Just gave myself covid test


It’s more like septic

Tears in my eyes.

I had my 4-month doctor checkup about 2 weeks ago. It came at the same time that I was getting sick. The symptoms I had fell in line with the flu and Covid. It turned out to be a respiratory virus infection It was a miserable 10 days. The fevers, weakness, coughing, and sneezing all making sleep nearly impossible. I gave it to my wife. She is starting to recover. She is not pleased. It is very contagious for 3 to 5 days. Then you are safe among others. I am still kicking up phlegm though. Everything is not covid.
Welp either I don't have covid or I did the test wrong. It's my first self test.

If your symptoms are mild like sniffles, a little cough, you probably have COVID.
If you feel like shit, can barely make it out of bed , you have a bad cold or the flu, in which case stay home and drink plenty of fluids, etc.
If the test comes back positive go about your normal business.
If your symptoms are mild like sniffles, a little cough, you probably have COVID.
If you feel like shit, can barely make it out of bed , you have a bad cold or the flu, in which case stay home and drink plenty of fluid,etc.
If the test comes back positive go about your normal business.

Actually I've had covid before. It does feel like shit. I couldn't move and had to remain in my bed for 24 hours.
Actually I've had covid before. It does feel like shit. I couldn't move and had to remain in my bed for 24 hours.

Me too. The strain that killed everyone. I never knew I had it until I got tested for the antibodies.
I also got the strain that causes sniffles.
Actually I've had covid before. It does feel like shit. I couldn't move and had to remain in my bed for 24 hours.

That was because you are in the increased risk category. Like a severe car wreck while infected, jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge while infected, Fentanyl overdose. Stuff like that.
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Oh thank the gods. But still, please take care of yourself and get well soon.

Thank you. I have been feeling better. A little headache and dizziness.

It was my first time at self test. After I placed 4 drops on the test device, it was fascinating to watch how the liquid would just slowly seep across very slowly to the C point. After it went past that point, it took like about 2 or 3 minutes before the red bar start to appear slowly.

I felt like a lab technician at that time. :laugh:
Thank you. I have been feeling better. A little headache and dizziness.

It was my first time at self test. After I placed 4 drops on the test device, it was fascinating to watch how the liquid would just slowly seep across very slowly to the C point. After it went past that point, it took like about 2 or 3 minutes before the red bar start to appear slowly.

I felt like a lab technician at that time. :laugh:

Or a mad scientist, which is even more fun. lol
LOL Most of my mad scientist days are over. One can only collect so many burn scars and singed eyebrows before realizing that one could start losing parts if not more careful. :thup:


I was really sad when Mythbusters quit producing new episodes. What a great show. I bet it inspired more than one kid to go into the STEM arena.