JPP Vets

But his "assignment" to a row boat, doesn't mean he was on a SHIP. :D

The dick head never even made it in. Pulled the old "I was rejected for medical reasons. I have yet to see these Patriots not have an excuse for not serving. But they sure are quick to blame others.
I haven't seen anyone use their service to squelch debate. I have used mine as an example to those who were too cowardly to serve. Is that what you are referring to? Calling your heroes cowards? Or is it just the idea of calling a coward a coward?

One last thought: I've not had much good to say about the current Commander-in-chief...but he and his wife did a fine job visiting with the troops earlier this week. I could see the troops were happy with the visit...and that is what those things are all about.
Turning it into a campaign rally? Fine job? Really?
bullshit. that was immoral war of carpet bombing civilians.
I have respect for any and all vets who served -they didn't make policy, but as an anti-war protestor
back then .. "hell no we won't go"

And if I had it to do all over I still wouldn't go. Off to Canada if necessary

Who cares, dude? When your number comes up you go, that's patriotic, doesn't matter where or what you think of the situation. You just shit on all the vets who did the honorable thing. Because you have to defend the coward in the WH no matter what.
The chances of going to Vietnam for a Navy reservist was extremely low that is why cowards like you used it as a dodge to keep out of the war.

BTW The insult to those who served in the Navy during Nam were the pukes like you who dodged the war by joining the Naval reserves.

What do you think about puke cowards who had their rich daddy's pet doc lie about bone spurs to get out of it? You said you served over there, doesn't that make you angry that you went and did the right thing while the playboy stayed home?
What do you think about puke cowards who had their rich daddy's pet doc lie about bone spurs to get out of it? You said you served over there, doesn't that make you angry that you went and did the right thing while the playboy stayed home?

And your proof that there was a lie, other then your FEELINGS, is...…………………………...what??
Turning it into a campaign rally? Fine job? Really?

Yeah, there is that...and i had trouble writing the words.

BUT...the photos show there seemed to be genuine happiness among the troops with which he and Melania mingled...and that is something for which they deserve some credit.
Who cares, dude? When your number comes up you go, that's patriotic, doesn't matter where or what you think of the situation. You just shit on all the vets who did the honorable thing. Because you have to defend the coward in the WH no matter what.

He absolutely DID shit on the vets who did the honorable thing...because the need of these puppets to defend that abomination in the Oval Office is so great.
I haven't seen anyone use their service to squelch debate. I have used mine as an example to those who were too cowardly to serve. Is that what you are referring to? Calling your heroes cowards? Or is it just the idea of calling a coward a coward?

When your heroes are the likes of Trump, Cheney, Rumsfield, Limbaugh, Gingrich, Romney, etc., what would you call them if not cowards?
So you were referring to our long list of chickenhawk leaders?