Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
Are you including your take on masking? You were wrong about that (and I was right) jus sayin.
Are you saying masks don't work, Guille? Just like Darth and others now MIA claimed?

Are you including your take on masking? You were wrong about that (and I was right) jus sayin.
I doubt there ever actually was a glorious 'geochem' PhD
You ARE an alt account Max.
You're lying about agreeing. You think lying really will help you. How is that working out for you?Agreed, which is why I don't lie.
Once again we return to your WACKY beliefs that part of you knows can't be true, so you frantically pursue confirmation, even lying when necessary.FWIW, I truly believe that you are insane enough to believe you and your "friends" are different people.
^^^You're lying about agreeing...
There is a thread somewhere around here where you repeatedly boasted about your alleged 'geochem' PhD, your lab research, your stellar scientific bonafides.
All you do is frantically google tidbits of scientific information and sprint back here to pass it off as your own original thoughts. Like you did with electron orbitals.
You are a scum and a bully!!
^^^Find it then....
Before I deviated over into chemistry I was fully on the train to work in coal or petroleum. That was my area of geochem. Now I'm kind of glad I wound up in the boring end of chemistry. As I've grown older I'm wondering if I would have found a way to justify working in coal or oil knowing what it is doing to the environment. (Still love that chemistry, though.)
Let me know when you can whip up a batch of life with your Junior Scientist chemistry set, Perry PhD.Biology is chemistry.
I can read Wikipedia for myself.
I don't need you frantically googling for tidbits of scientific information, and racing back here to pass it off as your original own thoughts.
Denies he bragged about his imaginary degree. Why did you cancel your NovoJank account, Perry?
^^^...I never said most of the shit you claim I said. That's because you are a liar.
Not a very good person overall. I know why Doc likes you so much. You are a scum and a bully like him.
^^^Never braggged about it. And if you are honest (which you and your sock, Cypress, never are) you'll admit YOU have now brought up my degree many times more than I ever did.
You are clearly obsessed. Probably because you are both so uneducated.
Prove me wrong. Show me all the posts in which I brought up my degree and then count the number of times YOU and your sock brought it up. You'll see.
(That will require counting, which I guess is probably hard for you "two").
You don't know any science either.
...Show me all the posts in which I brought up my degree ...).
Perry PhD and Jank consistently denigrated my intelligence and education.I'd rather bring up how many times you and your Jank sock brought up both my and Cypress's education. How many posts did you claim either Cypress or I were uneducated or otherwise less educated than you? Five times? A dozen? More?
Care to wager on it, Perry?
Perry PhD and Jank consistently denigrated my intelligence and education.
Meanwhile, they were stealing language from Wikipedia entries and passing it off as their own.
QEDYou are clearly obsessed. Probably because you are both so uneducated....
I accept your tacit confession that you don't have a PhD
, you aren't particularly scientifically literate,
and that you have a habit of passing off Wikipedia entries on science topics as your own original thoughts.
All of which indicates to me that Perry isn't what he claims to be. His deletion of his Jank sock is a sign of guilt.