Just contacted my Senator's office

I'm not. Trump didn't ruin his election chances during the debate. Trump's people didn't have to schedule an emergency interview for damage control, only to have that interview do more damage. Trump isn't having his own party trying to remove him because they know he's mentally deficient.
Make me laugh, trump's party would never remove him for any reason. His 34 felony convictions, his sexual assault, his crude, misogynistic comments about women, his racist comments, his adulteries, his 4,000+ lawsuits are meaningless to magas because they're all cult members.
I'd prefer to have a president that can:
  • Complete a thought
  • Complete a sentence
  • Work outside of the hours of 10a-4p
  • Has the physical strength to perform basic movements without appearing as though he may fall over at any second
Does anyone think Biden is able to have the most important discussions with his own staff much less foreign leaders?
Thank you for your brief bout of honesty. You should try displaying more often; it looks good on you. :)
Then you do not want Trump. Biden can still speak as an adult, something Trump never could and never will.
Normally, you could win a prestigious award for such a stupid statement... but others such as Nomad and Geeko have really stepped up their game this month... so you're gonna have to do better than this if you wish to win a prestigious award...
Biden used to be able to speak like an adult. Today, he can't complete a thought or a sentence without a teleprompter. He is not the right person to lead the most powerful country in the world. You have to be able to communicate effectively. He can't.
... and often enough he can't even manage to do so WITH a teleprompter.

It's EMBARASSING! The whole world is pointing and laughing at us right now.
Make me laugh, trump's party would never remove him for any reason. His 34 felony convictions, his sexual assault, his crude, misogynistic comments about women, his racist comments, his adulteries, his 4,000+ lawsuits are meaningless to magas because they're all cult members.
Ok. Beside the point, but ok.
I'd prefer to have a president that can:
  • Complete a thought
  • Complete a sentence
  • Work outside of the hours of 10a-4p
  • Has the physical strength to perform basic movements without appearing as though he may fall over at any second
Does anyone think Biden is able to have the most important discussions with his own staff much less foreign leaders?
Like when they mix up the names of their anti Democracy racist friends
Because he said Biden should leave office. Told him I will vote him out and campaign against him. Sick of these assholes.
Well good for you for stickin' to your guns. I think you're backing the wrong guy, but admire the way you're doing it.
It's really quite absurd that the US should be forced to choose between two arrogant old dullards . When confronted by superior minds stupid people resort to violence. Both Biden and Trump appear as morons on the world political stage.
Because he said Biden should leave office. Told him I will vote him out and campaign against him. Sick of these assholes.
Then he told you to go fuck yourself and called you a dumb brainwashed slave to the D party that will do as you are ordered to do,.....laughed at you,....farted ,....then hung up on you in mid sentence as he giggled.
You know the very best part of the times we are living in? Well,....if you think the left is FREAKING OUT now,......you aint seen nothin yet! ;) Just wait till Trump takes office. Within a year of him doing so the D party will be reduced to some marginal little group like the green party or some such similar. Powerless. This is going to be the epic show of a lifetime! Hint hint.........RICO will be their undoing. " A continuing criminal enterprise" . NOT FOR LONG though,....not anymore! :):evilnod:
They have it ALL. ALL the dirt on ALL the actors involved. They even have ALL the dirt on ALL the other agencies. They can tell you how many minutes a day you spent playing CANDYLAND on the phone you used 16 phones ago. ALL SCOOPED up and SAVED. I would wish the "continuing criminal enterprise" luck but I know it wont save them so instead I say.........Fuckum,....they deserve whats coming. Nothing can stop it now. EVERYTHING comes out........

People STILL think this is a battle between two political parties. :laugh: No,... it is a battle between the agencies and who actually controls them. One side has 99 % of the agencies, the money, the power, the support, ........the other side has THE TRUTH and the next level tech. Guess who wins ;) The ONLY fly in the ointment is if the average citizen can handle the truth when it comes to what has been going on for a very very long time. Many wont be able to, some will take their own lives, others will end up with severe emotional problems from the pure shock to the system of it all. Waking up from THE DREAM wont be easy and the losses will be heavy but the truth must prevail. Its always better to know the truth. Brace yourselves,.....it IS coming and its not what you think it is.