JPP Experts

If you don't speak the language of science, there's no shame admitting it.

A basic working awareness of electron orbitals is like freshman chemistry level knowledge

The language of science is mathematics.

Aren't you one of the leftists in another thread demanding that Calculus be banned from high schools because it's racist?
semantic bullshit

covid causes a cytokine storm in some people. Without covid present, the immune system would not go into overdrive fighting the invasion.

Covid19 does not kill. NONE of the variants of the Covid/SARS series of viruses kills. Covid19 is the mildest variant so far discovered.
Science isn't a language.

No one said science was.

{Mathematics is how we describe things in science. From Einstein's equations describing gravity and relativity, to chemistry's equations on how elements interact, to the statistical models and probabilistic analyses we use to describe events in biology, economics, or sociology, all of the sciences use math do describe their findings.}

Yes, he is.

Funny how that works, isn't it?
The language of science is mathematics.
Ususally. Not in chemistry. Have you ever seen a chemical formula?


Have you ever seen a chemical equation?


Also, when you write "math" you are referring to standard notation that we learn in school. Scientists are notorious for inventing their own symbology and their own operations.

Also, engineers dispense with the math and use their own symbols to make diagrams for easier visualization. Different symbols come into play ... but it's definitely still the same science.

You are SO VERY, VERY, VERY wrong. QM is the basis of Chemistry. It is the heart of chemistry.
You are VERY, VERY, VERY mistaken. Quantum Mechanics isn't even science; it's math, ... statistical math to be specific.

I am standing by for you to somehow "disagree" so I can have some fun with you.
No one said science was.
You did. Don't deny your own post. Anyone can go look at it.
{Mathematics is how we describe things in science.
Theories of science are often transcribed into mathematics, true. Such a transcription is called a 'law'. The theory itself is not necessarily mathematics at all. Mathematics is not a language. Science is not a language.
From Einstein's equations describing gravity and relativity, to chemistry's equations on how elements interact, to the statistical models and probabilistic analyses we use to describe events in biology, economics, or sociology, all of the sciences use math do describe their findings.
A theory of science is not a 'finding'. It is a theory. Chemical equations are not mathematics either. Science does not use statistical mathematics. Science does not use probability mathematics. Probability is not an 'analysis'. Economics is not a branch of science. Sociology is not a branch of science. Biology is not 'events'. No equations from any science 'law' use random numbers.
A Holy Link is not a proof nor a definition.
Funny how that works, isn't it?
Assumption of victory fallacy. Attempted proof by Holy Link.
The orbitals are related to the solutions of the Schroedinger equation as I recall and, unlike the Bohr model, represent more "probability" regions for where the electron "is".
OK, you got this far. Take the logical quantum leap and recognize that quantum mechanics is probability math and nothing more. You can do it. I know you can.
covid causes a cytokine storm in some people. Without covid present, the immune system would not go into overdrive fighting the invasion.
So you are engaging in semantic bullshit. You are recognizing that COVID doesn't kill anyone, but that you are totally compelled to be totally dishonest and to say the EXACT OPPOSITE, i.e. that COVID somehow kills everybody.

You are zymantic-bullshit.
So you are engaging in semantic bullshit. You are recognizing that COVID doesn't kill anyone, but that you are totally compelled to be totally dishonest and to say the EXACT OPPOSITE, i.e. that COVID somehow kills everybody.

You are zymantic-bullshit.

I tire of retards like you.

neither covid or the flu directly kills you. Your bodies immune response to covid and the flu kills.
Probability math. No statistical math is used.
Statistical math is used to determine the probabilities of the quantum events.
Probability math is used to compute the magical "wave function."
Basic arithmetic is used to assess how much remaining budget should be spent on the confusing, peer-reviewed "white paper" and the tap-dance proposal for the research grant.
Complex accounting is used to shuffle money to Defense Department task orders to open up additional research slots.