Just for the record.

What is the matter Can't YOU read?
It says TRUMP .
TRUMP SAID he will be jailing his political opponents and everybody he thinks did things against him if he gets back in and that IS NOT what US Presidents do that is what DICTATORS do.
Have a nice day
His political opponents want to jail him. So there's that...
What is the matter Can't YOU read?
It says TRUMP .
TRUMP SAID he will be jailing his political opponents and everybody he thinks did things against him if he gets back in and that IS NOT what US Presidents do that is what DICTATORS do.
Have a nice day
you are a fucking liar

he said we will prosecute criminals

why do you lie so obviously? do you think everyone is as dumb as you are?
“WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences,” Trump wrote. “Please beware that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials."
Hillary thinks people like you should go to prison for your disinformation though
I'd really like to get at least an unofficial head count on how many JPP lefties are going to flee the country when DJT is again elected POTUS? This way we can get a little early start at putting together a GOFUNDME to help pay the cost of ONE WAY tickets to ANYWHERE BUT HERE for these clowns. I'll even pledge the first C note just to start the ball rolling if it helps to get them out of here a little faster. The sooner the better...... :)
I lean left, have dual citizenship, but I wouldn’t want to miss if such occurred how you cultist react when you finally discover how you got scammed again.

I know it is beyond your comprehension, in your world Trump can’t lose unless he is cheated, but think of the consequences if Trump does lose. MAGA will again show their hatred of America making the post election look like 1/6 on steroids, your Messiah may go to jail or at least be confined to Florida, and the grievance populism you love so much will fade away like summers annuals
you are a fucking liar

he said we will prosecute criminals

why do you lie so obviously? do you think everyone is as dumb as you are?
“WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences,” Trump wrote. “Please beware that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials."
Hillary thinks people like you should go to prison for your disinformation though
well ASSHOLE IF you had two brain cells you could do a simple search like I did and you would fine all kinds of links showing he said it, But YOU DON'T so you won't.
Have a nice day you fucking LYING MORON
I'd really like to get at least an unofficial head count on how many JPP lefties are going to flee the country when DJT is again elected POTUS? This way we can get a little early start at putting together a GOFUNDME to help pay the cost of ONE WAY tickets to ANYWHERE BUT HERE for these clowns. I'll even pledge the first C note just to start the ball rolling if it helps to get them out of here a little faster. The sooner the better...... :)
I will not automatically flee, but if he starts rounding up Americans because they failed to support him or something like that, Id consider it.
you are a fucking liar

he said we will prosecute criminals

why do you lie so obviously? do you think everyone is as dumb as you are?
“WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences,” Trump wrote. “Please beware that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials."
Hillary thinks people like you should go to prison for your disinformation though
AND another thing ASSHOLE that is what DICTATORS do NOT US Presidents.
YOU want a DICTATOR and once you get one and the mother fucker comes after your rights it will be too late.
I don't remember anyone stating as such.

Now Trump winning would be sweet bitter.

You got your projection - bittersweet
I've noticed that this time around. Is it possible you morons are getting tired of looking like idiots since some on your side always claim they will leave the country if X is elected but t NEVER do? Miserable cretins with no integrity
well ASSHOLE IF you had two brain cells you could do a simple search like I did and you would fine all kinds of links showing he said it, But YOU DON'T so you won't.
Have a nice day you fucking LYING MORON
how about linking to his exact words like I JUST DID?

is it because you are a lying piece of shit - or retarded?

or quote likely you are both a lying piece of shit and retarded!
how about linking to his exact words like I JUST DID?

is it because you are a lying piece of shit - or retarded?

or quote likely you are both a lying piece of shit and retarded!
I did many of time I thought it would be better if you read them for yourself But i see your too fucking stupid to even be able to do that
Have a nice day you fucking moron
Gonna be hard when Trump loses to a woman...and a non-white woman at that...for that fat, classless moron...and all the classless morons who still support him.

Gonna be great fun to laugh at them all.

And if he wins...meh. All he would have done is to beat a woman...and a non-white woman at that.

You assholes set yourselves up for your own defeat.