Just contacted my Senator's office

Because he said Biden should leave office. Told him I will vote him out and campaign against him. Sick of these assholes.
I'd prefer to have a president that can:
  • Complete a thought
  • Complete a sentence
  • Work outside of the hours of 10a-4p
  • Has the physical strength to perform basic movements without appearing as though he may fall over at any second
Does anyone think Biden is able to have the most important discussions with his own staff much less foreign leaders?
I'd prefer to have a president that can:
  • Complete a thought
  • Complete a sentence
  • Work outside of the hours of 10a-4p
  • Has the physical strength to perform basic movements without appearing as though he may fall over at any second
Does anyone think Biden is able to have the most important discussions with his own staff much less foreign leaders?
Then you do not want Trump. Biden can still speak as an adult, something Trump never could and never will.
Then you do not want Trump. Biden can still speak as an adult, something Trump never could and never will.
Biden used to be able to speak like an adult. Today, he can't complete a thought or a sentence without a teleprompter. He is not the right person to lead the most powerful country in the world. You have to be able to communicate effectively. He can't.
I'd prefer to have a president that can:
  • Complete a thought
  • Complete a sentence
  • Work outside of the hours of 10a-4p
  • Has the physical strength to perform basic movements without appearing as though he may fall over at any second
Does anyone think Biden is able to have the most important discussions with his own staff much less foreign leaders?
fuck you
Biden's problem, or additional problem, is that even when he makes a completely lucid, incisive comment he says it in that old, tired voice which negates its effect.
Trying to bite my tongue but this is a softball:

Dear Senator,

Not only am I going to vote against you, I am going to campaign against you. How you may ask? I am going to post 24/7 on JPP. JPP is a very influential political site read by tens of thousands* (*according to one poster). My word carries weight there and people will follow me.

You Sir/Madame have crossed the wrong voter with your actions and you will pay come re-election time.

I'd prefer to have a president that can:
  • Complete a thought
  • Complete a sentence
  • Work outside of the hours of 10a-4p
  • Has the physical strength to perform basic movements without appearing as though he may fall over at any second
Does anyone think Biden is able to have the most important discussions with his own staff much less foreign leaders?
Yes and the foreign leaders have high praise for Biden. You haven’t been paying attention.
Trying to bite my tongue but this is a softball:

Dear Senator,

Not only am I going to vote against you, I am going to campaign against you. How you may ask? I am going to post 24/7 on JPP. JPP is a very influential political site read by tens of thousands* (*according to one poster). My word carries weight there and people will follow me.

You Sir/Madame have crossed the wrong voter with your actions and you will pay come re-election time.

A classic
