Just for the record.

Gonna be hard when Trump loses to a woman...and a non-white woman at that...for that fat, classless moron...and all the classless morons who still support him.

Gonna be great fun to laugh at them all.

And if he wins...meh. All he would have done is to beat a woman...and a non-white woman at that.

You assholes set yourselves up for your own defeat.

What's this I see....race and gender again as that along with a DEI agenda is all the libs have on their menu to destroy
the American dream and the American family.
This might be the most corrupt admin in history? No, it is the most corrupt one in history. biden and kamala should be thrown in jail for having blood on their hands for having illegals run roughshod over our nation that are sexually and murdering women
There are many thousands who should be in jail for treason, there are dozens who should be shot.....and I dont say that lightly as I generally dont believe in the death penalty....that is only for the most extreme circumstances.
There are many thousands who should be in jail for treason, there are dozens who should be shot.....and I dont say that lightly as I generally dont believe in the death penalty....that is only for the most extreme circumstances.
Would you be supporting Trump's message that drug dealers (including the illegal drug dealers) that kamala let into our country, that have led to the overdoses and deaths of 500 people or more should be given the death penalty?
Would you be supporting Trump's message that drug dealers (including the illegal drug dealers) that kamala let into our country, that have led to the overdoses and deaths of 500 people or more should be given the death penalty?
No...I support the death penalty only for treason, and only for the most extreme cases.
Would you be supporting Trump's message that drug dealers (including the illegal drug dealers) that kamala let into our country, that have led to the overdoses and deaths of 500 people or more should be given the death penalty? I also was on board with Trump when he said that anyone damaging or toppling historic statues will do a maximum of 10 years in jail. There's no fucking around when it comes to Trump's strength in dealing with these dangerous criminals and these anti American leftists.
Harris and Biden in a just world would be shot for treason.

This is not where we are.

Buckle Up.
Why do you think they should be shot for Treason?
Why do you think they should be shot for Treason and Trump shouldn't be?
They weren't the ones that had 12 Russian " Diplomats" in the W H or had a meeting with Putin WITHOUT even ANOTHER American in the Room let alone a RUSSIAN SPEAKING American.
I have asked many of times HOW do we know for SURE that Trump didn't sell or give those Russians OR Putin any of our SECRETS ?
Is it just a coincidence that NOT too long after Trump had these meetings with the Russians WITHOUT any other Americans in the room, That there was an Unexplained increase in our deep cover agents found and going missing and some found dead.
IF you want to charge anybody with Treason then YOU should be looking at Trump not Biden.
Have a nice day.
Why do you think they should be shot for Treason?
Why do you think they should be shot for Treason and Trump shouldn't be?
They weren't the ones that had 12 Russian " Diplomats" in the W H or had a meeting with Putin WITHOUT even ANOTHER American in the Room let alone a RUSSIAN SPEAKING American.
I have asked many of times HOW do we know for SURE that Trump didn't sell or give those Russians OR Putin any of our SECRETS ?
Is it just a coincidence that NOT too long after Trump had these meetings with the Russians WITHOUT any other Americans in the room, That there was an Unexplained increase in our deep cover agents found and going missing and some found dead.
IF you want to charge anybody with Treason then YOU should be looking at Trump not Biden.
Have a nice day.
You have not provided enough cred for me to invest into you.

Maybe Later.
TBird: I am being complementary ...there are many here that I never or almost never read...even when I receive a quote notice.

You at least have a shot at being deemed worthy of Hawkeye the Wise time.
I'd really like to get at least an unofficial head count on how many JPP lefties are going to flee the country when DJT is again elected POTUS? This way we can get a little early start at putting together a GOFUNDME to help pay the cost of ONE WAY tickets to ANYWHERE BUT HERE for these clowns. I'll even pledge the first C note just to start the ball rolling if it helps to get them out of here a little faster. The sooner the better...... :)
They're not going to flee. They'll take to the streets, burn, loot, and pillage with reckless abandon...
How about for the assassination of a president? I would suggest that biden and kamala's open border that has led
to the deaths of thousands of Americans to be considered treason.
Or how about possibly giving / selling Russians our secrets?
I will ask you like I have many other MAGA / Right wingers , and still haven't got any of them to answer. Just how do you know FOR SURE Trump didn't give / sell any of our secrets to those 12 Russians or Putin in their meetings when there WASN'T even one other American , let alone a Russian speaking American in the room?
MAGA / RIGHT WINGERS really need to take a step back and take a good look at what Trump has done and said what he wants to do,
IF they really did I am 100% sure it would scare the hell out of them like it does the rest of us.
Things like taking Revenge on their political opponents and jailing them, That is what DICTATORS do NOT US Presidents.
And Trump has said he want to be a Dictator even for a day, HE wants to be a dictator for a day , yes today , and remember it would be for TODAY and Tomorrow NEVER comes .
Letting people come into this country because you say we have open borders , and the Border patrol is working just like they have for years isn't ever NEAR the TREASON as what Trump MAY have committed .
Have a nice day
You have not provided enough cred for me to invest into you.

Maybe Later.
YOU know as well as I do Trump had 12 Russians in the W H and had a meeting with Putin and there was NOT any other American any where around, THAT IS A FACT.
SO tell us how do you or any MAGA fools know for SURE that he did NOT give / sell them any of our secrets???
I ask you could he have or not?
it is a simple yes or no question.
Is there a possibility that he may have ? that is another simple YES or NO question.
It is awful suspicious that not too long after Trump had these meetings there way an unexplained increase in our deep cover intel agents being found and some killed .
the FBI , CIA , NSA have all come out and said there was and that it happened not too long after Trump had these meetings.
Again a simple yes or no question , is it possible that Trump could have Given / sold them some of our secrets?
Have a nice day
YOU know as well as I do Trump had 12 Russians in the W H and had a meeting with Putin and there was NOT any other American any where around, THAT IS A FACT.
SO tell us how do you or any MAGA fools know for SURE that he did NOT give / sell them any of our secrets???
I ask you could he have or not?
it is a simple yes or no question.
Is there a possibility that he may have ? that is another simple YES or NO question.
It is awful suspicious that not too long after Trump had these meetings there way an unexplained increase in our deep cover intel agents being found and some killed .
the FBI , CIA , NSA have all come out and said there was and that it happened not too long after Trump had these meetings.
Again a simple yes or no question , is it possible that Trump could have Given / sold them some of our secrets?
Have a nice day
Your finger does not help your cause.

Obviously I did not read this.
YOU know as well as I do Trump had 12 Russians in the W H and had a meeting with Putin and there was NOT any other American any where around, THAT IS A FACT.
SO tell us how do you or any MAGA fools know for SURE that he did NOT give / sell them any of our secrets???
I ask you could he have or not?
it is a simple yes or no question.
Is there a possibility that he may have ? that is another simple YES or NO question.
It is awful suspicious that not too long after Trump had these meetings there way an unexplained increase in our deep cover intel agents being found and some killed .
the FBI , CIA , NSA have all come out and said there was and that it happened not too long after Trump had these meetings.
Again a simple yes or no question , is it possible that Trump could have Given / sold them some of our secrets?
Have a nice day
That's the high you get from beating the establishment. It will never happen again unless we the people join in on direct action to force the crazies out of DC.