Minister of Truth
Practically Perfect
Yes, but don't remind them. They're happier that way, sipping on 1% beer and attending Temple services.
Did you all know that D&E's performed to remove the remains of a miscarriage are reported to the CDC as abortions?
Not according to Utah....they passed a law to make miscarriages a criminal offense
Right wing totalitarianism on display like you had a D & C. That is an abbreviation of a medical procedure known as Dilation and Curettage, which is the scraping of the lining of the uterus. It is frequently done after miscarriage.
“Dilation and Evacuation (D&E)” on the other hand...Definition: An abortion method used between 13 and 18 weeks (sometimes up until 20) of pregnancy. The cervix is dilated and fetal and placental tissue is drawn out by suction. A curette is inserted into the uterus to remove any remaining fetal tissue. A general anesthetic is usual, and the procedure is performed in a hospital or surgical clinic.
D&Cs are commonly performed for the diagnosis of gynecological conditions leading to 'abnormal uterine bleeding';[4] to resolve abnormal uterine bleeding (too much, too often or too heavy a menstrual flow);[2] to remove the excess uterine lining in women who have conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (which cause a prolonged buildup of tissue with no natural period to remove it);[citation needed] to remove tissue in the uterus that may be causing abnormal vaginal bleeding,[1] including postpartum retained placenta;[5] to remove retained tissue (also known as retained POC or retained products of conception) in the case of a missed or incomplete miscarriage;[3] and as a method of abortion that is now uncommon.[1] In contrast, D&C remains 'standard care' for missed and incomplete miscarriage in many countries despite the existence of alternatives currently used for abortions.
Dilation and evacuation (also sometimes called dilation and extraction) literally refers to the dilation of the cervix and surgical evacuation of the contents of the uterus. It is a method of abortion as well as a therapeutic procedure used after miscarriage to prevent infection by ensuring that the uterus is fully evacuated.[1][2]
D&C - dilation and curretage
D&E - dilation and extraction
(yeah, I know, yahoo answers, but it was a nice summary)
for details:
D&C -
D&E -
While both are used to "clean you out", looks like D&E is also used for abortions.
Utah - sucks. Criminalizing miscarriages? sucks.
Thank you for the clarification. I was wrong....can't know everything, ya
I just learned it myself. That's the good side of message boards like this; believe it or not, I've actually learned things because people bring something up and I decide to investigate it some more.
Utah - sucks. Criminalizing miscarriages? sucks.
???....yes it is.....
I believe that. Some of us men are admittedly....assholes.
That's why I have said repeatedly on these forums.....that the right attacks women on this subject on a continual basis....but where's their disdain and outrage on the male?
I know plenty of my peers who brag about their real or imagined sexual conquests and how they talked women into bed....How through their smooth talking ways, they got a woman who was "on the fence" about having sex with them to agree.
So...that leads to wonder....why aren't these "alleged" men begging their conquests to carry the baby to term, and then....The MALES assuming responsibility of these kids? Why isn't society DEMANDING that men at least try to arrange something like this?
Perhaps if a woman knew that she wouldn't be saddled with a kid she doesn't want or can't afford....less abortions would happen.
Another pet peeve I have is our Adoption process. Why is it so difficult for Americans to adopt American babies? My wife's cousin and her husband couldn't have kids....they tried to adopt. But because her husband had a 10 year old DUI, they were disqualified and had to adopt a boy from Honduras. Both of them had steady decent paying jobs and there was no other criminal violations or domestic issues.
Don't get me's still a matter of personal choice of the woman....but...if us men accept OUR role and responsibility in the pregnancy and man the fuck up....And we take a hard look at our adoption policies....perhaps fewer woman will make that choice...WITHOUT legislation. Oh yeah....a sustainable, living wage for even our poorest workers would help a shit ton too.
Responding to your comment about the adoption process, I know about eight people who adopted and all the children were from other countries. Russia, Guatemala, and China, to name three. These people all tried to go through our system and it was taking too long, I mean, more than five years. And none of them had any violations like your cousin. The system isn't user-friendly to people who are ready, willing and able to adopt our kids.
Responding to your comment about the adoption process, I know about eight people who adopted and all the children were from other countries. Russia, Guatemala, and China, to name three. These people all tried to go through our system and it was taking too long, I mean, more than five years. And none of them had any violations like your cousin. The system isn't user-friendly to people who are ready, willing and able to adopt our kids.
Yes, I talked about this on another thread the other day. I am from a family that adopts...have friends who adopt and want to adopt. Our system is beyond ridiculous.