JPP Vets

You must be confused. You wrote "Funny you should be so angry at a story about Trump falsely getting a deferment for bone spurs when there appears to be no evidence that it ever happened except for a rumor told by a doctors daughters."

If trump admitted it happened, which part is false?

What part of Trump never admitted anything about falsly getting a deferment for bone spurs, don't you understand?
Where is this so called admission? He did admit he got the deferment but Not that it was false!
What part of Trump never admitted anything about falsly getting a deferment for bone spurs, don't you understand?
Where is this so called admission? He did admit he got the deferment but Not that it was false!

He claimed he had bone spurs, that bone spurs kept him from serving in the military, and that the bone spurs mysteriously cleared up over time. That is absolutely false because bone spurs are permanent. His whole story is one big lie.
He claimed he had bone spurs, that bone spurs kept him from serving in the military, and that the bone spurs mysteriously cleared up over time. That is absolutely false because bone spurs are permanent. His whole story is one big lie.

But since it's the pain, that causes the problem, and not the spur, the pain can disappear over time.
He claimed he had bone spurs, that bone spurs kept him from serving in the military, and that the bone spurs mysteriously cleared up over time. That is absolutely false because bone spurs are permanent. His whole story is one big lie.

You really should do your home work. Trump had heel bone spurs. This condition is treated by "Treatments for heel spurs and associated conditions include*exercise, custom-made orthotics, anti-inflammatory*medications, and*cortisone*injections. If conservative treatments fail, surgery may be necessary."

Also heel spurs may or may not be painful.
You really should do your home work. Trump had heel bone spurs. This condition is treated by "Treatments for heel spurs and associated conditions include*exercise, custom-made orthotics, anti-inflammatory*medications, and*cortisone*injections. If conservative treatments fail, surgery may be necessary."

Also heel spurs may or may not be painful.

I did do my homework. That's how I learned that spurs are calcium deposits and will not go away on their own without surgery. trump said "the bone spurs had been “temporary” — a “minor” malady that had not had a meaningful impact." He said temporary. That's a lie.
I did do my homework. That's how I learned that spurs are calcium deposits and will not go away on their own without surgery. trump said "the bone spurs had been “temporary” — a “minor” malady that had not had a meaningful impact." He said temporary. That's a lie.

And yet, you continue to ignore that it's the resulting pain that is the problem and that the pain can be eventually controlled and go away. :good4u:

It's interesting to compare the UK and the US when it comes to ex-servicemen. We make far less fuss about them over here, perhaps because we've cut down on the imperialist wars. But then, Wellington described his victorious soldiers, if I remember rightly, as 'the scum of the earth, enlisted for drink', and admiration for the military has never been a British thing, so I wonder where you picked it up. I think it was the Rule of the Major Generals under Cromwell that opened British eyes. Give us sailors and airmen every time: much safer.

You people spend all your time beating the snot out of each other over sporting events to worry about what goes on over the water's edge
And yet, you continue to ignore that it's the resulting pain that is the problem and that the pain can be eventually controlled and go away. :good4u:

And you continue to ignore that trump never said he was suffering pain from them. And the point is that the spurs themselves are not "temporary", as trump lied.
And you continue to ignore that trump never said he was suffering pain from them. And the point is that the spurs themselves are not "temporary", as trump lied.

Are you now suggesting that there is no pain from bone spurs??
Because the spurs might remain, but the pain can be managed through time and treatment.
I did do my homework. That's how I learned that spurs are calcium deposits and will not go away on their own without surgery. trump said "the bone spurs had been “temporary” — a “minor” malady that had not had a meaningful impact." He said temporary. That's a lie.

Calcium is easily dissolved: it disappears over time. Your rage over Trump beating the Hillbag will never disappear...

You people spend all your time beating the snot out of each other over sporting events to worry about what goes on over the water's edge

Duw, these deep American thinkers and their southern-gentlemen's manners! I expect that means something down on the Ol' Plantation too! :)
Duw, these deep American thinkers and their southern-gentlemen's manners! I expect that means something down on the Ol' Plantation too! :)

In the summer of 2009, British forces took a big hit in Helmand. Those lives mattered. Yours does not. It is that simple. Now back to your soccer, rugby, cricket or whatever meaningless fetish that makes you feel tingly inside.
In the summer of 2009, British forces took a big hit in Helmand. Those lives mattered. Yours does not. It is that simple. Now back to your soccer, rugby, cricket or whatever meaningless fetish that makes you feel tingly inside.

Stop farting at us, there's a good child. Use the other end here, if you would! :) My life stopped mattering when I left the RAF, did it? I certainly don't tingle inside about footleball, I must admit: is that what proves life in your Institution?
I did do my homework. That's how I learned that spurs are calcium deposits and will not go away on their own without surgery. trump said "the bone spurs had been “temporary” — a “minor” malady that had not had a meaningful impact." He said temporary. That's a lie.

Try reading my answers rather that shooting off your mouth. Trump had heel bone spurs. This condition is treated by "Treatments for heel spurs and associated conditions include*exercise, custom-made orthotics, anti-inflammatory*medications, and*cortisone*injections. If conservative treatments fail, surgery may be necessary."
Try reading my answers rather that shooting off your mouth. Trump had heel bone spurs. This condition is treated by "Treatments for heel spurs and associated conditions include*exercise, custom-made orthotics, anti-inflammatory*medications, and*cortisone*injections. If conservative treatments fail, surgery may be necessary."

:rofl2: You're not intimidating me by using a big red, font Frumpy. You're just proving you'll throw up any kind of smokescreen to hide the fact that trump lied when he said his bone spurs were "temporary."
And you continue to ignore that trump never said he was suffering pain from them. And the point is that the spurs themselves are not "temporary", as trump lied.
He also ignores the fact the daughters of the doctor who treated him said the bone spurs were manufactured. There were no bone spurs. It was a lie.
He also ignores the fact the daughters of the doctor who treated him said the bone spurs were manufactured. There were no bone spurs. It was a lie.

Sure. That's why trump himself can't get the story straight when he's questioned about them. He brags about his lifetime of excellent health yet he can't remember the one condition that supposedly kept him from being drafted.
Sure. That's why trump himself can't get the story straight when he's questioned about them. He brags about his lifetime of excellent health yet he can't remember the one condition that supposedly kept him from being drafted.
He brags about his athleticism, if he had bone spurs, how was he able to compete?