Just for the record.

How many Trumpers are going to soil themselves and froth at the mouth about a stolen election when Harris wins? Will you attack Americans again? See, I can play this game too.
I'd really like to get at least an unofficial head count on how many JPP lefties are going to flee the country when DJT is again elected POTUS? This way we can get a little early start at putting together a GOFUNDME to help pay the cost of ONE WAY tickets to ANYWHERE BUT HERE for these clowns. I'll even pledge the first C note just to start the ball rolling if it helps to get them out of here a little faster. The sooner the better...... :)
I'll give a C note too if they really leave.
You are so behind dude,...catch up if you can. Someone else with much more authority has declared " The Regime" soon to be out of business. With every day that DJT is still breathing the world sees just how fragile, weak, and incompetent " The Regime" actually is. DJT will continue walking and breathing until well after his second term is complete. Furthermore,..." the regime" is utterly powerless to do a damn thing about it. Their frustration is showing,...and so is yours btw. :)
This is going to be to big to rig.
I have given YOU several links on several threads you are too fucking STUPID to remember.
What a fucking ASSHOLE
and still no link. LMFAO. you are a troll

$50 to anyone's favorite charity if they can find this gas lighting shit stain retards link in this thread posted before 3:10 CST
and still no link. LMFAO. you are a troll

$50 to anyone's favorite charity if they can find this gas lighting shit stain retards link in this thread posted before 3:10 CST
LOL hay ASSHOLE it was already past that time when you posted it, What is the matter too stupid to even read a clock?