JPP is doing just fine


There is nothing wrong with JPP.

Apparently some don't like to be challenged. Some don't like their tactics thrown back in their own faces.

For those who don't like the threads on JPP, start your own. Go to APP stir it up.
LOL, the libs are calling a "boycott" of JPP for Nov. 5?

So if they will abandon the site then it is up to the 'scabs' to make up for their loss.

I bet November 5th will be one of the most peaceful days on JPP.
When they failed in their attempts to get ILA banned for using their own tactics, they acted like spoiled brats...


The "nobility" of their "sacrifice" was somewhat diminished when Rune was caught ban-evading almost immediately.
They are calling for a JPP boycott on November 5th? If they hadn't announced it, would anyone have noticed? Oh that is priceless. They are taking to the streets and calling for civil disobedience. That will show the Mods.

We "won't have to work so hard to get" our message out. :rofl2:

Note to liberals: you need not be present to lose.

Now, take your non-existent balls and go home.
So what exactly are they protesting for? That the level of discourse improve? Well, that has already happened. Other than lefties, I am not using the C or N words. So what are they fighting for? To have the left wingers that got themselves banned on purpose reinstated?

Are they trying to get the mods to cave and ban me?
I don't know about you, but the board has been phenomenal lately. No hate filled posts from the lefties constantly denigrating people. Just nothing but great debate where people can talk about both sides of an issue.

We should have done this sooner
LOL, did you know that - according to the Darlaks - I smoke meth?


Imagine the Sob Sister poutrage if you said Desh was a crack whore...
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So what exactly are they protesting for? That the level of discourse improve? Well, that has already happened. Other than lefties, I am not using the C or N words. So what are they fighting for? To have the left wingers that got themselves banned on purpose reinstated?

Are they trying to get the mods to cave and ban me?
So many things are going wrong with the Liberal movement these days that the Libs are looking for any excuse to regroup as they say, to have a day off where they do not have to try to defend an indefensible position of utter failure, concerning ObamaCare, Benghazi Expose' on 60 Minutes, The Fast and Furious abortion, no pun intended, etc, etc etc. This Liberal attempt to downgrade Capitalism and install Socialism has failed miserably and they have got to stop "pussy footing" around and admit it, because they are going to lose their culos in the 2014 election.

The Libs did take over the old Board, because the old Board was run by a bunch of Libs, aka, AOL/Netscape. They had my SJJRSJJS banned because I routinely got the best of them and the old Board members here know it. I made a comment about the Hollywood Libs using their movies to further Left Wing causes, and an AOL Executive actually threatened me about it online, of course I basically told him to shove it, that no one puts SJJRSJJS in the corner(Dirty Dancing, great movie). Hollywood executives are probably 95% hard core Leftists+, there, I said it again. The Libs in Hollywood promote average Lib actors while only using absolutely at the top Conservative actors, and everyone in Hollywood knows it. Watch some of the so-called situation comedies on TV, not really funny compared to the non Lib produced "I Love Lucy", "Life of Reilly", My Little Margie, etc. The Forum Libs will now mention my age in a derogatory way, I know how they think.

I will make sure that I post a lot on November 5th. Radical Libs are like a Cancer, once they get a foothold, and everyone know how to treat a Cancerous growth......