, control-freak administration I’ve ever covered”

For 20 years, David Sanger had been a New York Times reporter stationed in Washington, D.C.

In October 2013, he said: “This is the most closed, control-freak administration I’ve ever covered.”
331) The Obama administration fined a runner $100 for running in Valley Forge

During the October 2013 government shutdown, the Obama administration fined a runner $100 for running in Valley Forge.
332) The Obama administration ordered the Claude Moore Colonial Farm to shut down

During the October 2013 government shutdown, the Obama administration ordered the Claude Moore Colonial Farm to shut down, even though it was privately funded.
333) The Obama administration ordered a volunteer to stop cleaning the National Mall in Washington, DC

During the October 2013 government shutdown, the Obama administration ordered Chris Cox, a volunteer, to stop cleaning up the National Mall.
334) Administrators told students to remove two amendments from the “outdated” Bill of Rights

As part of Obama’s “Common Core” education program, students in a sixth-grade history class in Bryant, Arkansas, were told to remove two amendments from the “outdated” Bill of Rights.
335) The Obama administration forced people to appear in federal court because they had dared to enter the Grand Canyon

During the October 2013 government shutdown, the Obama administration ordered people to appear in federal court because they had entered the Grand Canyon.
336) The Obama administration forced volunteers to stop bringing therapy dogs to visit sick children in the hospital

During the October 2013 government shutdown, the Obama administration ordered volunteers to stop bringing therapy dogs to visit sick children in the hospital.
337) The Obama administration ordered police to arrest veterans for visiting the Vietnam Memorial

During the October 2013 government shutdown, the Obama administration had veterans arrested for visiting the Vietnam Memorial
338) A “lead navigator” for Obamacare falsely told applicants that they must provide their credit score

In October 2013, Anne Packham, a “lead navigator” for Obamacare, falsely told applicants that they had to provide her with their credit scores.
339) The Obama administration paid $678 million to a company where Michelle Obama's college roommate was senior vice president to create a website which “looked like nobody tested it”

Obama signed Obamacare into law in March 2010.

He had three and a half years to find competent people to create and test the Obamacare website.

However, in October 2013, CBS News quoted Luke Chung, an online database programmer who supported Obamacare: “It wasn’t designed well, it wasn’t implemented well, and it looks like nobody tested it. It’s not even close. It’s not even ready for beta testing in my book. I would be ashamed and embarrassed if my organization delivered something like that.”
340) Obamacare’s first publicized “enrollee” turned out to be a Democratic activist who had not actually enrolled in Obamacare

After the Obamacare website went online, the media tried and tried to find someone who had actually enrolled, but could not find anyone.

After much searching, they finally reported that they had found someone – a 21-year-old guy from Georgia named Chad Henderson.

It turned out that Henderson had not actually enrolled in Obamacare.

In addition, Henderson was actually a member of Organizing for Action, the organization that ran Obama’s election campaign.
341) Dirty Debbie Wasserman Schultz said it was “unfair” to ask for Obamacare enrollment numbers one week after the Obamacare website went online

U.S. representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (she was the chairperson for the Democratic National Committee when they screwed Bernie Sanders the first time) told a reporter who asked how many people had enrolled in Obamacare that it was “unfair” to ask that question.

When a news reporter asked the self-proclaimed "most transparent administration in history” how many people signed up for Obamacare during its first week, they were told that their question ws “unfair.”
342) The Obama administration refused to identify the private contractors who screwed up the Obamacare website

When the New York Times asked the Obama administration to identify the private contractors who had screwed up the Obamacare website, the Obama administration refused to answer.

First Lady Michelle Obama’s Princeton classmate was a top executive at the company that earned the contract to build the failed Obamacare website.
343) An Obama Cabinet officer refused to explain why businesses were able to delay the Obamacare mandate for a year

When talk show host/comedian Jon Stewart asked Obama's Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius why businesses, but not individuals, were able to delay the Obamacare mandate for a year, Sebelius refused to answer.
344) Obama gave people “rate shock”

Many news sources, including the Washington Post, the Christian Science Monitor, Investor’s Business Daily, CBS News, Forbes, CNN, the San Jose Mercury News, and the San Francisco Chronicle, reported on something called Obamacare “rate shock.”

For example, Tom Waschura, a self employed engineer who lived in Portola Valley, California, said that he supported Obamacare, and that he voted for Obama in both elections. However, on October 5, 2013, Waschura said: “I was laughing at Boehner — until the mail came today. I really don’t like the Republican tactics, but at least now I can understand why they are so pissed about this. When you take $10,000 out of my family’s pocket each year, that’s otherwise disposable income or retirement savings that will not be going into our local economy.”

This next quote came from Cindy Vinson, a retired teacher from San Jose, California, who also said that she supported Obamacare, and that she voted for Obama in both elections. This is what she said in October 2013, after she found out that Obamacare would be causing her insurance premium to increase: “Of course, I want people to have health care. I just didn’t realize I would be the one who was going to pay for it personally.”

CNN reported: "One North Carolina reader was upset to learn her current $267 a month plan was being canceled and the cheapest option on the exchange would cost her family $750 a month. They don’t qualify for a subsidy. “Obamacare is a nightmare for my family,” she wrote.
345) Obama made sure that Obamacare “rate shock” did not happen until after the 2012 election

Obamacare was deliberately written so that Obamacare “rate shock” would not occur until after the 2012 election.

By October 9, 2013, Obama’s approval rating, according to pollsters ( :bs: ) was supposedly only 37%. Obamacare “rate shock” was reportedly a significant factor in this low approval rating.

If Obamacare “rate shock” had happened in October 2012 instead of in October 2013, it’s highly unlikely that Obama would have won the 2012 election.
346) Obama had the Obamacare website built by cronies instead of by qualified programmers

Toni Townes-Whitley — the executive who was a classmate of Michelle Obama's — was a senior vice president with CGI Federal, who were the prime contractors on the Obamacare website project

White House visitor records show that Townes-Whitley attended meetings at the White House at least four times between 2010 and 2013. According to the records, she met with Vivek Kundra, former White House chief information officer, in 2010; Danny Werfel, former controller of the Office of Management and Budget, in 2011 and 2013; and Jonathan McBride, assistant to the president and director of presidential personnel, in 2013.

The 2010 meeting was described as "a forum on IT management reform", according to the records. No description was given for the other meetings.
347) The Obama administration approved 55 different subcontractors to "help" build the Obamacare website

Obama decided to share CGI's work with 55 different "minority-owned" contractors.
348) Obama waited until after the 2012 election to issue major rules for the Obamacare website

Obama signed the Obamacare law in March 2010.

The law required the online exchanges to be up and running by October 2013.

Obama had three and a half years to get the website ready.

However, Obama waited until after the 2012 election to release the requirements for the website design.
349) A New York Times reporter unable to log in to the Obamamacare website

Despite more than 40 attempts to access the Obamacare website over a period of 11 days beginning on October 1, 2013, a New York Times reporter was never even able to log in.