Just for the record.

You obviously haven't been paying much attention to your apologists who have convicted him of a slew of bogus crimes.
Well the Grand Jury found there was enough evidence to charge him and a regular jury found there was enough evidence to convict him.
If he didn't have enough brains to get himself a better lawyer that is his problem.
Have a nice day
What's this I see....race and gender again as that along with a DEI agenda is all the libs have on their menu to destroy
the American dream and the American family.
YOU, and those on your side of the current American political aisle, are the attempted destroyers of the American dream and the American family, Fool.

And it is not going to succeed.

Trump is a loser...and so are his enablers.

You only have a month or so to finally see that clearly...although we know you assholes will claim the liberals once again outsmarted you by cheating.

Watching you jerks make that argument is one of the funniest political movements ever!
Nope. He committed crimes . He is paying for them. His crime problem is not a Dem plot. It his his breaking laws and defying the justice system to do anything about it.
Tell us what crimes he's committed. Be specific as to what laws he's broken.
The courts have already done that.

Only fucking MAGA morons think Trump has not committed crimes for which he should, properly, be prosecuted.
The courts haven't done shit as far as being specific to what charges Trump is guilty of. Neither was the prosecution.
Absolutely true. Something tells me that this time they will be met with MUCH resistance. :)
The good part is they'll only do it in blue states because in red ones, the police will show up, gas their asses, beat them within an inch of their lives, then toss them in jail. So, it'll be a case of rats shitting in their own nests.