Just curious

Its why they do this.

adult content humor is not the same as sex laced violent speech.

They want to shut people up.

because they cant compete in the world of facts.
Its why they do this.

adult content humor is not the same as sex laced violent speech.

They want to shut people up.

because they cant compete in the world of facts.

I don't want anyone to leave, not you or Tekky, not Darla, etc.

I don't find gratuitous vulgarities 'adult humor,' but you see that differently. Others, including Darla agree with me, others you. In any case, 'this site' allows you to exercise your sense of 'adult humor' as you will. IF I find that so offensive that I spend most of my time reporting your posts, which aren't breaking the rules here or starting multiple threads on how offensive they are, 'MAKE HER STOP!' this probably isn't the place I should be.

I agree with most of those saying that overtones of violence in posts is not good. We agree there are differences in stringing together vulgar words and made up vulgarities to those that actually appear violence based. Here's the thing, it is allowed until warned, once warned, ILA toned it down.
I don't want anyone to leave, not you or Tekky, not Darla, etc.

I don't find gratuitous vulgarities 'adult humor,' but you see that differently. Others, including Darla agree with me, others you. In any case, 'this site' allows you to exercise your sense of 'adult humor' as you will. IF I find that so offensive that I spend most of my time reporting your posts, which aren't breaking the rules here or starting multiple threads on how offensive they are, 'MAKE HER STOP!' this probably isn't the place I should be.

I agree with most of those saying that overtones of violence in posts is not good. We agree there are differences in stringing together vulgar words and made up vulgarities to those that actually appear violence based. Here's the thing, it is allowed until warned, once warned, ILA toned it down.

then the warnings should be completely public to avoid all appearances of unfair treatment huh?

ILA KNEW that incest talk was bannable.

he had done it to people before and SHOULD have already been warned about it huh
Its why they do this.

adult content humor is not the same as sex laced violent speech.

They want to shut people up.

because they cant compete in the world of facts.

be quiet you hypocrite.

you agree with and share our exact same philosophy, and always have.

When darla was arguing the other day, you still stood by not banning that type of speech.

You have always said let the idiots expose themselves.

So don't pretend all of a sudden that you are for banning certain language.
If you find the rules and the way they are enforced objectionable, why stay? I've never gotten folks that primarily bitch instead of enjoying a site. If that's where one finds oneself, seems the brightest choice is to leave for awhile, then come back and see if what was bothering you has left or been drowned out.

As I've mentioned before, there are some very good posters on here; I like the size of this site; and I keep hoping the decent posters will prevail over the crap posters.

ILA may not have broken a rule. But given the lists of posts Darla showed - there should be a rule against it. And yes, I submitted it to the mods through the contest. Basically, sexual harrasment shouldn't be allowed on this site. And any liberal female that joins this site gets sexually harassed by the conservative retard men on it.

Yes, I have considered leaving; I've tested other sites; the banning of DY and 007 gave me some hope, but then BM showed up and ILA possibly got even worse after that.

I do feel again like you're blaming the victim - "you shouldn't be on a site that allows this crap! if people are harassing you then leave!" isn't that like blaming a rape victim - "you shouldn't have been out at 10 at night! you shouldn't have tight jeans on!" rather than the ones doing the action?
tekkygal said:
As I've mentioned before, there are some very good posters on here; I like the size of this site; and I keep hoping the decent posters will prevail over the crap posters.

ILA may not have broken a rule. But given the lists of posts Darla showed - there should be a rule against it. And yes, I submitted it to the mods through the contest. Basically, sexual harrasment shouldn't be allowed on this site. And any liberal female that joins this site gets sexually harassed by the conservative retard men on it.

Yes, I have considered leaving; I've tested other sites; the banning of DY and 007 gave me some hope, but then BM showed up and ILA possibly got even worse after that.

I do feel again like you're blaming the victim - "you shouldn't be on a site that allows this crap! if people are harassing you then leave!" isn't that like blaming a rape victim - "you shouldn't have been out at 10 at night! you shouldn't have tight jeans on!" rather than the ones doing the action?

I think I understand what you are saying, problem is this is a privately held site, that allows others to enjoy 'free', not free for the owner, but for all those who participate. The owner's concerns and directives to his staff are the only rules that count. If some disagree with his decisions they can leave him to his site. That is really all I was saying. If you or I don't like something, no need to rant, just go to another site that is more in line with your positions. I hope you stay, along with others upset, but just seems time to move along.

BTW, taking up the suggestion of trying to write some rules is a good idea. That they solicited from members deserves a 'thank you.' Doesn't mean your will be done, but at least you got to tell them what you think, without more drama.
He follows directions?

As I and many others have said, there are more sites that would not tolerate his nastiness than will. If all those that find the rules here 'beyond the pale' in allowing him to post would just stop paying him mind, he might stop or escalate to getting banned? Or people could choose not to read this site, that seemed to be Darla's choice, after demonstrating what she claimed to find so offensive. I wish she hadn't done that, while not agreeing with her most of the time, I found her posts very good.

If you find the rules and the way they are enforced objectionable, why stay? I've never gotten folks that primarily bitch instead of enjoying a site. If that's where one finds oneself, seems the brightest choice is to leave for awhile, then come back and see if what was bothering you has left or been drowned out.

What you are seeing is a microcosm of the liberal mind vs the conservative mind. Liberals always want someone else to solve their problems for them. They always want the rules changed to accommodate them.

Conservatives do as you suggest. What you suggest is complete anathema to liberals.

Now I understand that what I did is objectionable to people like you who normally agree with me and to you I apologize.

This is what liberals always do. I applaud the Mods for taking a stand.
As I've mentioned before, there are some very good posters on here; I like the size of this site; and I keep hoping the decent posters will prevail over the crap posters.

ILA may not have broken a rule. But given the lists of posts Darla showed - there should be a rule against it. And yes, I submitted it to the mods through the contest. Basically, sexual harrasment shouldn't be allowed on this site. And any liberal female that joins this site gets sexually harassed by the conservative retard men on it.

Yes, I have considered leaving; I've tested other sites; the banning of DY and 007 gave me some hope, but then BM showed up and ILA possibly got even worse after that.

I do feel again like you're blaming the victim - "you shouldn't be on a site that allows this crap! if people are harassing you then leave!" isn't that like blaming a rape victim - "you shouldn't have been out at 10 at night! you shouldn't have tight jeans on!" rather than the ones doing the action?

Liberals a sociopaths who hate freedom