Just contacted my Senator's office

Again, I'm sure he's afraid, you must be a mover and shaker in the world in which you live. (I said kingmaker, but we all got the gist).

You then told me to shut up and called me an asshole... Which led me to believe you are after my job too.... Now two of us are terrified. (He said with a deadpan face).
you really are an idiot
Trump goes off script constantly, the speech written for the convention went long by 1/2 hour of him just doing ad-lib.

It isn't the use of prompters that is problematic with Biden, it is the fact that he cannot even identify when he's making a mistake even when using them, often reads direction rather than speech portions (pause for applause), and just generally, even with a prompter, can wind up in a nonsense word salad that drifts off into him saying: I probably shouldn't go there super quietly but not in the creepy whisper.
trump had to read the first 15 minutes from the teleprompter because he's unable to ad-lib positive emotions. He can't come across honestly and that's why the first 15 sounded so forced. He hit his stride once he defaulted to his usual angry tirade.
"However, this moment in our nation's history calls for a focus that is bigger than any one person," Heinrich said. "The return of Donald Trump to the White House poses an existential danger to our democracy. We must defeat him in November, and we need a candidate who can do that."

You mean you care more about YOUR job than our nation.

Screw him and his treachery.
As usual, always regret reading your posts.
Top story on NYTimes online, Biden must go.

Oh, uh, maybe there was a convention or something....
trump had to read the first 15 minutes from the teleprompter because he's unable to ad-lib positive emotions. He can't come across honestly and that's why the first 15 sounded so forced. He hit his stride once he defaulted to his usual angry tirade.
Someone didn't listen to the whole speech and they make it obvious by saying this stuff. There was a ton of mixed emotion during the speech, his style was definitely more thoughtful than I normally have seen him. It was far more unifying than I would normally expect from Trump. I'd say he's doing well working to get some new voters into his coalition. He's acting more politician than before... I wouldn't call it refreshing, but it was better than some of his speeches of the past.
Someone didn't listen to the whole speech and they make it obvious by saying this stuff. There was a ton of mixed emotion during the speech, his style was definitely more thoughtful that I normally have seen him. It was far more unifying than I would normally expect from Trump. I'd say he's doing well working to get some new voters into his coalition. He's acting more politician than before... I wouldn't call it refreshing, but it was better than some of his speeches of the past.
When you can't make it past 15 minutes of positivity in a speech that's supposed to be about moving forward and doing great things, it says something about the speaker, not the listener.
"However, this moment in our nation's history calls for a focus that is bigger than any one person," Heinrich said. "The return of Donald Trump to the White House poses an existential danger to our democracy. We must defeat him in November, and we need a candidate who can do that."

YOU decided Biden can't win. So, fuck the people who voted Biden in the primary.
When you can't make it past 15 minutes of positivity in a speech that's supposed to be about moving forward and doing great things, it says something about the speaker, not the listener.
Nah, it says more about the listener. You don't like to hear things that are not in your echo chamber, it happens to many folks who are hard partisans. You spend more time hating the speaker than listening to the words, and your prejudice cannot be overcome.

Don't take any of this as personal judgment about you, it's just observations of folks I have seen that cannot even watch 10 minutes of Fox News or MSDNC, for example. The opinions expressed will grate on them so heavily because it isn't in their echo chamber. It is one of the reasons why I purposefully watch MSDNC and CNN to make sure I don't fall into this ditch. I want to be able to listen to all of a SOTU, even if it is a drugged up Democrat or Trump giving the speech.
Fuck the oligarchy. Sick of Heinrich and others like him taking cash and subverting our democracy.
Nah, it says more about the listener. You don't like to hear things that are not in your echo chamber, it happens to many folks who are hard partisans. You spend more time hating the speaker than listening to the words, and your prejudice cannot be overcome.

Don't take any of this as personal judgment about you, it's just observations of folks I have seen that cannot even watch 10 minutes of Fox News or MSDNC, for example. The opinions expressed will grate on them so heavily because it isn't in their echo chamber. It is one of the reasons why I purposefully watch MSDNC and CNN to make sure I don't fall into this ditch. I want to be able to listen to all of a SOTU, even if it is a drugged up Democrat or Trump giving the speech.
I'm not taking it personally, it's just business.

I've never heard a presidential candidate have such a dark vision of his country, even in war time. A candidate who can't say a single decent thing about the US except for self-congratulations for what he believes are his accomplishments alone. A candidate who thinks the presidency isn't part of three equal branches of government. Any other presidential candidate in the history of the country who said "I alone can fix it."
You're deceiving yourself.
I'm not. Trump didn't ruin his election chances during the debate. Trump's people didn't have to schedule an emergency interview for damage control, only to have that interview do more damage. Trump isn't having his own party trying to remove him because they know he's mentally deficient.