Just got back from Manhattan!

I'm saying there are better places to live than Manhattan. I don't need delivery.

There are better places to live than anywhere that doesn't have the things for which one is looking.
Obviously, we're not all looking for the same things.
Manhattan pretty much has the things for which I look, but I've always enjoyed my own hometown of Boston, and Manhattan is close enough to visit.

To the latter point, I find that a three-hour train ride gets you to Manhattan faster
than a forty-five minute flight to either of the airports in Queens.
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Only if you're visiting.

There's nothing like NYC. Next time plan to check out Greenwich Village at night.

You might just run into some very famous musicians.

As a 15 year old kid hanging out at Washington Square Park I met Bob Dylan. Got to see a lot of celebs in midtown
Then you agree that was pass interference in OT.

I was always a Rodgers fan, until the idiot opened his yap about 'woke' people and vaccines.

Now I'm loving the season he's having. I rooted for Dallas for the first time...ever...last week.

Yep! I hate bad calls like everyone else. Mostly, I hate them when they are called on my Boys. :laugh:
The Great late Tom Landry used to tell his players, "I don't want to hear anyone crying about a bad call, because there is never a single play going to decide a football game, or one that can't be overcome, as there will always be plenty of other reasons why we lost the game to be thinking about".

Most football players look at them like this- "Oh well, it was just one call, and it makes up for all the things I did that I should nave been flagged on that I got by with", and they just get ready for the next play- next game- or next season- as it happens to be.

And you are right- Politics and sports do not mix- Just as Politics and Show business do not mix!
The worst thing a popular athlete or Star can do is piss off about half of his potential fandom! And things said, can't be unsaid.
As a 15 year old kid hanging out at Washington Square Park I met Bob Dylan. Got to see a lot of celebs in midtown
Yep. There's something magical about NYC. You never know what might happen in the clubs at night.
Yep! I hate bad calls like everyone else. Mostly, I hate them when they are called on my Boys. :laugh:
The Great late Tom Landry used to tell his players, "I don't want to hear anyone crying about a bad call, because there is never a single play going to decide a football game, or one that can't be overcome, as there will always be plenty of other reasons why we lost the game to be thinking about".

Most football players look at them like this- "Oh well, it was just one call, and it makes up for all the things I did that I should nave been flagged on that I got by with", and they just get ready for the next play- next game- or next season- as it happens to be.

And you are right- Politics and sports do not mix- Just as Politics and Show business do not mix!
The worst thing a popular athlete or Star can do is piss off about half of his potential fandom! And things said, can't be unsaid.
Agree about a single play/bad call, but when it happens on third down in OT it kind of makes a difference!

Sure...you can point to bad plays all game that made OT necessary, but the playing field is leveled once again once regulation is over.

Nobody got more bad calls in his favor than Brady. Still.
Agree about a single play/bad call, but when it happens on third down in OT it kind of makes a difference!

Sure...you can point to bad plays all game that made OT necessary, but the playing field is leveled once again once regulation is over.

Nobody got more bad calls in his favor than Brady. Still.

I am just glad that the NFL saw Donald Trump coming and Banned him from owning any NFL team.

Otherwise, there would be a lawsuit every time he lost a bad call or game!

And because he would corrupt the league by violating every rule- every norm- in the book!
I am just glad that the NFL saw Donald Trump coming and Banned him from owning any NFL team.

Otherwise, there would be a lawsuit every time he lost a bad call or game!

And because he would corrupt the league by violating every rule- every norm- in the book!
LOL. Real billionaires hate fake billionaires
Real Billionaires don't have 400 billion dollars in 3rd world loans that are used to float their Billionaire status! Most especially when they have no way to actually pay the loans Back!
Real empires don't have $30 trillion in debt to float their empire status.