Just for the record.


Well-known member
I'd really like to get at least an unofficial head count on how many JPP lefties are going to flee the country when DJT is again elected POTUS? This way we can get a little early start at putting together a GOFUNDME to help pay the cost of ONE WAY tickets to ANYWHERE BUT HERE for these clowns. I'll even pledge the first C note just to start the ball rolling if it helps to get them out of here a little faster. The sooner the better...... :)
I'd really like to get at least an unofficial head count on how many JPP lefties are going to flee the country when DJT is again elected POTUS? This way we can get a little early start at putting together a GOFUNDME to help pay the cost of ONE WAY tickets to ANYWHERE BUT HERE for these clowns. I'll even pledge the first C note just to start the ball rolling if it helps to get them out of here a little faster. The sooner the better...... :)
The chances the the Regime proclaims Trump the winner are zero.

You get to be wrong yet again.
I'd really like to get at least an unofficial head count on how many JPP lefties are going to flee the country when DJT is again elected POTUS? This way we can get a little early start at putting together a GOFUNDME to help pay the cost of ONE WAY tickets to ANYWHERE BUT HERE for these clowns. I'll even pledge the first C note just to start the ball rolling if it helps to get them out of here a little faster. The sooner the better...... :)
I don't remember anyone stating as such.

Now Trump winning would be sweet bitter.

You got your projection - bittersweet
The chances the the Regime proclaims Trump the winner are zero.

You get to be wrong yet again.
You are so behind dude,...catch up if you can. Someone else with much more authority has declared " The Regime" soon to be out of business. With every day that DJT is still breathing the world sees just how fragile, weak, and incompetent " The Regime" actually is. DJT will continue walking and breathing until well after his second term is complete. Furthermore,..." the regime" is utterly powerless to do a damn thing about it. Their frustration is showing,...and so is yours btw. :)
I'd really like to get at least an unofficial head count on how many JPP lefties are going to flee the country when DJT is again elected POTUS? This way we can get a little early start at putting together a GOFUNDME to help pay the cost of ONE WAY tickets to ANYWHERE BUT HERE for these clowns. I'll even pledge the first C note just to start the ball rolling if it helps to get them out of here a little faster. The sooner the better...... :)
First of all, I strongly doubt that Trump will be elected POTUS again. He is an embarrassment to America and to humanity. About the only people who have positive things to say about him are MAGA morons...and it seems there are not enough of them to pull off a victory for Trump in November.

But should that unfortunate happening actually occur, I will stay right here is the USA and live with its consequences.

What gives you the idea that many of us who see Trump as the disgusting, incompetent, classless abomination that he is...are going to "flee?"
"Brussels is fast becoming a no-go zone for freedom of expression. Earlier this year, several local politicians forced numerous venues to cancel the National Conservatism Brussels conference, which I helped to organise. When we eventually found a venue prepared to host the event, the local mayor sent in the police to try to cancel the conference. It was only the decisive action of my colleagues – including by locking the doors to the venue – that ensured that the conference could take place.

The aim of the cancellers in Brussels is to throw a quarantine around views that challenge the narrative of the EU elites. Outwardly, the EU presents itself as the protector of freedom, tolerance and democracy. In truth, the Eurocrats are zealous control freaks who are scared of opinions that challenge their outlook. Their authoritarian instincts are reinforced by a mood of insecurity. Since the elections to the European Parliament this year, they have become anxious about the rise of populist parties who are opposed to their political outlook. They know their authority is being openly questioned.

The pro-EU elites are not remotely embarrassed about openly flouting the democratic, liberal values they claim to stand for. The local mayor who shut down the NatCon conference boasted that conservatives and populists are ‘not welcome’ in Brussels. Even the owner of PiolaLibri bookshop had no inhibitions about his pro-cancellation policy. He tried to explain that there was nothing unusual about the shutting down of my book launch. Events are cancelled all the time, he told Politico, but it ‘just doesn’t usually cause so much stir’."

Things are getting dark in a hurry as the West collapses into a pile of shit.
I'd really like to get at least an unofficial head count on how many JPP lefties are going to flee the country when DJT is again elected POTUS? This way we can get a little early start at putting together a GOFUNDME to help pay the cost of ONE WAY tickets to ANYWHERE BUT HERE for these clowns. I'll even pledge the first C note just to start the ball rolling if it helps to get them out of here a little faster. The sooner the better...... :)

I'll also pledge a C-Note if these liberal loons will travel out to the land where many of their anti American pals live. And that would be down in Mexico alongside their cartels.

well I will tell you I am NOT going any where ,
I fought for this country once already I will be here to help fight and try to get it back to the country we have known for years and dispose the Dictator you MAGA morons want to put in office.
Again watch out what you wish for because once you get it and it bites you in the ass it may be too late to go back.
I have NO idea how you Trumptards can't see what Trump is up to.
He has come right out and said he doesn't give a shit about you he only wants your vote and money.
Trump is ONLY out for Trump.
It is time for you MAGA morons to actually listen to what he has been saying and WAKE UP before it IS too late.
Have a nice day
And remember going after your political opponents and jailing them after you get put in office is what Dictators do NOT Presidents of the USA.
And Trump has said that IS what he wants to do and is going to do.
You MAGAS really have to start listen to what Trump is saying and WAKE UP .
Have a nice day
I'll also pledge a C-Note if these liberal loons will travel out to the land where many of their anti American pals live. And that would be down in Mexico alongside their cartels.

View attachment 32409
I'm all in!
We tried to take up a collection for a ticket to Canada for a whiner on the last site I was on. Such complaints and crying about how bad this country is and we were generous enough to give him a free pass. I'm sure there would have been enough contributions for some extra spending money too.

He still votes democrat ...
The difference between moderates and the alt right, moderates want everyone to be prosperous, but the alt right wants to expel the most productive Americans in the hopes of replacing them.
...or just in the hopes of no longer of being outperformed by them.
First of all, I strongly doubt that Trump will be elected POTUS again. He is an embarrassment to America and to humanity. About the only people who have positive things to say about him are MAGA morons...and it seems there are not enough of them to pull off a victory for Trump in November.

But should that unfortunate happening actually occur, I will stay right here is the USA and live with its consequences.

What gives you the idea that many of us who see Trump as the disgusting, incompetent, classless abomination that he is...are going to "flee?"
That Depends frankie.
And remember going after your political opponents and jailing them after you get put in office is what Dictators do NOT Presidents of the USA.
And Trump has said that IS what he wants to do and is going to do.
You MAGAS really have to start listen to what Trump is saying and WAKE UP .
Have a nice day
You talking about Brandon?
Hitler, Hitler, Hitler!
That Depends frankie?
