JPP Vets

Trump, Cheney, Rove, Limbaugh, Gingrich, Rumsfield, Romney, Hannity, McConnell, Ryan, etc., all showed a yellow stripe in time of war. And all supported others going off to die in war.

And lest we forget:

Now, your initial statement was about using ones service to end a debate. I see no evidence of that as is proven in this thread.

USAF, '62-'65

You don't see evidence that you yourself have created. Yes, you are a dumbass.
I was in the Air Force...Strategic Air Command from early 1954 through 1957. At that time, SAC was the most formidable fighting force that had ever been seen on planet Earth.

The Korean War was still in effect when I went in...but I never saw any combat...and I am eternally grateful that I never did. Most of my service was in Europe (England, for the most part) forward units.

Thank you for your service, Evmetro...and thank you to all the others who have served.

It is my opinion that EVERYONE should be encouraged to enter the military for a short while...a year or two. I am still amazed at the "growing up" that happened to me and the others I knew in service...that I think took much, much longer for those who did not serve.

One last thought: I've not had much good to say about the current Commander-in-chief...but he and his wife did a fine job visiting with the troops earlier this week. I could see the troops were happy with the visit...and that is what those things are all about.
Where were you during that time? If you didn't live it, then you are in no position to judge.

As far as I can see, the American system is so arranged that the rich can get out of it. Is that not so? A large number of them clearly do, whatever. Here, everybody who hadn't a religious objection had to waste two years or go to jail. When you've had to cut grass with a scissors you really feel the need to boast of your service! :)
As far as I can see, the American system is so arranged that the rich can get out of it. Is that not so? A large number of them clearly do, whatever. Here, everybody who hadn't a religious objection had to waste two years or go to jail. When you've had to cut grass with a scissors you really feel the need to boast of your service! :)

There is no provision in US law that allows a "buy out". There are many ways to fail a physical though and the methods are available to both rich and poor.
As a Vietnam combat vet. I thank all my brothers and sisters in arms for their service.
Hello Evmetro,

The lefties won't see you as the villain that they see in military war vets, if that is worth anything...

Who says lefties see vets as villains? You? You're not a lefty. For what? Following orders? You're not the chickenhawk who gave the orders. Thankfully, you followed them no matter what. What you are is leaking myths and false stereotypes about liberals all over the place. No thanks to you for spreading hatred and polarization. That hurts our nation. Divided we fall. Watch it. You're talking smack and hurting moral of our national unit. Cut it OUT. If you did that in a military unit, you would be disciplined. Loose lips sink ships. Don't sink the USA!

I am liberal, and I thank all who have served our great nation and protected our freedom. It doesn't matter which conflict you served in. You were ordered to serve, and you followed orders. Whatever it took. That's what it takes to defend our nation and our allies. No matter how much you hate liberals or what you make up about them, I appreciate you putting your life on the line for our American way of life. Thank you.

I would also appreciate it if you would rethink your stupid stereotypes. It is absolutely and totally FOOLISH to judge the character of half the nation based on the actions of a few individuals. That's just made-up baloney to hold one person accountable for what somebody else did.
I have seen military service used as a crutch to give merit to one's ideology and as a "trump card" (lower case "t"), and it pisses me off too. I still respect the service of my political opponents, but I am well aware that it was then, and that this is now. I offer lifetime respect for their service, and lifetime disrespect for those who have strayed from what we all learned about how to respect our country and flag.

I don’t speak of my military service. It is something I did. Something I am proud of. It makes me uncomfortable when people learn of my military service and then thank me for it.

I am also not a fan of people who use their service to shield themselves from any and all criticism.

McShamnesty is a perfect example. When he voted against conservatives he was a hero to the left. When he ran against the first half white president he was a crazy, doddering old fool. Then he resumed his post as voting against conservative causes and he was loved by the left again. Then he bashed Trump and he was lionized by the left.

Of course when he received any criticism from the right it was “how dare you, he was a war hero”.

Well I agree with Trump. I never considered McShamnesty a war hero. And even if I did, it doesn’t change the fact that he was a bad politician, a faux conservative and a horrible person.
To all whom have served,

EVEN IF I don't talk to you,

EVEN IF I have you on Ignore,

EVEN IF I ban you from my threads,

If you served, I thank you for your service.

The freedom is fabulous.

Thanks for protecting it.
I don’t speak of my military service. It is something I did. Something I am proud of. It makes me uncomfortable when people learn of my military service and then thank me for it.

I am also not a fan of people who use their service to shield themselves from any and all criticism.

McShamnesty is a perfect example. When he voted against conservatives he was a hero to the left. When he ran against the first half white president he was a crazy, doddering old fool. Then he resumed his post as voting against conservative causes and he was loved by the left again. Then he bashed Trump and he was lionized by the left.

Of course when he received any criticism from the right it was “how dare you, he was a war hero”.

Well I agree with Trump. I never considered McShamnesty a war hero. And even if I did, it doesn’t change the fact that he was a bad politician, a faux conservative and a horrible person.

I have seen many politicize and weaponize their military service, and I do not like it either. There are many times when one's service is indeed an appropriate reference in political conversations, but far too many times it is not.
US Navy. Served all over the Middle East, the Arctic, and, Europe. My last tour was my first back in the USA other than boot camp and various military tech schools. I worked on P3's C2's, and CH53 aircraft. Even spent time in Hell, Norway. Been to Hell and back, saw it froze over.

I am betting that there are some Vietnam vets here who saw some pretty crazy stuff when I was still a kid...?

US navy gunner's mate 2nd class served two tours in vietnam 68-69 and 72, yankee gun line and saigon river, Cam Ranh Bay and Da Nang , also saw europe and asia


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I was in the Air Force...Strategic Air Command from early 1954 through 1957. At that time, SAC was the most formidable fighting force that had ever been seen on planet Earth.

The Korean War was still in effect when I went in...but I never saw any combat...and I am eternally grateful that I never did. Most of my service was in Europe (England, for the most part) forward units.

Thank you for your service, Evmetro...and thank you to all the others who have served.

It is my opinion that EVERYONE should be encouraged to enter the military for a short while...a year or two. I am still amazed at the "growing up" that happened to me and the others I knew in service...that I think took much, much longer for those who did not serve.

One last thought: I've not had much good to say about the current Commander-in-chief...but he and his wife did a fine job visiting with the troops earlier this week. I could see the troops were happy with the visit...and that is what those things are all about.

And then he lied to them as he does to everyone else.
Post 3, dumbass. Did your 02 tank run out while flying high over country?

I thank you once again for reminding me just how stupid you dumb fucks are.

In post 2 you said: "I did not. Kudos to those who did. FU to those who use their service as a crutch to squelch debate."

In post 3 I replied with: "I haven't seen anyone use their service to squelch debate. I have used mine as an example to those who were too cowardly to serve. Is that what you are referring to? Calling your heroes cowards? Or is it just the idea of calling a coward a coward?"

Now, since you never answered the question I asked, and it did not squelch any debate (this is not post 40+), I guess the answer to my question is "yes", Calling your heroes liars, and cowards (which is what they are) is the same as "squelching debate"). Let us just ignore the truth about Trump, Cheney, Gingrich, Romney, Limbaugh, etc.