JPP Experts

The Traveling Salesman problem is based on random number mathematics and a closed network. It is primarily an exercise in using randN and applying a 'cost' to each node traveled, seeking the lowest total cost. It is not science.

The Traveling Salesman problem is a heuristic approach to the fastest circuit boards, especially the video cards. There is no solution, only the best algorithm.
The Traveling Salesman problem is a heuristic approach to the fastest circuit boards, especially the video cards. There is no solution, only the best algorithm.

How fast are you throwing those circuit boards? Are you shooting them out of a gun?

The Traveling Salesman problem is based on random number mathematics and a closed network. It is primarily an exercise in using randN and applying a 'cost' to each node traveled, seeking the lowest total cost. It is not science.
Circuit boards, particularly ones that have high frequency circuits on them, such as video cards, have to deal with intermodulation and internal capacitance and inductance as well as impedance matching to the buss and to the video monitor. Designing them does not require the Traveling Salesman problem. The impedance matching to the buss must conform to that buss's standards (a variable impedance occurs on all buss protocols, limiting their total communications distance). Improper matching of either port causes standing waves that reduce power of the drivers.
To me that looks like the electron shell orbitals.

I don't think ITN or any of his socks ever set foot in any college level science class.

Exactly. We have Niels Bohr to thank for it.

It involves Quantum Mechanics and mathematics.

Off the top of my head, I only remembered the p and s orbitals, but that was enough to infer the rest.

I am on Team Bohr because of his anti-Nazi principles, but it was Schrodinger who really gave us the modern view of wave clouds of electrons, because the idea of circular orbitals as originally articulated by Bohr was incomplete