Cancel 2016.2
The Almighty
All this rambling about killing each other makes me think the board is ready for some werewolf.
I don't see what all the fuss is. We've talked about killing the Boomers for years now on this and other boards. No one got all prolapsed over that.
did i say anything about murder? no. you're clearly off your rocker. i said "threatening" to kill another member. get a grip dude. if someone threatened to kill me, i would most certainly take it seriously. as should anyone.
and i'm not talking about joking between buddies, i'm talking about a credible threat. i'm honestly surprised you don't see threatening to kill another member as serious. i'm pretty sure you're just having a knee jerk reaction because i brought it up. you have your own issues as to what should not be allowed on this board, but how dare i question whether accusing someone of having a rape fetish or threatening to kill another member.