JPP Vets

There were a multitude of reasons to be rejected. You could have had a record, said you were gay, told them you drank/ used drugs. You could have exacerbated a minor medical problem make yourself ineligible. Point is you have no right to play holier than thou.

I signed up for the Navy reserve,did great on the test.

Vietnam, 1968-1969, First Signal Brigade!

Agree. I also don't like those who use bone spurs to get out of the service during an active war period, don't you?
bullshit. that was immoral war of carpet bombing civilians.
I have respect for any and all vets who served -they didn't make policy, but as an anti-war protestor
back then .. "hell no we won't go"

And if I had it to do all over I still wouldn't go. Off to Canada if necessary
How insulting to every Navy sailor that ever served.

The chances of going to Vietnam for a Navy reservist was extremely low that is why cowards like you used it as a dodge to keep out of the war.

BTW The insult to those who served in the Navy during Nam were the pukes like you who dodged the war by joining the Naval reserves.
The chances of going to Vietnam for a Navy reservist was extremely low that is why cowards like you used it as a dodge to keep out of the war.

BTW The insult to those who served in the Navy during Nam were the pukes like you who dodged the war by joining the Naval reserves.

My statement stands,I joined the Naval reserves to be on a ship.
Had nothing to do with Vietnam,I didn't know where that was at the time.