JPP Experts

Exactly. We have Niels Bohr to thank for it.

It involves Quantum Mechanics and mathematics.

Niels Bohr is not a class or a course. You deny and discard both quantum mechanics, chemistry, and mathematics. Chemistry is not quantum mechanics. You deny science, including several laws of physics as well.
Exactly. We have Niels Bohr to thank for it.

Mulliken coined the term "orbital". Bohr's model was more like the "planetary" model with electrons spinning around the nucleus. The orbitals are related to the solutions of the Schroedinger equation as I recall and, unlike the Bohr model, represent more "probability" regions for where the electron "is".
They said it was highly contagious and lethal enough to kill several million people. That was right on the money.

That's not what "they" said.

Fauci said it was no worse than a cold.

{Short of that, Fauci says skip the masks unless you are contagious, don't worry about catching anything from Chinese products and certainly don't avoid Chinese people or restaurants.

"Whenever you have the threat of a transmissible infection, there are varying degrees from understandable to outlandish extrapolations of fear," Fauci said.

Government agencies, including Fauci's own at the National Institutes of Health, are being inundated with calls and emails from nervous people, just as they were during the Ebola and SARS scares.

Why did US break Diamond Princess coronavirus quarantine? 'Something went awry'

Fauci recalled how a nurse who was infected with Ebola took a flight to Ohio because she was asymptomatic and not at risk of infecting anyone. People everywhere suddenly thought all planes were unsafe.

"I was getting calls from people in Sacramento saying, 'Can I get on an airplane to go to Seattle?'" Fauci said. "Like, what? What does that got to do with anything?"}
This could only be said by a brain washed cult member.

Exactly, CCP Fauci covered up the virus and lied to America - lied to congress, lied to everyone. And we know why, because he helped develop it. Whether he knew the Chinese and their democrat lackeys would use it on civilian populations or not is irrelevant. He has the blood of millions on his hands.
Exactly, CCP Fauci covered up the virus and lied to America - lied to congress, lied to everyone. And we know why, because he helped develop it. Whether he knew the Chinese and their democrat lackeys would use it on civilian populations or not is irrelevant. He has the blood of millions on his hands.

In a functioning society Fauci would be in jail.

America is not a functioning society.
Oh, point to note, nobody died of COVID. There were no actual COVID deaths. There were only deaths from other causes that were fraudulently called "COVID deaths."

So no, there weren't millions of COVID deaths. There weren't any at all.

semantic bullshit

covid causes a cytokine storm in some people. Without covid present, the immune system would not go into overdrive fighting the invasion.
semantic bullshit

covid causes a cytokine storm in some people. Without covid present, the immune system would not go into overdrive fighting the invasion.

Which we know how to stop in most many died who never should have died because they were not properly treated through no fault of their own.

We have been betrayed.
Mulliken coined the term "orbital".

Bohr's model was more like the "planetary" model with electrons spinning around the nucleus. The orbitals are related to the solutions of the Schroedinger equation as I recall and, unlike the Bohr model, represent more "probability" regions for where the electron "is".
Remarkable how the syntax and word choice is pretty much like the Wikipedia entry for atomic orbitals, and presented without attribution.

"The term 'orbital' was coined by Robert Mulliken in 1932"

"Atomic orbitals...are approximate solutions to the Schrödinger equation"

--> Wikipedia entry on Atomic Orbitals