Just contacted my Senator's office

Yes and the foreign leaders have high praise for Biden. You haven’t been paying attention.
Well, no shit. They aren't going to publicly criticize the leader of the most powerful country.

Do you think Biden is mentally fit to run the country?
Then people are ageists, that’s a form of bigotry.
Speak softly and carry a big stick!
Fair or not, there it is. But it is sounding as if he intends to prove his doubters wrong. The Times is reporting he plans to return to the campaign trail next week.
Biden used to be able to speak like an adult. Today, he can't complete a thought or a sentence without a teleprompter. He is not the right person to lead the most powerful country in the world. You have to be able to communicate effectively. He can't.
trump uses teleprompters all the time. He had a teleprompter at the Butler rally and the convention.

Trying to bite my tongue but this is a softball:

Dear Senator,

Not only am I going to vote against you, I am going to campaign against you. How you may ask? I am going to post 24/7 on JPP. JPP is a very influential political site read by tens of thousands* (*according to one poster). My word carries weight there and people will follow me.

You Sir/Madame have crossed the wrong voter with your actions and you will pay come re-election time.

I guess you think senators etc. don't take it seriously when their voters dump them.
Because he said Biden should leave office. Told him I will vote him out and campaign against him. Sick of these assholes.
I bet he's shaking in his boots, you are a real kingmaker in your neck of the weeds, ay?
I guess you think senators etc. don't take it seriously when their voters dump them.
Since tone can sometimes be difficult to deduce on here I'll state that if we were standing together I would be saying this response in a friendly voice and with a smile on my face. If that is your takeaway either you missed my attempt at humor or my attempt at humor was so poor it didn't come through. (or I suppose the third option; you recognize it was an attempt at humor but it just sucked)
Since tone can sometimes be difficult to deduce on here I'll state that if we were standing together I would be saying this response in a friendly voice and with a smile on my face. If that is your takeaway either you missed my attempt at humor or my attempt at humor was so poor it didn't come through. (or I suppose the third option; you recognize it was an attempt at humor but it just sucked)
Hyooomore? What is HyooooMore?
trump uses teleprompters all the time. He had a teleprompter at the Butler rally and the convention.

View attachment 28149
Trump goes off script constantly, the speech written for the convention went long by 1/2 hour of him just doing ad-lib.

It isn't the use of prompters that is problematic with Biden, it is the fact that he cannot even identify when he's making a mistake even when using them, often reads direction rather than speech portions (pause for applause), and just generally, even with a prompter, can wind up in a nonsense word salad that drifts off into him saying: I probably shouldn't go there super quietly but not in the creepy whisper.
All Senators have websites and ways to communicate with their constituents. Is this new information to you?
Again, I'm sure he's afraid, you must be a mover and shaker in the world in which you live. (I said kingmaker, but we all got the gist).

You then told me to shut up and called me an asshole... Which led me to believe you are after my job too.... Now two of us are terrified. (He said with a deadpan face).
Trump goes off script constantly, the speech written for the convention went long by 1/2 hour of him just doing ad-lib.

It isn't the use of prompters that is problematic with Biden, it is the fact that he cannot even identify when he's making a mistake even when using them, often reads direction rather than speech portions (pause for applause), and just generally, even with a prompter, can wind up in a nonsense word salad that drifts off into him saying: I probably shouldn't go there super quietly but not in the creepy whisper.
Or he garbles the words as he reads them into unintelligible gibberish...
"However, this moment in our nation's history calls for a focus that is bigger than any one person," Heinrich said. "The return of Donald Trump to the White House poses an existential danger to our democracy. We must defeat him in November, and we need a candidate who can do that."

You mean you care more about YOUR job than our nation.