JPP Vets


New member
I would like to thank all JPP members who served our country in the past, regardless of which side of the aisle you serve on now. I served in the sand during our last war, Desert Storm/ Desert Shield, so I am from the most recent war. Who else here served the country? I have no intent to insult any political opponents here, only respect for fellow vets.
I did not. Kudos to those who did. FU to those who use their service as a crutch to squelch debate.

I haven't seen anyone use their service to squelch debate. I have used mine as an example to those who were too cowardly to serve. Is that what you are referring to? Calling your heroes cowards? Or is it just the idea of calling a coward a coward?
I haven't seen anyone use their service to squelch debate. I have used mine as an example to those who were too cowardly to serve. Is that what you are referring to? Calling your heroes cowards? Or is it just the idea of calling a coward a coward?

Thanks for demonstrating what I just stated. lol.
I'm sorry. I did not know it was wrong to call a coward a coward, or a liar a liar. Well, it would be for a Trump supporter to think so. Afterall, 90% of your leaders are cowards, and 100% are liars.

You're obviously a dumbfuck and don't understand that choosing not to serve, especially when there is no active conflict, does not make one a coward. But by all means, continue proving my initial statement...
I haven't seen anyone use their service to squelch debate. I have used mine as an example to those who were too cowardly to serve. Is that what you are referring to? Calling your heroes cowards? Or is it just the idea of calling a coward a coward?

Thank you for your service fellow vet, what war did you serve in?
I did not. Kudos to those who did. FU to those who use their service as a crutch to squelch debate.


I have seen military service used as a crutch to give merit to one's ideology and as a "trump card" (lower case "t"), and it pisses me off too. I still respect the service of my political opponents, but I am well aware that it was then, and that this is now. I offer lifetime respect for their service, and lifetime disrespect for those who have strayed from what we all learned about how to respect our country and flag.
US Navy. Served all over the Middle East, the Arctic, and, Europe. My last tour was my first back in the USA other than boot camp and various military tech schools. I worked on P3's C2's, and CH53 aircraft. Even spent time in Hell, Norway. Been to Hell and back, saw it froze over.

I am betting that there are some Vietnam vets here who saw some pretty crazy stuff when I was still a kid...?
You're obviously a dumbfuck and don't understand that choosing not to serve, especially when there is no active conflict, does not make one a coward. But by all means, continue proving my initial statement...

Agree. I also don't like those who use bone spurs to get out of the service during an active war period, don't you?
You're obviously a dumbfuck and don't understand that choosing not to serve, especially when there is no active conflict, does not make one a coward. But by all means, continue proving my initial statement...

Trump, Cheney, Rove, Limbaugh, Gingrich, Rumsfield, Romney, Hannity, McConnell, Ryan, etc., all showed a yellow stripe in time of war. And all supported others going off to die in war.

And lest we forget:

Now, your initial statement was about using ones service to end a debate. I see no evidence of that as is proven in this thread.

USAF, '62-'65